Looking for a MARVEL SNAP deck to help you climb to Infinite, or looking for something fresh and hip to take out for a spin? We've gathered 9 decks from around the SNAP community that can help you win games while also having fun.

If you're in the market for some strategic advice, we've included our *personal* recommendations for when it's OK to Snap early with each deck - your mileage may vary.

Killmounted's Lockjaw Thor

Our first deck comes from Killmounted, who used this Lockjaw list to once again hit Infinite this season. With the nerf to Lockjaw, the deck gets a lot less all-in on big things to cheat out, running more Control tools like Polaris and Enchantress.

Snap Early If: You have Lockjaw with something cheap and enough time to get a couple of swaps going.

Killmounted's Lockjaw Thor (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

Nikita's DoomWave On Reveal

This deck from Nikita took the best parts of DoomWave and melded them with an On Reveal deck built around the Black Panther Arnim Zola combo for a Frankensteinian monstrosity that also has space for Patriot to buff the Doom Bots from Doctor Doom.

Snap Early If: You have an early Storm to flood a location, with either Doctor Doom or Arnim Zola in hand to make sure you win it.

Nikita's Zola Jazz (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

Bynx's Ongoing Destroyer

Ongoing Destroyer decks are nothing new, but this list from Bynx builds the deck to succeed in a meta running rampant with Darkhawks and Devil Dinos by including newly Series 3 card Super Skrull to piggyback their Ongoing effects. The endgame still revolves around either Spectrum or Destroyer, so plan your moves accordingly.

Snap Early If: You've got a good curve of Ongoing minions to play and one of your finishers in hand.

Bynx's Ongoing Destroyer (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

Sera Monkey Control

Despite the popularity of DoomWave, Sera control is still a reliable deck that can be built in a variety of ways. This version of the deck is fairly basic, but runs Hit Monkey to pay off on all those cheap cards being played on the final turn.

Snap Early If: You have Sera in hand, and there's not a Sandman in sight.

SeraMonkey Control (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

SafetyBlade's SandRiot

Patriot decks are resilient and flexible, proving that so long as they can buff something with their namesake card they will always be a force in the meta. This list from SafetyBlade uses Sandman to shut down turn 6 shenanigans from DoomWave and Sera decks, knowing that it doesn't need to play more than one card to win.

Snap Early If: You have some good AoE buffs going and the cards in play to buff them (or if you have Sandman against a deck designed to play multiple cards on the final turn).

SafetyBlade's SandRiot (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

SafetyBlade's Shanna Zoo

SafetyBlade had a similar thought process (likely "Sandman=good") when designing this Zoo deck on a free-to-play account around Shanna the She-Devil, a Series 4 drop from a Collector's Reserve. With so many cards that summon to other locations, Ebony Maw is just a good pile of stats, and Iron Man helps win a location of buffed small things.

Snap Early If: You have a curve of cheap cards, with Ka-Zar and/or Blue Marvel ready to make them larger.

SafetyBlade's Shanna Zoo (Pool 4)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

Scott's HawkWave

People continue to build around Darkhawk - in Scott's case taking favorite parts of the resurgent DoomWave decks with Leader and adding them to a deck that's chock full o' rocks. With Zabu on board, playing Wave can open up the expected Doom/She-Hulk combo, or you can play Darkhawk and Crossbones.

Snap Early If: You can fill your opponent's deck with rocks, or cheat out an early Doctor Doom with Wave.

Scott's HawkWave (Pool 4)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

ExplodiumGaming's Knullactus

If you're in the market for something more expensive, then we've got a few options for you. First is a Galactus deck from ExplodiumGaming that uses the perma-Series 5 card as an engine to get massive Power onto Knull while also discounting Death.

Snap Early If: You have Galactus and either Electro or Wave in hand to get him out before turn 6.

ExplodiumGaming's Knullactus (Pool 5)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

KrakenNull's HeimHulk Maneuver

Our final deck is once more an expensive one, coming from KrakenNull, that's running brand new Series 5 card Jeff the Baby Land Shark in a deck that uses Wave to pull off a turn 6 Heimdall swap to boost the Power of Human Torch, Vulture and Dagger while retaining enough leftover Energy for a 9 Power She-Hulk.

Snap Early If: You can play Cloak into a turn 6 Heimdall.

Have your own SNAP decks you need to show off? Share them with our MARVEL SNAP deckbuilder, and don't forget to include a guide!