There's not much time left before MARVEL SNAP's Animals Assemble Season ends at 8 PM PT on Monday, May 1 (2 AM UTC Tuesday, 2 May).

Here's some things you might need to know before the season ends, and some decks that can help you climb in the season's waning days.

Rank Reset

When the next season begins, every player will be reset to the rank that is 30 levels below their current rank (not highest rank). For instance, if you are sitting in Omega rank, you will reset to level 50 Platinum.


You move to the bottom of whatever rank you reset to; if you're sitting at level 69 Diamond you still go all the way down to level 30 Silver at the reset. Keep that in mind if you're currently near the bottom of a rank - there is no rank floor to stop your slide, so you can go below it and that will change where you start next season.

No player will be reset below rank 10, provided that they've gotten above it prior to the reset.

Ranked and Season Rewards

All ranked and Season Pass rewards that you've earned will automatically be claimed for your account once the season ends if you haven't manually claimed them - you don't need to worry about them going away if you don't claim them, but you should probably still make sure that you claim them anyway.

Season Pass Card and Exclusive Cosmetics

When Animals Assemble Season ends, its Season Pass card, Hit Monkey, will be exclusive to Series 5. The standard procedure for Season Pass cards is that they will be added to Series 4 during a future Series Drop, likely during June.

Animals Assemble Season Pass cosmetics - the Variants, Avatars, and card back - are exclusive to this month's Premium Season Pass; Second Dinner has no plans to make them available at a later date. If you want to add these cosmetics to your collection, this is your last chance to grab them by buying the Premium Season Pass.

May Season

May's Season, which has already been announced, will be Guardians Greatest Hits - featuring new cards Nebula, The High Evolutionary, Howard the Duck, Iron Lad, and The Living Tribunal.

Infinite Decks for Last-Minute Laddering

If you're trying to climb to the next rank or you're on the cusp of hitting Infinite, we've gathered some decks from the MARVEL SNAP community that players have used to hit Infinite rank this month.

Sera Control

If you have the Season Pass card Hit Monkey, one of the most reliable shells for his use is Sera Control, which just got a huge boost thanks to the recent buff to Enchantress, giving her 6 Power.

SeraMonkey Control (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago


Trimutius used this Patriot deck to hit Infinite this Season; using Onslaught and Mystique to double its Ongoing buffs while using Mister Sinister and Brood to swarm a location.

My infinite patriot deck
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

Death Wave

Wave is a good counter to decks that want to play multiple cards on the final turn. Death and She-Hulk pair well with the 3-Cost as cards that can have their cost reduced, freeing up their controller to play one plus another powerful card on 6, like Doctor Doom or Enchantress.

DeathWave (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago

Dracula Dump

Dracula can discard any number of big bodies in this Zoo deck that's built to empty its hand and isolate one of The Infinaut, Destroyer, or Red Skull while swarming the board with its small bodies.

Dracula Zoo (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 11 months ago

BONUS: 3 Location Winner

If you, like some of us here at OutOfCards, are having trouble with the Season Mission "Win All 3 Locations," we recommend trying this Hazmat deck, which can win by cluttering your opponent's locations with Rocks and sending their Power into the negatives while keeping your side nice and healthy with Luke Cage.

Sera Hazmat (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago

Have your own decks or tips for climbing in the last couple of days? Share your thoughts in the comments!