Today we'll take a look at some of the popular decks from one of the latest Champions from the Rising Tides expansion, Sejuani. In the recent Twitch Rivals event there was only one deck that included her, crafted by Kibler. She may not have hit the mainstream meta yet, but there are still undiscovered possibilities. If you've got any great ideas for her make sure you use our Deckbuilder to share your creation!

Sejuani can be a big threat the turn you play her, and even more so once she's leveled up. If you have a way to damage your opponent's Nexus before your attack it will make blocking decisions very challenging, forcing your opponent to throw Frostbitten units in front of you.

Sejuani Card Image
  Sejuani Card Image


Sejuani Midrange

You have SO much stuff in this deck that deals damage you will be able to level up Sejuani and Swain with no problem at all. And when it comes to closing out games, The Leviathan is really hard to get past.

Are ya achin' for some bacon?

Sejuani Combo

Nearly everything in this deck has Overwhelm, so you're either going to kill everything your opponent controls with a flipped Miss Fortune, or punch through their defenses with a beefy unit amped up with Fury of the North.

Sejuani Combo
A Runeterra Deck created by . Last updated 3 years, 11 months ago

Sejuani Control

This deck has plenty of removal and the Ember Maidens to help get Sejuani leveled up.

He's a big pig! You can be a big pig too!