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Eldritch Horror
Joined 05/29/2019 Achieve Points 230 Posts 50

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  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    So here is my last attempt at a new Eydis Darkbane:

    I feel like 9 Mana gain 20 Health is acceptable, especially with this, not grossly OP Hero Power.

    Some alternatives I can switch to:

    Some more feedback:

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    Thez - Thematically its really nice! I just don't get why its a Rogue card…besides that you would like to have some healing as Rogue xD

    Wailor - Archmage has potential. I like it. Harrison will only offer you Kingsbane right now. If you add 'from another class' it can give you Twig of the World Tree which Rogue should NEVER have access to. Xavius is definetly NOT my favorite, but I'd suggest making it 7 Mana and remove some stats, so you can curve into it with Overgrowth.

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Edit: I updated my card... and don't like it at all, so I'll post later!

    More Feedback:

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    MrRhapsody - Medivh is very flavorful! I also like Loatheb a lot, except the art…

    KANSAS -  Nice idea! I agree with everyone who suggested this should keep the original 5/5 statline.

    Demonxz95 - The new Neferaian looks really nice! Al'ar is too strong. Maybe 'Freeze a hero to awaken this minion.' is more balanced? Then you can't just Blizzard on turn 6 and have a threat ready, but you have to go out of your way to Freeze the enemy hero.

    grumpymonk - Maiev seems weird. It does nothing against aoe's that deal 3+ damage. And it makes any aoe that deals less completely meaningless. So screw Paladins I guess… Keal'thas is nice and all, but I feel like any card that needs a seperate explanation won't make it in a competition like this.

    SDhn2a - Moroes basically has 'Battlecry: Fill the board. If your opponent can't clear it, win the game.' C'thun seems balanced and flavorful, but why is this a Rogue card? It fits better into Priest or Warlock imo… Y'Shaarj seems boring to me. He doesn't really look redeemed either xD

    Feuerrabe - The 4 Mana 4/4 Rush was fine without a condition. I'm not a huge fan of the token art though… 

    Xarkkal - I don't think Subject is terribly OP. Certainly VERY strong, but it has a heavy restriction not only in deck building, but also in hand-size. You probably want to run a secret package with this, which is usually not run in Highlander, etc… I like it!

    RenoLord - I like Leeroy's Hero Power. The Hero card seems a bit empty xD Maybe you can spice up the Battlecry a bit? Kel'thuzad is a very expensive worse Ice Block…

    HyperOrange - You can basically delete half of Kel'thuzads card text, because it will only trigger IF he survives AND your opponent attacks into a minion that  Freezes the attacker BUT doesn't kill it. This will never happen. Leeroy seems like you could pull off some deranged combos with it in wild…

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Here's an old idea of mine, put on a character that fullfills this weeks requirement:

    Original card: Eydis Darkbane


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    linkblade91 - I feel like we're gonna see a lot of Paladin Arthas, but I don't think Pure-Paladin fits him at all…

    Demonxz95 - Thematically it fits really nice with Rogue and the Nefarian card. I love it. I would change the wording a bit: 'Your cards from another class cost(0).'

    Xarkkal - It's a nice effect, but I think if you make Sylvanas a hunter card (which is the obvious choice) she should do hunter things… This effect feels very neutral to me…

    CursedParrot - So much avoidable text! Do you really think this would/should trigger more than once? How about: ' Battlecry: Shuffle 5 different Legendary minions that died this game into your deck.' Also, I feel like this would never be printed with the word 'Legendary' on it, since you basically screw over any player who doesn't have 5 good Legendaries for that ONE VERY SPECIFIC Warlock deck.

    MenacingBagel - I feel like Brightwing should be a Druid card. He could transform minions into whisps instead!

    Inconspicuosaurus - Not much to say. Tech card as class card has been mentioned. Almost the exact same card has been made and posted on reddit before. It had pretty good rating, too.

    shaveyou - Sally seems like she got a promotion! I like her! Maybe 'Rush, Deathrattle: Your opp…' looks better on the card. Right now the text has a weird shape =S  Saraad just seems boring to me. Do we really need more random spells in mage?

    Pokeniner - This + Evocation (or just a handful of spells) is completely busted. In a spell-heavy deck…If your opponent EVER goes wide you punish them hard!

    Conduit - I prefer the 4 mana version, but I'd keep Millhouse' iconic 4/4 statline.

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Thank you for your feedback. I realized my card is way to strong and tuned it down... 

    I hope this is acceptable now =)

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Costs 1 so you can tutor with Call to Adventure. Has Taunt so it's not completely useless when tutored that way.


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    linkblade91 - Whip and Switch Teams seem too weak to me. Both hurt you more than they do for you… Toxic Longtongue is really nice, especially since you could also destroy a different minion than the one you pull. 

    Demonxz95 - I love the design, flavour, balance etc… But I also hate this card from the bottom of my heart!

    shaveyou - Incitus seems balanced since your opponent really gets to use the benefit first. I'm not a fan of Raoring Inferno. Discard three cards seems too much. Also the way the Token is worded your opponent also draws three EXTRA cards total. Not sure if that's intended?

    thepowrofcheese - I'm a bit scared what this could do in aggro decks. If your highest cost minion costs 4 and your opponent gets a dead draw. But with Leeroy gone I think it should be fine.

    Hordaki - I'd say this is more useful than the original. Nice idea and good balance.

    Pokeniner - This just seems overly complicated and inconsistent with the established 'Casts When Drawn' mechanic.

    Conduit - This card costs too much. You already have to pay for your minion that you won't have on board anymore. At most 1 Mana imo…

    KANSAS - I like everything about this card except name and art. Warlocks in WoW have a spell called 'Banish' that fits perfectly to what the card does… For art I'd prefer a warlock casting the spell than just seeing a lonely guy. Just me nitpicking though…

    DestroyerR - I love Anaxxis. I'd pick that. Go'thol has some wording issues ('enemy deck' doesn't exist) and I would reduce the number of cards to 3. Siqara is technically worded correctly, but it feels clunky to me. That's just me nitpicking though…

    Xarkkal - Why stop at half? I think you can go all the way!

    grumpymonk - Very nice and necessary tech card. Would run! 

    Neoguli - Nice idea but unplayable? Any deck that plans to go to fatigue runs Archivist… or kills you the turn they empty their deck.

    Wailor - Despair has nice flavor, but seems too weak to see play. Librarian card text is unclear, but I like the effect. I'd prefer 'Battlecry: Order your opponent's deck from highest to lowest Mana Cost.' over the inverse. And make it 7 Mana. 10 is waaay too much!

    anchorm4n - Checking for Highlander decks is a nice idea, but i would put it into a set that actually has Highlander support like SoU. That also means no Demon Hunter…

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Feedback time!

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    Inconspicuosaurus - I love Sulfuron Firesmith's effect. Maybe the name could be changed to something that's from Un'Goro? Also…it really only has Taunt because the competition theme calls for it…?

    KANSAS - Call for Reinforcements seems strong, but I think it's balanced by the fact, that in that deck you run many Taunt minions, so you're never getting three very powerful cards.

    anchorm4n - Titanic Forging - As others have pointed out, similar cards already exist and it would be better (and more falvorful) in Uldum. I think the card is fine mechanically.

    Fedrion - Gallywix has really nice flavor! Seems balanced.

    MrRhapsody - People seem to like it. I personally can't stand it. Don't let that keep you from submitting though =)

    Wailor - Thaurissans Guard makes use of Warriors forgotten "if you have 12 or less Health" mechanic. That alone makes it the most likeable card of the three. Really nice upside. Not overpowered though.

    BasilAnguis - 'Can't be damaged by spells or Hero Powers' is a new effect, and I'm not sure if it's that any better than 'Can't be targeted by spells or Hero Powers'. Especially in Warrior I'd argue it's not…

    h0lysatan - Apart from name and art that seems like a solid card.

    Xarkkal - Yes, this certainly should cost less. Very unique idea though =)


  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Here's my first idea:

    I'll get to give some feedback tomorrow^^

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    You can use the same text, but Stealth doesn't need an extra line:

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Thank you all for your feedback, time to give some myself!

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    linkblade91 - Icy Guardian nicely offsets its own drawback by having taunt without being overpowered. I like it a lot.

    shaveyou - I really like Twisted Ancient. Not sure why this would be a witchwood card, because it fits perfectly into some of druids themes right now. You curve right into 7 mana next turn where you can offset the drawback by playing Ironbark or Bogbeam for zero alongside your overcosted 5 drop. Also if you put this into spell heavy druid, who cares if your second Twisted Ancient costs 8?

    MenacingBagel - Tio the demented is way to extreme. It's basically "Battlecry: Win next turn. If not, loose." Unfortunately there is no way to make this balanced.

    Hordaki - That is a colossal downside. Only really useful to finish the game alongside Tundra Rhino. Yeah i don't see anyone running this with hunters Mark and removal, to make a 3 card 6+ mana combo to summon an 8/8 that does nothing.

    Demonxz95 - Eredar Twins has a nice concept. The upside seems to small to me though. You play this on curve and it does nothing. Maybe with rush and less attack it would still be balanced.

    Conduit - I like Alpha Hoarder card mechanically. The Deathrattel seems a bit wordy. I'd prefer something like "Deathrattle: Open the bag." Also I'm not a fan of that name.

    Almaniarra - Nice tech card, but the drawback seems arbitrary. What does armor have to do with cooking Murlocs?

    KANSAS - I like Crystal Imp the most. I can see a reason to play that card. Not so much the other two. it also fits perfectly into Mean streets with that art.

    thepowrofcheese - For me the 29 card deck is not an issue. If others have a problem with it maybe restrict the card to a class. 

    Fedrion - It's a really nice card. I only have to nitpicky issues with it. 1.) Taunt, Lifesteal and the art scream Paladin to me. 2.) Blizzard rotated all the healing = damage cards to the Hall of Fame to free some design space i guess…

    Xarkkal - Discard your hand is a drawback that limits the use of the card extremely. No control warrior will ever run this card, unless they can cheat the card out without triggering the Battlecry (with the new standard rotation this won't be possible). Maybe this finds a place in an aggressive Pirate Warrior deck, where your hand is empty constantly and you can redraw fast using Ancharrr.

    Nirast - I think Dishonest Doomguard is missing some sort of ability like Taunt or Rush (you would have to remove a couple stats for that), because right now it's just a slow big nothing with an interesting downside. Also Warlock probably would run this with Sacrificial Pact to instantly destroy their opponents copy.

    Now to my own card. I know Demon Hunter has some OP cards, but do you really think Ashtongue Battlelord is one of them? Still I tuned down my card a bit, so it's just slightly better than the Battlelord.

    Also someone mentioned it shouldn't have Divine Shield, which it never had. So I guess we agree on that =)

  • TheHoax91's Avatar
    Eldritch Horror 230 50 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    Drawbacks are unusual in Paladin , but anyway here is my first idea (might still be too overstated)!

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