- Dragon Priest
- Wild
- Casual
I created this deck back when aggro Druid was still a big thing and I loved to use Duskbreaker against it :-), but it has evolved nicely into a very resilient deck that can win against a lot of decks. (as long as it's not Big Priest or Mozaki Mage)
The idea of the deck is to control the board in the early game and start dropping big stats from turn 5 onwards, putting pressure on your opponent and using Alexstrasza to seal the deal.
Because of all the expensive stuff the Mulligan is important.
Search for the cheap stuff, but both Reno Jackson and Frizz Kindleroost can be keepers against Aggro or Slower match-ups respectively.
Gameplay is fairly straightforward as the deck curves nicely, but your decisions do matter; trading, discovering cards and being patient with board clears amongst others.
I hope you all enjoy.
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0- 10
- 51
- 72
- 43
- 54
- 25
- 16
- 57+
- 0 Raise Dead x 1
- 1 Cleric of Scales x 1
- 1 Draconic Studies x 1
- 1 Potion of Madness x 1
- 1 Reliquary of Souls x 1
- 1 Renew x 1
- 2 Dragonmaw Sentinel x 1
- 2 Insight x 1
- 2 Penance x 1
- 2 Spirit Lash x 1
- 3 Apotheosis x 1
- 3 Breath of the Infinite x 1
- 3 Palm Reading x 1
- 4 Drakonid Operative x 1
- 4 Duskbreaker x 1
- 7 Psychic Scream x 1
- 7 Skeletal Dragon x 1
- 7 Soul Mirror x 1
- 8 Murozond the Infinite x 1
- 2 Firetree Witchdoctor x 1
- 2 Netherspite Historian x 1
- 2 Zephrys the Great x 1
- 3 Scalerider x 1
- 4 Circus Amalgam x 1
- 4 Crimson Hothead x 1
- 4 Frizz Kindleroost x 1
- 5 Cobalt Spellkin x 1
- 5 Loatheb x 1
- 6 Reno Jackson x 1
- 9 Alexstrasza x 1
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