Riot has provided a snapshot of the meta from last week using data from higher-ranked players. Let's dive in!
- Data is from October 28 to November 2 (After K/DA cards were added).
- Data uses the Platinum, Diamond, and Masters ranks.
- Data is compiled from all 4 regional shards.
- Riot has stated they will do these regularly with patch notes.
Data was all sourced from Riot in the 1.14 Patch Notes.
Top Decks by Winrate
All winrates below are inclusive of all decks in the game, not just those in the meta report.
The following deck may have a high winrate, but the playrate is only 1.77%. It should have a decent enough sample size to still be relevant, but it might not want to be your first go.
Top Decks by Playrate
All playrates below are based on "among meta-decks" and not from the entire field of matches.
Draven & Jinx have a playrate of 10.62%, the highest out of all decks, and it also has a solid 52.88% winrate.
Tryndamere & Trundle have a playrate of 8.63%.
Zed & Lee Sin have a playrate of 7.16%.
All Decks in the 1.13 Meta Snapshot
Raw Data
Play rate Win rate
Noxus + Piltover & Zaun | Draven + Jinx | Zaunite Urchin
10.62% 52.88%
Freljord + Shadow Isles | Tryndamere + Trundle | Warmothers Call
8.63% 53.44%
Ionia + Targon | Zed + Lee Sin | Sonic Wave
7.16% 51.26%
Freljord + Shadow Isles | Tryndamere + Trundle | Feel The Rush
6.87% 55.00%
Bilgewater + Noxus | Miss Fortune + Gangplank | Legion Grenadier
6.78% 52.46%
Bilgewater + Shadow Isles | Nautilus + Maokai | Dreg Dredgers
6.55% 49.61%
Bilgewater + Demacia | Miss Fortune + Quinn | Rangers Resolve
6.24% 55.33%
Bilgewater + Targon | Soraka + Tahm Kench | Boxtopus
5.82% 51.36%
Bilgewater + Noxus | Twisted Fate + Swain | Deaths Hand
4.68% 49.98%
Demacia + Ionia | Fiora + Shen | Greenglade Caretaker
3.81% 55.95%
Mt Targon + Shadow Isles | Diana + Nocturne | Lunari Duskbringer
3.77% 53.85%
Freljord + Targon | Trundle + Aurelion Sol | Faces Of The Old Ones
3.73% 50.51%
Freljord + Noxus | Ashe | Trifarian Assessor
3.60% 51.63%
Freljord + Piltover & Zaun | Teemo + Sejuani | Puffcap Peddler
2.89% 44.65%
Freljord + Shadow Isles | Kalista | Cursed Keeper
2.65% 51.27%
Targon + Noxus | Darius + Draven | Decisive Maneuver
1.90% 54.74%
Noxus + Shadow Isles | Elise | Arachnoid Horror
1.77% 54.86%
What a feeling, to know I can come in here and build ANY of these decks.
A feeling I have NEVER had in my years playing Hearthstone.