Druid could get Sire Denathrius very easily with Capture Coldtooth Mine, the rest of classes will have to use Taelan Fordring in order to get it, very powerful for it's lore and flavor and....... coolness of course.
It's a bad card, because I think infuse decks will have a lot of small tokens to die in order to activate them, so in more than less cases it only will be a 6/6 or something like that.
On a second thougt maybe the 7 mana minions are too powerful and this card is created to dilute the pool for evolution effects.
Very good on mid game and useful tool for control warrior
I would love to see Remornia interaction with weapon synergies like Upgrade!
Very powerful and flavorful
Very powerful in wild comboed with Commanding Shout and Whirlwind.
Hope Olgra and Mankrik will reunite soon, I wold love it becuase they are always searching for each other in life and after life
Abominable Lieutenant on steroids if you manage to surive until turn 9 and have the card dead in your hand for 5 turns
With the expansion theme it gets very flavor, but most of the cases it will only be a vanilla 3/4
I just put in Prince Renathal in every deck, just for fun, and in order the get more time to achievement hunting
Druid could get Sire Denathrius very easily with Capture Coldtooth Mine, the rest of classes will have to use Taelan Fordring in order to get it, very powerful for it's lore and flavor and....... coolness of course.
Ok this is the OTK tool on combo decks for cheating Sire Denathrius. Poor Kael his destiny is always getting nerfed
It's a bad card, because I think infuse decks will have a lot of small tokens to die in order to activate them, so in more than less cases it only will be a 6/6 or something like that.
On a second thougt maybe the 7 mana minions are too powerful and this card is created to dilute the pool for evolution effects.
Ok, it's a tech card, but we will wait if locations are truly played in order to know if this card it's useful or not
I think you can't play it on curve, unless you have played cards that summon multiple tokens in order to activate the infusion effect
It have vanilla stats with an upside, so maybe it can see play, plus, discover another copy of a card in your decks will give you some advantage
Very strange card, i think it's a pack filler with some 'fun' effect
Wow, very strong stats and very powerful with taunt and deathrattle.
Very solid card
Has a deathrattle and vanilla stats, very weak against silence
Very good for make your opponent use his crystals in an inefficient way, can give some kind of advantage against a quest priest
I love that every class will use secrets with this
Very powerful if infused, but has vanilla stats if doesn't.
It's better on turn 5-6
Very good if you don't get an Doomsayer
Very powerful with other deathrattles that can make face damage and obviously with Kel'thuzad