MARVEL SNAP's Hot Location this weekend is Baxter Building!

Baxter Building is a nice, simple location that doesn't unduly favor one archetype over the other. It's likely reasonable for you to keep playing whatever decks that you were playing before the Hot Location dropped, just make sure to edge yourself in favor of winning at the Baxter Building by putting your best stuff there: If you're running a Silver Surfer deck, it's where you'll want your Brood to nest; if you're playing an Ongoing list, it's where you spot Iron Man.

However you choose to plan for the Hot Location, you'd better get used to it; being a Hot Location means that Baxter Building will have a 60% chance to appear for 24 hours, from 7 PM PT Saturday night to 7 PM PT Sunday night (2 AM UTC Sunday to 2 AM UTC Monday).

Iron Man Card ImageOngoing: Your total Power is doubled at this location. Brood Card ImageOn Reveal: Add 2 Broodlings to this location with the same Power.

Hot Decks for Baxter Building

If you're looking for ideas of what decks you can play to the Hot Location, we've got you covered: with decks for players just starting out in Series 1, players still moving up through Series 2, and players who are starting to fill their collections with cards from Series 3.

Series 1 Onslaught Zoo

Zoo is a reliable deck for filling out most locations and can really benefit from the extra +3 Power that comes with winning at Baxter Building. Onslaught especially can turn the location in your favor, doubling up any of several Ongoing effects the deck has.

Tian Ding's Pool 1 Zoo
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 2 months ago

Series 2 Ongoing Spectrum

Ongoing is another deck that's adept at filling out every location with solid numbers, then tipping the scales with a late 6-Drop, in this case Spectrum. Power-boosting effects from Klaw and Mister Fantastic can get more Power to the Baxter Building, which in turn will get more Power to the rest of the board.

Spectrum Ongoing (Pool 2)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 1 month ago

Series 2 Movement

Thanks to Multiple Man, Movement is another synergy that can spread out its bodies and take advantage of the small boost provided from winning Baxter Building. Heimdall can help pack up the Location, as long as it isn't on the far right, and flexible movers Nightcrawler and Vision can get Power to the places that need it.

Baxter Move (Pool 2)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 1 month ago

Series 3 Surfer Swarm

Our first deck using cards from Series 3 stars the new Season Pass card, [snacpard]Silver Surfer to boost all your little 3-Drops. The deck gets a somewhat greedy with Wong and On Reveal effects from Ironheart and Wolfsbane. It can also deny Power for your opponent at Baxter Building with Rocks from Debrii and moves form Polaris.

Baxter Surfer (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 1 month ago

Series 3 Patriot Ultron

Patriot can boost most of the cards (or tokens summoned by cards) in this list, and can get a lot of Power all over the board thanks to Mystique copying Patriot's Ongoing effect. With the Hot Location in mind, this deck also runs Iron Man to boost the Power at Baxter Building and give Mystique another powerful Ongoing to copy.

Ultron Patriot (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 1 month ago

What are Hot Locations in MARVEL SNAP?

There are two different types of location events in MARVEL SNAP.

  • Sunday's Hot Location that have a 60% chance to appear for the next 24 hours.
  • Wednesday's Featured Location that have a 40% chance to appear for the next 48 hours.

Unlike the Featured Location (which is always a new Location), Sunday's Hot Location will pull from the pool of existing Locations. Its increased appearance rate will shake up the meta for a day - for example, Odin was the finisher of choice for many players when Kamar-Taj was the Hot Location.

Have your own strategy for capitalizing on the Baxter Building Hot Location? Share your thoughts (and decks) in the comments!