The new Mini-Set will be arriving in a swift fashion, so we'll have decks spiced up with some new stuff already next week. This weekend, however, we'll focus on the already playable decks shared by our awesome community members.

Questline Hunter

Okay this time it IS QuestLINE but hear me out. Neoguli wasn't satisfied with the traditional way of winning and decided to spice the Hero Power spam up with Majordomo Executus. I'd be content losing to that.

Questline Paladin

MarkMcKz has found another Hearthstone Interaction to use in his OTK shenanigans, as Void Ripper seems to re-apply Lightborn Cariel's buff to the Silver Hand Recruits already on the board, giving some surprise burst damage to finish your opponent.

Dragon Ramp Druid

ChristianHearthstone has continued to share a whole library of decks with us, and this particular list combines Druid's ramp tools with some big Dragons and Hadronox shenanigans.

Big Paladin

The deck title forces me to shamelessly advertise that we have begun to cover Yu-Gi-Oh Master Duel on the site as well.

Now that the message from our sponsor Flux is over we can concentrate on Valueslol's list. Call to Adventure is guaranteed to draw Nozdormu the Timeless if you already haven't done that, which will skip you straight to the late game to see if you believe in the Heart of the Cards more than your opponent.

Aggro Demon Hunter

MajorTomHS doesn't seem too happy with the current meta but decided to share this list he enjoyed playing on his way to legend on Twitter.

Eager to join the Wild battle in the snowy Alterac Valley? Keep yourself warm with more community decks.

Came up with something awesome yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!