Very powerful to discover a legendary fr one mana, but it's too good to be true, so it have a downside
Very powerful with Cathedral of Atonement played in curve and have potential with Boon of the Ascended too, fuel for inner fire priest
Ok, it's a better Thoughtsteal just for the discover mechanic, you can alway select the cards that benefit you the most
Lightbomb is that you?
For just 1 mana is a very powerful minion clear tool
If you manage to set Snowfall Graveyard and Forsaken Lieutenant with Sketchy Information and a secret played you can copy Halkias like Greybough at it's moment of glory
It seems it's going to be a lot of anti-weapon tech meta
Very powerful disruption tool if you manage to activate it and spoiling your opponent strategy
If you run some silence or return the sack to your hand is a very powetrful tool for board clear, specially on later turns
Very powerful because of the stealth, is something like Scabbs shadows. Yout minions will live until the next turn, i think this enable some brutal finishers
Very strong if you can mange to use the second copy and the use the location and summon a big minion or playing Necrolord Draka to get a giant knife
It seems that rogue will be a very combo oriented, using a lot of cards in order to get a giant minion or a full charged spell to finish yout opponent
It spoils your opponent curve, and forcinf unoptimal plays. Very strong
O yeah, you are rigth man.
Sorry for the confusion
I am thinking on the highroll of getting Remornia, Living Blade out of his battlecry and make an Remornia's duel with your opponent
Edit: Silly comment lol
Very good combo with Crazed Wretch buffing him in order to get an otk
A beautiful combo with Tome Tampering having the 2 copies on hand, it will destroy 2 random minions and have another 2 copies for use
It will be an interesting combo with To the Front! and affects like that in order to fill your bord and use it as a board clear
I think this is a great draw engine for big warior but only time will tell if it is a functional archetype
Very strong synergy with Sanguine Depths and some handbuff in order to make him hit like a truck
It's a must kill target if you want to ressist aggro decks first turns
Very powerful to discover a legendary fr one mana, but it's too good to be true, so it have a downside
Very powerful with Cathedral of Atonement played in curve and have potential with Boon of the Ascended too, fuel for inner fire priest
Ok, it's a better Thoughtsteal just for the discover mechanic, you can alway select the cards that benefit you the most
Lightbomb is that you?
For just 1 mana is a very powerful minion clear tool
If you manage to set Snowfall Graveyard and Forsaken Lieutenant with Sketchy Information and a secret played you can copy Halkias like Greybough at it's moment of glory
It seems it's going to be a lot of anti-weapon tech meta
Very powerful disruption tool if you manage to activate it and spoiling your opponent strategy
If you run some silence or return the sack to your hand is a very powetrful tool for board clear, specially on later turns
Very powerful because of the stealth, is something like Scabbs shadows. Yout minions will live until the next turn, i think this enable some brutal finishers
Very strong if you can mange to use the second copy and the use the location and summon a big minion or playing Necrolord Draka to get a giant knife
It seems that rogue will be a very combo oriented, using a lot of cards in order to get a giant minion or a full charged spell to finish yout opponent
It spoils your opponent curve, and forcinf unoptimal plays. Very strong
O yeah, you are rigth man.
Sorry for the confusion
I am thinking on the highroll of getting Remornia, Living Blade out of his battlecry and make an Remornia's duel with your opponent
Edit: Silly comment lol
Very good combo with Crazed Wretch buffing him in order to get an otk
A beautiful combo with Tome Tampering having the 2 copies on hand, it will destroy 2 random minions and have another 2 copies for use
It will be an interesting combo with To the Front! and affects like that in order to fill your bord and use it as a board clear
I think this is a great draw engine for big warior but only time will tell if it is a functional archetype
Very strong synergy with Sanguine Depths and some handbuff in order to make him hit like a truck
It's a must kill target if you want to ressist aggro decks first turns