The LoR Cosmic Creation Seasonal Tournament came to a dramatic conclusion on Sunday, with a topdecked Mind Meld clinching the victory of the Americas tournament for MajiinBae. PETTISH was crowned as the European champion earlier in the day, and UCG BBoom Teemo and MisterBear took down the Asia and Southeast Asia tournaments respectively. 

Twisted Fate Card Image Fizz Card Image Aphelios Card Image

As anticipated, Twisted Fate was the most popular champion at each of the tournaments, in a display that dominated both the Americas and European finals 2-0. Pairing Twisted Fate with Fizz was slightly more common than Aphelios, but the power level of both these decks forced players to either bring Twisted Fate or find a way to go underneath it with aggro. This was also represented by 26 of the 32 Americas finalists having a Twisted Fate list of some variety. As each player could not duplicate champions between their deck lists, there was still plenty of agency for the other 2 decks that competitors brought.

What Decks Did the Competitors Bring?

Americas champion MajiinBae’s Twisted Fate Fizz deck was the most prominent deck in the tournament. The game plan is to level up Twisted Fate ridiculously fast, usually the turn just after Twisted Fate is played. Rummage, Stress Testing and Twisted Fate’s champion spell Pick a Card help the player draw 8 cards and level up Twisted Fate almost instantly, and from there the combination of blue, red and gold cards is too much value for the opponent to deal with. Another win condition with this deck is playing cheap elusives such as Fizz and Wiggly Burblefish to deal quick damage, and then using burst in the form of Mystic Shot and Get Excited! to close out games.

MajiinBae also brought the relatively popular Zoe Lee Sin deck as an alternative.

Were There Other Decks than Twisted Fate?

If you’re tired of the way Twisted Fate games play out, fear not, as there were a variety of different decks used by each of the competitors. Wraptero brought a spicy Riven Vi deck that performed exceptionally well, much to the surprise of the casters! This deck combines the Reforge mechanic with a Noxus PnZ aggro shell, before closing out the game with a huge overwhelm Riven or Vi! After performing well in the opening rounds of the Americas Tournament, wraptero lost out to the eventual winner in the quarterfinals.

wraptero Riven Vi
A Runeterra Deck created by . Last updated 3 years, 9 months ago

Henneky, who reached the semifinals in the Americas, brought another underused archetype in the form of Nightfall Aggro.

Another under-utilized deck was beansforbrains’ Freljord and Noxus Overwhelm deck, in a bid to try and overwhelm the small elusive units that were popular in the tournament.

What More Can We Expect from Future Tournaments?

Despite a big showing of the Twisted Fate decks this was an immense second Seasonal Tournament, enhancing the competitive scene in Runeterra. Here is a list of the future goals from Riot - including some changes to next season's tournament - and talk of a potential World Championship. 

Did you enjoy watching the Seasonal Tournaments from each region? Perhaps you discovered some other unique decks brought by the competitors? Let us know any decks you found interesting in the comments below!