Stealer of Souls is now serving its ban which hopefully allows more experimentation with other new cards. Let's take our usual look at what our community members have shared with us lately.

Even Highlander Warlock

Unstable Shadow Blast has found its way to brewmaster's Highlander list which is otherwise filled with the usual good stuff.

C'Thun Paladin

KmemBM's deck aims to cycle through the cards fast to get to the ultimate win condition of C'Thun, the Shattered while disrupting the opponent with annoying secrets.

Highlander Dragon Priest

No Shadowreaper Anduin or his best friend Raza the Chained in agentmcr's list which goes all in on the valiant Dragons instead.

Tempo Shuffle Rogue

LarryTheLamp has shared plenty of decks with us, this Tempo Rogue with a shuffle package being one of them. Stowaway is the hero of the strategy, pulling out Plush Bears, Leyline Spiders, as well as Olgra.

Shudderwock Shaman

A well-performing Legend list from Twitter, including one of the more popular new cards, Primal Dungeoneer. Only Ice Fishing can ruin the extra draw, but it is a far too important combo tutor to leave out.

Preparing for the Wilds of the Barrens? Arm yourself with more community decks.

Forged something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!