I don't see it. If it was 1 mana it would be busted. At 2 you might force your opponent to use some bad hero powers or some burn but other than it would probably be better to just run an op 2 drop. In the late game a delayed 3/6 means little and burning a card that makes your hero immune just to proc this effect is most likely not worth the effort.
A minnion that tutors for your win condition? I would say it's an auto include in a Galakrond deck even without the Devastation effect. Might even avoid using it until you are Galakrond just to get the powerfull effect. Seems like the Zilliax of the Galakrond decks.
I don't see it. Could be good in a perfect Priest opener, but then you might as well buff your Northsire to get some draw out of her. Might find some use in a token deck but would need some good mech buffs to go with it but since it's a terrible late draw I doubt it.
Oohh boy a better equality combined with a 2 mana 7/6. One more mana than the not so good Equality + Consecration combo but which leaves you with a 7/6 body. Still even as in control decks, Hunters usually prefer cards that push for face damage instead of just board clears.
I have not been in touch with wild lately but is Antique Healbot still that good for Palladin? Amber Watcher does not seem that good to me. I think at 5 mana you need more than solid stats and self heal.
I think unless you actually construct an OTK combo with this, you would want a more consistent deathrattle than Waxadred along the lines of Mechanical Whelp .
This could be another board filler for Token Druid or similar decks which would make it quite promising. Also, boy would you be happy to get this in your arena deck.
I don't see it. If it was 1 mana it would be busted. At 2 you might force your opponent to use some bad hero powers or some burn but other than it would probably be better to just run an op 2 drop. In the late game a delayed 3/6 means little and burning a card that makes your hero immune just to proc this effect is most likely not worth the effort.
Might find some use in Priest or against Big Priest to mess up their revives but probably not. Seems like a mediocre 4 drop taunt at best.
A minnion that tutors for your win condition? I would say it's an auto include in a Galakrond deck even without the Devastation effect. Might even avoid using it until you are Galakrond just to get the powerfull effect. Seems like the Zilliax of the Galakrond decks.
Might find some use in a Combo deck but I doubt it since Blizzard generally avoids printing OTK combos that involve Stealth.
I don't see it. Could be good in a perfect Priest opener, but then you might as well buff your Northsire to get some draw out of her. Might find some use in a token deck but would need some good mech buffs to go with it but since it's a terrible late draw I doubt it.
Oohh boy a better equality combined with a 2 mana 7/6. One more mana than the not so good Equality + Consecration combo but which leaves you with a 7/6 body. Still even as in control decks, Hunters usually prefer cards that push for face damage instead of just board clears.
I have not been in touch with wild lately but is Antique Healbot still that good for Palladin? Amber Watcher does not seem that good to me. I think at 5 mana you need more than solid stats and self heal.
I think unless you actually construct an OTK combo with this, you would want a more consistent deathrattle than Waxadred along the lines of Mechanical Whelp .
Seems like the tempo version of Lesser Amethyst Spellstone . If dragon warlock is a thing this will most certainly be included I'd wager.
Maybe someone manages to make a good one-of warlock deck that contains enough synergy do add this to the deck?
I would think if this sees play it would be as a refill mechanic/extra oomph for a zoo/early game deck.
Might be good with the hunter hero and a lucky order but propably not gonna see play.
Propably meme tier Gonk deck, don't see how it could be worth taking up a slot in your deck unless there are some low cost spell combos.
This could be another board filler for Token Druid or similar decks which would make it quite promising. Also, boy would you be happy to get this in your arena deck.
Well, I would assume you auto include this in every Priest deck, unless you are playing a very specific combo deck that can't afford a slot for it.
If dragon Paladin turns out to be good then this might be good just as a low cost minion, since dragon decks usually have a high cost minion curve.
Not for me it doesn't.
Battletag: Impetuous#2410
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first
Favorite moment was opening most of the unplayable legendaries on the first day.
Battletag: Impetuous#2410
Region: EU
Trade Only?: Yes, you go first.