MARVEL SNAP's newest featured location, Eternity Range, has inspired an assortment of strategies so far, and there's still plenty of time to take advantage of its increased appearance. With that in mind, we've gathered some decks from the SNAP community that play well with Eternity Range for players at every level of Collection: from the very beginners to those near the end of Series 3 and beyond.

As a Featured location, Eternity Range will have a 40% chance to appear for 48 hours, from 7 PM PT Tuesday night to 7 PM PT Thursday night (2 AM UTC Wednesday to 2 AM UTC Friday) - that gives us just enough time to try out these decks that want to see it more often.

Series 1

Our budget recommendation this week is a variant of Zoo that uses the Nova/Carnage combo to give another boost of stats to its cards on top of the effects provided by Ka-Zar and Blue Marvel. In this deck, the Rock from Eternity Range can either carry those buffs, or become food for Carnage.

Carnage Zoo (Pool 1)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 1 month ago

Series 2

This Pool 2 deck is once again using Carnage to feed on the Rock (among other things), and ends the game with a big Devil Dinosaur.

Dino Destroy (Pool 2)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

If you're still in a Zoo mood, then take out this Ongoing deck that can buff the Rock, or use a low curve to force the Rock on its opponent. The deck finishes either with a huge boost of Power from Spectrum or Onslaught doubling the effects of Ka-Zar and Blue Marvel.

Ongoing Zoo (Pool 2)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

Series 3

Once you get into Series 3, you can really start to increase the Power of Rock. Patriot decks are no joke, and will take full advantage of the Rock's lack of ability by boosting it with Patriot, then again with Mystique, then again with Onslaught.

Invisible Patriot (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

This Control deck has a lot of junk that it can throw at its opponent with Viper, and the Rock from Eternity Range is just the tip of the iceberg. The main game plan is to fill your opponent's locations with garbage like The Hood and Green Goblin, while using Armor to protect one of your lanes from a turn 6 Destroyer.

Junk Destroyer (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

Series 4

If making your opponent unhappy is your thing, and you have a few Series 4 cards, then try out this Hazmat deck that inflicts a terrible plague upon your opponent's cards while Luke Cage keeps your cards from getting infected. As a plan B, this deck runs the Black Panther and Arnim Zola combo.

Hazmat Control (Pool 4)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

Have your own ideas for taking advantage of the featured location? Create and share your deck using our MARVEL SNAP deckbuilder! Don't forget to include a guide!

Have an opinion about the featured location? Let us know in the comments!