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Eldritch Horror
Joined 05/29/2019 Achieve Points 230 Posts 50

TheHoax91's Comments

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 6 months ago

    Very nice theme! Here is my first idea:

    I hope from the card text it is clear what the card does (it moves up 1 spot everytime you cast a spell). It's possible to explain the effect more in detail, but the cardtext gets really small...

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Here's my first idea. Sorry I don't have internet on my PC right now, and just posting this from my phone already was an absolute feedback will have to wait until thursday or friday.

    Edit: Eaten minions are destroyed.

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago
    Quote From thepowrofcheese
    Quote From Hoax91

    Could I make a Neutral card?

    No because then you’d have a neutral card in your deck...

    Not when it's in my hand obviously...

    Per the rules it is allowed, which is why I asked if they want to change that. No reason to downvote in discussion thread imo.

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Could I post this (grossly overpowered as it is) without being disqualified, or do you want to update the rules?

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    I prefer the 2nd one, where each side matches with its border.

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    For Mage this is a more expensive Mana Cyclone without body, that gives better spells. For Paladin this is a way to turn a hand that's filled with 0-Cost Libram of Wisdom into somehting more useful.

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 7 months ago

    Blizzard has done a stunning job with some of the art on dual class cards and how they include the two classes colors. Commencement is usually given as the prime example for this (even though I prefer Groundskeeper). Instead of balance or flavor I'll give some feedback on art ONLY this time around. Note, art is very subjective, so feel free to completely disagree with me =)

    Show Spoiler

    bananenparty - Baby Amalgam has as many colors as tribes! The best thing about this is they miraculously fit together (Yellow on the arm and Attack, red on the eye and Health, purple on wings arm leg face and the rarity gem, etc…) 5/5

    Demonxz95 - I could say something about a Shaman/Paladin card being called Magician, but I'll shut up and give you your 5 stars! 5/5

    MrRhapsody - Brown and purple tones are both present on the card and FIT (it's probably the green that makes it possible). I know this is not an epic effect, but there is a slight chance that it looks even better with that purple gem. 5/5 (because brown and purple should be impossible to combine, and this card does it anyway)

    RealJC1234TheToonist - The red just doesn't fit and i absolutely prefer warcraft art on hearthone cards. 2/5

    DestroyerR - Brown and purple are hard to combine, so i don't mind that the art is mostly purple on the main card and brown/red on the tokens. Making tokens that look like they belong to one another is always a HUGE + in my book! Might look even better if it was epic. 4/5

    BasilAnguis - It's fine. The green is there, and i can see a hint of blue on the robe, but the red beard and robe details don't syngerize with the rest of the card. 3/5

    BasilAnguis - Maybe that is just german bias, but yes black, red, gold is a perfect fit. You're lucky the Rogue border also has some gold in it xD 5/5

    Sinth - The colors are there. The green doesn't conflict too much with the rest of the image. 4/5

    Elfensilver - I prefer Murloc on turtle. It has all the colors you need (even goes well with the rare gem). It looks a bit empty, but I'd prefer this 100 times over the clusterfuck that is the Grand Tournament guy =) 4/5

    KANSAS - Colors are almost perfect. The green scarf is irritating me a bit. Doesn't feel hearthstone-ish. 3/5

    Shivershine - Colors are perfect. Doesn't feel hearthstone-ish though. 4/5

    thepowrofcheese - There's nothing green in the art, but there's also nothing that conflict's with the green border. Generally good and thematically fitting art. 3/5

    shaveyou - Fits very well with the Priest border, and since black and white goes with anything it's fine. I know you cannot really pick another art for this card, I'm just sad because it would be perfect if the Priestess had some green on her robe =) 3/5

    anchorm4n - Green + Black + Blue + Red + Gold = Nope; Sry… 1/5

    linkblade91 - Art is a bit pale compared to the Paladin border, but the colors fit and it makes up a lot with flavor =) 4/5

    BloodMefist - Technically both the colours are very prominent on the foreground. The only issue I have is, that Druid and Paladin colours are almost identically so it's missing some contrast to that. Is that why it's a rare? 4/5

    Nirast - It has some red and some brown, but it's dominated by the light blue on the left and the golden details on the right… 3/5

    grumpymonk - The art for this is perfect, just as flavor, effect and balance. 5/5

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    In case I can't come up with anything I could just submit my entry from last week xD

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Very interesting theme! Here are my first ideas:

    Aldor Artificer - Very simple card generation tool. Probably too simple to make it far in a competition...

    Felo'melorn - There are a few things going on here. This costs the same as Kael'thas Sunstrider, one of its previous owners. It deals 6 damage just like Fireball, which is the standard fire spell in World of Warcraft. If you kill a 1-Health minion with this you basically gain Malygos' effect for one turn. Besides Blingtron 3000 there is no way to cheat this out as a Mage, but you can set this up a turn (or more) before if your opponent has no weapon removal.



    Show Spoiler

    linkblade91 - Plague Doctor has really nice flavor and seems prefectly balanced. The only way to improve it would probably be to put it into the same expansion as Xaril… Dual Wielding is weird, because yes you're holding two weapons in your hand, but no you're not actually dual wielding them. Balance-wise it should be fine… exceptc an you imagine drawing a buffed Kingsbane with this?

    MenacingBagel - Mr. Chu seems fine balance wise…but yeah it's just a generic Bomb Warrior card. Otto the Flipper makes absolutely no sense to me. Do you mind posting an existing card or Mr. Chu being affected by this?

    Demonxz95 - Felfire Fury: 'Choose a minion. Deal 2 damage to all others/all other minions.' Soul Enchantress: 'Your cards that give Attack or Health also give +1/+1.' Soul Enchantress has the additional problem that there are cards that give buffs to your hero and it's unclear how it interacts with those.

    grumpymonk - Bestow Faith wording is weird. 'If it's a minion…' makes no sense because there is no 'it' you could possibly refer to. Also 'Health' is capitalized. My suggestion would be to make it always target a minion: 'Restore 12 Health to a minion, and any excess healing to your hero.' If you want to only heal your hero you can still target any minion that is at full Health. I had the same exact idea as Keeper Remulos and found that it could be a lot cheaper. My card was 3 mana 1/4 which makes 3x1x4=12; In the first sentence you can say 'Mana' without 'Crystals'. That way the line breaks exactly where the new sentence begins.

    Pokeniner - Does it deal excess damage to all other enemy minions or randomly split between them or to one random enemy minion? Depending on the answer this is balanced or not… Also the wording probably should make that clear.

    CursedParrot - Forced Summoning feels super weird, simply because it refers to a non-existent spell by name. Disciple of Krag'wa probably should be a little bit weaker to punish it for its flexibility. Kirin Tor Arcanist is my favorite out of the three but could be bit cheaper, since you have to spend extra mana on the spell in order to get the effect.

    DestroyerR - Exceptionally unexpected, yet inexecutable.

    Valor1204 - The effect is nice, but really has nothing to do with Imps OR Implosions. Balance-wise this might be too expensive at 4 Mana. Unless I'm misreading this it continually swaps sides whenever it kills a minion until 8 damage is done? 2-3 Mana should be fine. Also that art makes my eyes bleed…

    BloodMefist - My favorite out of the three is Corpse Explosion. I think it is too specific though. If you remove the Deathrattle requirement the card text could be a LOT shorter as well. 'Deal 2 damage to all minions. If any die add a 'Corspe Explosion' to your hand.' To make up for the easier to fulfill condtiotn you could increase Mana Cost to 4. However I think your version is balanced the way it is and very flavorful! Btw Shadow Seer would be disqualified for using the word 'next'.

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    So I know exactly which character I want to use this week! I'm not sure at all what the effect should be...

    Both of theese 're-originate' decks in a way, but I'm not sold on it...

    Aynways, here's some feedback:

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    linkblade91 - Meteor Fall could be really good if it targeted only minions instead of characters. Of the Vindicaars i prefer the 8 Mana version. Maybe it could give Divine Shield and Rush kind of like a Space Paladin Magic Carpet on steroids^^

    Demonxz95 - Celestial Crafter just screams Boomsday Mage-card to me! Fits very nicely with the Astronomy theme they had going on. I know Starace says Spell Damage +3 on it, but to get good value out of it you ahve to use aoe, so it's fine. Also very nice Elemental Allies synergy there^^

    Xarkkal - So that's worth…18…26 Mana, but you only pay 10? Seems balanced. Really! This is no joke! Actually…I'll have to deal with all those minions at some point anyways so why not Plague of Death them all at once =P

    KANSAS - For me the main issue is not the fact that there is a Token, but that the name is so long that it makes the original card's tect so small… The overall concept of making space and time into related cards isn't bad at all =)

    MenacingBagel - I'm pretty sure the portals were from a different expansion. The idea has potential though =)

    BloodMefist - Out of the three I like Event Horizon the most, but what happens if there is no middle minion? Algalon's effect while interesting is just too long. Colour from Space is 3x Evolve with restriction…I don't see the connection there…

    shaveyou - Hunter's Moon does a good job of connecting the theme to a class in a way that makes sense. Homemade Shuttle probably should have 1 Attack less and a Mech tag… Not the most mind-blowing card I've ever seen, but probably the only one that in some form will end up in the game =)

    BasilAnguis - Gravity Well works very (wait for it) 'well' thematically. Sorry it's 1:40 in the morning where I live. Balance seems fine, too. I think it's my favorite out of the three. Comet can set you up for a nasty surprise against warrior or Priest (only in wild), but otherwise it's fine. Crack in time seems really weak. Why would you put this in your deck over Frost Nova?

    anchorm4n - Ebb and Flow can seem very powerful compared to Flamestrike or The Forest's Aid, but I think the powerlvl is fine since the card in reality is NOT flexible at all. Instead it will just screw you over when you need a boardclear xD The moon-theme is also a very nice variation on the space-prompt. The warrior card…I can't put my finger on it…sry… Anyway's I'm looking forward to that Worgen card^^

    Beatdoof - Wow. I love it. Simple yet powerful. Perfectly fits the Mage-Astronomy theme from Boomsday. I'm not 100% sure on the art, but that is an easy 5 star card there imo^^

    MrRhapsody - Comet Trip seems like a VERY expensive removal/not removal tool to me. Why would you run this over Polymorph, ever? Reduce the Cost to 4 and we're talking^^ Far Sighted Telescope feels very similar to Sightless Watcher, but you could add a little twist. 'Put one on top, or don't.' Then it just needs a Token for the 'Don't' option like Vulpera Scoundrel for its mystery option. Solar Flare seems too RNG to me…

    Inconspicuosaurus - My problem with this card is kind of that its strength is also its weakness. You can make two ridiculously strong minions, but they can both die to one Deadly Shot… That's a bit too risky for my taste. I wouldn't change the stats, but maybe reduce the cost… to 4? Think about it: Can your opponent remove a 4/4 on turn 4? Most likely yes. If you buff this you have to wait for a later turn anyway and invest more cards, which kind of justifies the power level. Some mechanical questions: Holy Nova kills this, right? If you buff this with Divine Shield Flamestrike kills this, right? Considering that, it also feels weak against AoE, which justifies the lower cost even more!

    CursedParrot - That's a really nice idea. I feel like the effect is special (and value) enough to make this a Legendary. That way you avoid sitting on a second (useless) copy of the minion while the weapon is equipped as well.

    Wailor - Generally I enjoy the art of all three cards. Gravity Crash and The Big Freeze fit their repsective classes very well and bring somehting slightly different to the table, but what I like the most is Space Time Rip! I think it costs too much. I know it can attack immediately, but you still have to pay this on top of what the minion costs. Just make sure not to make it 1 Mana to Combo with Malygos and you're fine =)

    Pokeniner - I'd prefer Nether-terrestrial to say 'Destroy all minions.' instead of 'Cast Twisting Nether.' It's just what Blizzard would do since that's easier to understand.  I like Kirin Tor Astrologist a lot. I fear though that even IF you explain exactly what it does (which is correct since it doesn't say 'or' but 'and') people won't read or understand the explanation. I'd vote that at least 4 stars, but you probably won't get far with it. Extraterrestrial Arcane is a very interesting Combo enabler. Balance is fine I think since you basically sacrifice an entire turn playing mediocre elementals.

    Hordaki - I like the idea. I also am a huge fan of alternate wording, but…it shouldn't be the same as Reno's, since Boom is no mage. Maybe something like 'Send a minion into space! (It will never come back.)' will do the trick.

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Before I get to work on my submission for this week, here are some things I want to share.

    I went through last weeks discussion thread and gathered some data.
    Below you'll see: Total number (posted within 1st 24 hours in %);
    (I excluded posts containing neither cards nor feedback. Therefore page 5 isn't considered at all.)

    -Posts containing cards: 45(71%);
    -Cards posted: 105(74%);
    -Posts containing feedback: 23(65%);
    -Feedback posted: 270(73%);
    -Average number of cards per card post: 2,3;
    -Average number of cards adressed per feedback post: 11,7;

    -More than 70% of all content is posted within the 1st 24 hours;
    -There is at least one post containing 5 or more cards on each page;
    -About 83% of all feedback is provided by 8 users;
    -About 50% of all users do not provide any feedback;
    -There is an extreme case of someone posting 5 times, including 11 different cards of their own, but not a single line of feedback;

    Make of the data what you thoughts are in the spoiler:

    Show Spoiler

    -I suggest locking submission for at least 24 hours after the thread opens, so it stays relevant longer;
    -Please think about the cards before vomiting your entire collection into the thread. Posts with more than 3 cards make meaningful feedback difficult;
    -If you want feedback from others please give some yourself! You don't have to respond to every post, but maybe 2-3?

    Edit: Grammar, Typos, etc...

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I got a bit carried away by the theme. The results are everything but normal. Let me know what you think:

    Quick round of feedback:

    Show Spoiler

    Neoguli - I very much prefer Zaraam. It even inspired me to do my own version. I agree with others that its stats should be a bit worse to balance out the permanent upside it provides.

    Wailor - 3/3/4 'When one of the lovers dies, so does the other.' I'd suggest Romulo to be textless, so you can Silence Juliette to save him/her…

    Shivershine -  Very nice Highlander support. Try to zoom/move/replace the art so there is no tect on his pants…

    Hordaki - Of the three I prefer Ivan. He ssems a little bit expensive though.

    Nirast - 'All' isn't all caps if it is restricted to friendly Deathrattles only. Rikkar was never a boss we fought iirc?

    Cg8889 - Krizik has a crazy effect. That's a variation I Haven't seen yet. I like it a lot.

    MenacingBagel - Deryl is really nice and i dare say balanced, but people will struggle to understand what it does no matter how good you word it out… Icarax captures the essence of Wrath very well. 'ALL' should be all caps though…

    KANSAS - How exactly is 3/3/4 more AESTHETICALLY pleasing than 3/3/3? I'm curious. Besides that the card is just too strong in its current form. 

    Elfensilver - I'd prefer this to give random rogue spells, because many of them have to do with cutting… That and every other custom Rogue card has burgle synergies already…

    meisterz39 - I prefer Cragtorr and Xur'ios. Cragtorr maybe is a bit strong compared to Glowfly Swarm, since it has no restrictions…

    grumpymonk - Illidara seems dangerously close to OP. I like Alda the most, because it incentifies diverse deck building. 'Costs' should be capitalized.

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From shaveyou

    I'm going with the Black King here. Very like Moat Lurker, but not as bad. I'm not really seeing the flavour though. 

    Yeah it's weird... In chess you can only move the king to take out another chess-piece, if your opponent can't beat the King next turn. The way you want to play this card is kind of the same.

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Here are my first's late at night, so I'll probably have some better ideas tomorrow, but if you like something (or not) feel free to comment on it!

    Heigan art kind of sucks imo...but if you like the effect I'll find something better =)

    Feedback (Sorry if I didn't get to you):

    Show Spoiler

    linkblade91 - Maybe Neutral is the way to go? It won't be too strong in Mage, primarily because you can only Freeze a character once per turn and aoe Freeze effects are too expansive to combine with this.

    KANSAS - I like the Mirror the most. How does it work if there is no minion EXACTLY opposite of it, but two? I'm pretty sure Mute is not a functional card, because it implies minions are UN-silenced when it is destroyed. For the wording on Tad you might want to look at Wrathion.

    anchorm4n - Apart from the obvious things (spelling, text clipping Attack, missing art and token) this looks like a really nice card. My concern is similar to Juliette right after you: I feel like your card actually makes it easier to deal with your minions…but I'm also not sure how to fix that.

    Wailor - Flavorwise, Juliette is on point, but it's underpowered. One of the two is always going to be the weak link so to say. It actually makes them easier to remove then a vanilla 3 mana 3/4. Not a big fan of Xol… The Mute is nice, but I'm sure we'll see a lot more than just 2 versions of it this week^^

    Demonxz95 - I prefer Xatma. It does what the name suggests without completely runining your opponents life. I just wish there was a way to prevent the resummoning xD Frostfur has really nice flavor, but I still prefer Xatma.

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Only Solo adventures (Naxx, Blackrock, League and Karazhan) or other Solo Content as well (like Dungeon Run)?

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Thank's for the feedback so far! I'm glad people like Zul, but I decided I'll retire him for a future competition where its effect can be a Battlecry instead of a Hero Power. I scrapped Rune of Destruction completely and changed A'dal a bit. Its Hero Power is now Humility instead of Righteousness. I also came up with an idea for Druid:

    Edit: Noticed a typo on Symbiosis, that obviously won't be submitted like this^^

    More feedback:

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    DestroyerR - The big issue I have with this is, that the card doesn't say what exactly the Power does… Edit: This can be fixed. For example:

    Show Spoiler

    CapnMunch - Good job on coming up with a Neutral card that has good use in more than one class. As you said this probably is Hakkar's best friend in Control decks, which even adds to the flavor! The card could use some better art though. Maybe something like this =>

    bigcums - Iron Wrath seems like an unnecessary removal tool for control Warriors. It's a nice idea, but what Warrior will ever use this over the myriad of control tools they already have? I like the Master Summoner better effect-wise. It seems too expensive at 7 Mana. If you don't combo this with Frost Nova you're dead. Also the art seems un-warcraftish (what a word =S) to me…

    anchorm4n - I think making it a Deathrattle is all the change it needs. Really nice card, very fitting of Mages!

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Here's my first round of ideas. I'll add the Hero Power when I decide which one to go with...

    Paladin has a strong effect with a big condition.
    Priest does not change your Hero Power permanently. That's an aura, not a Battlecry!
    Shaman puts your opponent on a 10 turn timer...
    I like Priest a lot, but feel like the text is too long... So maybe I'll come up with something simpler tomorrow^^

    Anyways here's some feedback:

    Show Spoiler

    Demonxz95 - What if your opponent has a Passive Hero Power?

    linkblade91 - Of the three I prefer 'To the Arena!' because it does more than just changing your Hero Power.

    Inconspicuosaurus - I like the card. I think it fits better into Hunter thematically, the way you suggested. The only thing that really bothers me is the word 'Radical' for some reason =S I don't know I'd go for something like 'Probing' (like experimenting with the other minions) or 'Ruthless' (like he doesn't care too much about their well-being while conducting those experiments).

    MenacingBagel - Don't think 3 Tokens will be possible this week. Nevermind. 

    Dermostatic - Sometimes simple is what people want. I like this. I'd cut Mana cost down to 2 though. Trust me you will NEVER want to pay 6 Mana for ONE Treant! 

    KANSAS - I'm not sure about this. It seems great against aggro IF you run a lot of Armor-gain cards. It seems a bit too good as aggro. And for control or quest warrior I think it's too early on turn 2. Those decks would probably prefer a bigger and more costly body with Taunt over the 2 Mana 1/4, which would also solve the aggro problem.

    Tox - My guess would be. You play this and 3 spells, then it dies. Your next 3 Hero Powers are 'Draw a card.' Still might be too complicated for some people…

    Pokeniner - Very falvorful, no doubt, but I think it's still too similar to Metamorphosis. Also the Hero power would probably be called 'Sling Fire' if you want to use the same word-family.

    shaveyou - My favorite so far. I really like how you used the Hero Power as a drawback.

    meisterz39 - Very falvorful, and you managed to use less than 4 lines. Nice!

    Conduit - Friendly minion is definetly better, and yes 1-Mana should be fine. 

    MurlocAggroB - Cards that change your Hero Power don't just say the name of the Hero Power. They say what it does. I know that doesn't fit on the card, but that's just how it is.

    DescentOfDragonsOp - Volcanic Elemental should probably have an Elemental tag. Also Eviscerate as Hero Power seems too strong, especially without any conditions.

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago
    Quote From Conduit

    Good luck to everyone! I think this theme has the most 5-stars I've ever given, a lot of you did really good!

    I definetly agree with this! I found a lot of entries that instantly resonatetd with me or that i thought were really creative. That's probably because the theme (while on paper it has huge restrictions) is very open, since the quests are all VERY different. So basically if you have a cool idea, it might need some tweaks, but it's probably going to fit somewhere =)

    There's to hope future themes are similarly open. Not in a 'do-whatever-you-want' way, but with creative restrictions!

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Thank you for your feedback. I realized my Mage card would only make sense against certain type of opponents (token decks mainly), so I scrapped the idea. I feel like I'm gonna stick to Mage though for this competition. This is waht I came up with so far:

    The first version felt too weak so I added some damage. Unfortunately the text now is 4 lines long, but I think the flavor is there anyways =)

    Edit: Third version added for flavor-overkill... Seems too weak though -.-

    More Feedback:

    Show Spoiler

    Thez - Nice effect. Could see play in any 1-Quest Warrior, which is good because nobody in the right mind would play both quests in the same deck.

    DescentOfDragonsOp - Still feels strong, but not OP anymore. Other than that the effect seems pretty boring…

    Inconspicuosaurus - Definetley the second version! The minion might die in your opponents turn and usually you don't get to cast anything during that time. No need to change that.

    KANSAS - Racing Minecart is simple, but I like it a lot. Just needs a Token =) Morgl the Oracle has a nice effect, but please do NOT use the same exact art as the hero… Zealous Priest is insanely OP. Those are better than vanilla stats with potentially POSITIVE card text!?

    shaveyou - I very much prefer the Priest card. Excellent design. Makes Priest Hero Power useful. Sorry, but why is there a Monkey in Paladin? I hate it, but that is just personal preference, not bad design or anything^^

    Cg8889 - The Paladin is the most interesting of your cards imo. For the wording I'd prefer "Deathrattle: Add a random Blessing to your hand."

    grumpymonk - I love the art of your cards. Especially the Murlocs, because it can be really hard for the card and the Token to fit together so well. That being said Amber Rager technically is missing two Tokens, and Tricks of the Trade seems dangerous to me, especially when the majority of your hand is discounted to (0).

    DestroyerR - Very unique effect. Also good thinking to make this an aura =) Seems balanced to me.

    Thonson - First of all the flavor of this is off the charts. People will struggle to understand why this has Reborn without your explanation though…

    CapnMunch - Good thinking. Looks like it would be fun with Dr. Booms Hero Powers…which is the main issue here. You would play this with Dr. Boom, Mad Genius and not with any quest.

    Xarkkal - There's a general problem with Choose One cards where theoratically you need to make at least 2 tokens (in your case 3) for the card to be complete. The effect is really nice though. The Murloc as well. I don't know if one would ever play Battlecry-Murloc-Shaman, but it sounds a lot of fun!

    Nirast - Too much text. Also that has to be the most generic card name I've ever seen…

    bananenparty - Very nice. I especially like how you use one Quest as a requirement instead of trying to complete both Quests. If you look to improve the card I'd search for some better art. The current one kind of vanishes in the Rogue-black frame.


  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Here are my first ideas:

    You want at least 3 enemy minions for this to be worth it. Zul'Drak Ritualist says hello!

    Turns all your minions into the last minion you played Shifter Zerus style, until you play one.


    Show Spoiler

    Pokeniner - It's probably a bit too easy to finish the Quest…

    MrRhapsody - Even though I really like the card, I feel like Choose One is not gonna cut it this time. People will probably look for a "If you have unspent mana…" card.

    Demonxz95 - Very nice card. So good in fact that i won#t bother posting my Paladin card xD I also tried finding some Mummy artwork for a buff-spell… Let's say you suceeded where I failed.

    linkblade91 - The effect doesn't feel Legendary to me. Also Baine Bloodhoof art generally doesn't fit nicely on a hearthstone card imo (I tried…). Here is some badass Tauren art in case you want to make this a Rare =>

    MenacingBagel - I had a hard time thinking about something interesting for Warrior, but this definetly hits the spot. "your" needs to be capitalized and guarantee the card will look A LOT better if you put "Taunt" into an extra line on top (without the dot) ;)

    thepowrofcheese - I'm sure you will come up with something more interesting then this =)

    Conduit - I can't possibly respond to all of this, but here are my 2 Cents: Shaman seems OP. Compare to BEEEES!!! and consider Murloc synergies… Paladin card does not synergize with Reborn Quest. For Warlock I had a similar idea, but eventually scrapped it because well… Plot Twist is better and doesn't get played… New Plan will just empty your deck a lot faster, then your  new Hero Power becomes useless. Mage just feels like you made it extra wordy so it fits the restrictions of this competition. In any other competition this would be: Cast 3 random spells.

    Wailor - Chumsayer is great, but I'd up its mana cost by one.


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