Injured Marauder

Card Stats
- Class Neutral
- Expansion Forged in the Barrens
- Rarity Common
- Cost 4
- Attack 5
- Health 10
Card Text
Taunt Battlecry: Deal 6 damage to this minion.
Flavor Text
He’ll keep going despite the neighsayers.
Battlecry - Does something when you play it from your hand.
Taunt - Enemies must attack this minion.
Injured Marauder Sounds
Play VO_BAR_069_Male_Centaur_Play_01
Play FourHooves_B_Play
Play 2H_EpicStaff_Underlay_Play
Attack VO_BAR_069_Male_Centaur_Attack_01
Attack FourHooves_B_Attack
Attack 2H_EpicStaff_Underlay_Attack
Death VO_BAR_069_Male_Centaur_Death_01
Death FourHooves_B_Death
Death 2H_EpicStaff_Underlay_Death
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Probably better in Wild than Standard.
I wonder if Rez decks would pick this over the 5/12 one
I always get a kick out of injured minions, Great for rez or if you have a way to immediately heal it.