Puzzle Power

Last updated 5 years, 4 months ago by
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Puzzle Power

Version 1 - Ready for Saviors of Uldum
Difficulty: medium
Twitter: https://twitter.com/Leolph
Stream: https://www.twitch.tv/leolph


Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron Card Image Tortollan Pilgrim Card Image

King Phaoris Card ImageKhartut Defender Card Image

 About this deck:

The new expansion is out and the first deck I will present you is build around King Phaoris, because this card was the legendary I got with the pre-purchase bundle and the card Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron. I love crazy random stuff and with this deck you will get it!


If you are a streamer and play this deck (or a modified version of it) on stream please give credit! Thanks!


How to play this deck and some tipps:

The game plan for this deck is to stall the game until 10 mana. As a Mage you have a lot of tools to do this. Try to play Luna's Pocket Galaxy in the midgame - and do not hesitate to play it as soon as possible. You might think you loose too much tempo, but look at the minion cost in this deck then you will see that playing it will give you more than godspeed. If you haven't played it until turn 8 you can use a Tortollan Pilgrim to get the tempo, otherwise - in case you want the crazy random stuff - you pick the Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron. Lategame, at 10+ mana, you create so much value boards so that you can set up lethal preparation with Alexstrasza. If you have drawn all your high cost spells then King Phaoris will shine. Hex Lord Malacrass will give you even more value - so keep you mulligan hand in mind! Sometimes you want to alter your mulligan strategy depending on your opponent, especially against Priest you could keep Khadgar in your mulligan hand - something you would not do against any other classes because you want Khadgar in the midgame or lategame. Archivist Elysiana is for all those grindy fatigue matchups or if your Puzzle Box of Yogg-Saron made you draw too much cards.

Since we are in meta day 2 there is no sense to talk about winrates.

Just so far:

I played this deck on all regions and I can say that on EU it's hard to play it, because EU is full of aggro players, while in NA and Asia this deck is very, very good.


- I'll add more here after I got some feedback
More infos / footage:

Check out  my stream to watch me playing this deck. At the moment I do not stream that much, so follow my stream to get notified when a show starts.


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