MARVEL SNAP's newest featured location, Morag, has inspired an assortment of strategies so far, and there's still plenty of time to take advantage of its increased appearance. With that in mind, we've gathered some decks from the SNAP community that are willing to pay the price to play to Morag for players at every level of Collection: from the very beginners to those near the end of Series 3 and beyond.

As a Featured location, Morag will have a 40% chance to appear for 48 hours, from 7 PM PT Tuesday night to 7 PM PT Thursday night (2 AM UTC Wednesday to 2 AM UTC Friday) - that gives us just enough time to try out these decks that want to see it more often.

Series 1

Our budget recommendation for the Morag featured location is a Zoo deck that has plenty of cheap cards, so you can play more than one each turn and get into Morag the honest way. It's also running Lizard to take advantage of the fact that your opponent likely won't fill Morag, and AoE buffs from Captain America, Ka-Zar, Blue Marvel, and Onslaught to boost your other cards.

Ongoing Zoo (Pool 1)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 2 months ago

Series 2

Sandman is the perfect card if you don't want your opponent to get into Morag, and this Ongoing list that tops out with Spectrum can use Klaw and Mister Fantastic to sneak some Power into Morag, and Warpath to benefit from its emptiness.

Morag Ongoing (Pool 2)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 2 months ago

If you don't want to pay the price, you can always sneak over the border with a Movement deck. In this deck, we're running just about every Move card we have in Series 2 so we can sideways shuffle into the featured location. For defensive purposes, we're teching in Enchantress and Shang-Chi to help swing the non-Morag locations in our favor.

Move to Morag (Pool 2)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 2 months ago

Series 3

In Series 3, Ultron is one of the best cards you could run for the featured location, and this Patriot deck, courtesy of Second Dinner's Tian Ding, can buff all those little drones into a truly terrifying army.

Tian Ding's Ultron Patriot (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 3 months ago

SNAP streamer TLSG is pushing this counter-Morag deck that can play multiple removal options on the final turn thanks to Sera. Nova is a 1-Cost card that's best used later in the game to secure passage to Morag for one of your other cards.

TLSG's Sera Counter (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 2 months ago

Alexander Coccia recommends this On Reveal deck with a multitude of cards that summon cards to the other locations, with Wong and Odin there to make them do it again.

Alexander Coccia's Morag Odin (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 2 months ago

Have your own ideas for taking advantage of the featured location? Create and share your deck using our MARVEL SNAP deckbuilder! Don't forget to include a guide!

Have an opinion about the featured location? Let us know in the comments!