Blizzard has given us 5 codes to giveaway to the Out of Cards community for the upcoming Tombs of Terror solo content releasing on September 17!
- The codes will unlock the full Tombs of Terror adventure that arrives on Sept. 17.
- This includes all 4 chapters and the Finale Fight.
- You will unlock the League of Explorers card back.
- You will unlock a random Saviors of Uldum Legendary.
Here's what you want to know about the giveaways.
- The codes for the giveaway were provided to us by Blizzard.
- If you have already pre-ordered, the codes cannot be applied to your account.
- You may enter both giveaways once. Using multiple accounts is grounds for disqualification.
- These codes will work on the Americas, Europe, and Asia-Pacific Hearthstone realms.
- Both giveaways end on September 13 at 11:59 PM Eastern.
- Please give us time to draw the winners, contact them, and make an announcement. This will happen on September 14, Eastern North America timezone.
We're going to be giving these away in two different ways. Here's what you need to do to potentially get your hands on one!
Giveaway 1 - Out of Cards Site Giveaway
We're giving away three Tombs of Terror adventure codes right here on the site!
- Leave a comment below telling us what your favourite Uldum moment has been so far.
A special note on this giveaway.
- We will be sending you a direct message on Out of Cards if you win.
- Winners will be chosen completely randomly.
Giveaway 2 - Social Giveaway
We're giving away two Tombs of Terror adventure codes through a Gleam giveaway!
A special note on this giveaway.
- We will be sending you an email if you win. We'll use your email address on Gleam so make sure you have access to it and check it regularly.
- Winners will be chosen completely randomly.
Out of Cards Tombs of Terror Giveaway
A huge thank you to Blizzard who sponsored the prizes for the giveaway. We appreciate their support!
My favourite moment so far is enjoying all of the deck experimentation I can do after the nerfs, goquest mage!
My favorite moment for this expansion was the first won game with my selfmade deck
I still enjoy playing this deck - even after the nerfs.
My favorite moment: updating my homebrew Hakkar-Quest-Priest and getting an absurdly successful run from 20 to 10 with it in Wild.
Definitely the intro song, especially when they uploaded the 10 hour version.
My favorite moment was opening golden quest shaman
My favorite moment of the expansion has been busting open card packs the first day. There’s always so much hype behind that
My favorite Uldum moment was when Zephyrs at first never offered me cheaper weapon removal than Harrison Jones. Honestly it was kinda hilarious that the devs at first didn't think you'd want Acidic Swamp Ooze or Bloodsail Corsair xD
Spending about 8000 dust for a Quest Shaman (And crafting the Quest 2nd time, silly me disenchanted it at launch, I got it as a free legendary Lol), definitely my favourite moment, this deck brings me so much fun and soon I'm gonna get some more dust (3200) to craft Zephrys and Siamat so I'll can start trying to make a Highlander Quest Shaman ^^
My favorite moment is opening double legendary in a first pack of Uldum expansion.
My favorite thing in Uldum is when they nerfed Warrior (not enough)
The moment they announced Zephrys 🤩
I love Wronchi's animation, including the reference with Armagedillo and Frightened Flunky.
My favorite moment of Uldum expansion so far is the theme song.
It has to be playing Zephrys. Very satisfying!... Most of the time.
Love the concept of the card.
Not a single moment per se, but I am quite happy with the comeback of quests to Standard in combination with the reward now being a different hero power. All quests that I pulled (Druid, Mage, Shaman) may not have the best winrates, but are all pretty fun in their own ways.
My favorite moment in savior of uldum was playing quest shaman, this deck is so fun.
It wasn't my favorite moment at the time, but when the news of the nerfs came around the first thing I did was go Wild to play a deck with Luna's Pocket Galaxy, two of Raven Familiar and a whole lot of big minions. In those three days between the news and the actual nerfs my Mage Wins counter went up by around 30, I absolutely loved that deck.
The "live action card reveal" from Amazing LP. I kind of always wait for their reveal, amazing and more amazing every expansion!
My favorite moment of Uldum expansion so far is play with highlander decks, every class has so much fun.
Trying out a Highlander deck for the first time and actually enjoying it despite the drawback!