Tillers are now gone and Wild has returned to its natural order. Let's take another look at what kind of decks the Darkmoon Faire mini-set has inspired in the absence of the OTK threat.

Lackey Warlock

MrNoir has been tinkering with this Warlock list that takes full advantage of the disposable Lackeys before buffing them up with Dark Pharaoh Tekahn. Envoy Rustwix provides additional value if the deck starts running out of it.

This was not the only deck MrNoir shared this week, he had a deck for almost every class (not you, Demon Hunter).

Mozaki OTK Mage

Conjure Mana Biscuit just screams for some sort of OTK setup and RavenSunHS has delivered. The so-far-underwhelming Mozaki has seen a resurgence in both formats due to the new mana cheat option and is now more than capable of pumping an insane amount of damage in one turn.

Yup, the Biscuit works well for Antonidas OTK too as SunburstWolfgang shows.

Infinite Armor Shaman

Armor Vendor has become a rather popular card for slowing down aggro, but MarkMcKz has been using it in a combination of infinite Shudderwock combo to build tons of armor for both players. After that, it's Platebreaker's time to shine.

Hysteria's OTK days are not over yet! Mark has been using it in combination with Neferset Thrasher, Treachery, and Curse of Weakness.

Silence Priest

I'll admit that Swizard's Priest list does not include any new cards, in fact, it uses no cards from the entirety of Darkmoon Faire, but I'm going to share it regardless. Any critics of this decision will be Silenced.

Kingsbane Pirate Rogue

If you late Ranked climbers are looking for something strong that includes some new cards, this list has been performing well (at least in lower ranks) according to HSReplay. The addition of Nitroboost Poison has not changed the general gameplan: you should be pointing most arrows at your opponent's face.

It's only the lower ranks, but Secret Mage lists have been reaching the insane 80% winrate in HSReplay's stats. Time to do something Blizzard?

Eager to succumb to the Wild madness? Check out some more Wild decks here.

Came up with something Fair-ly fun yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!