MARVEL SNAP's Hot Location this weekend is Dark Dimension!

Dark Dimension is an Invisible Woman that you don't need to play, letting you hide cards that either could easily be removed or that could mess with your gameplan - for instance, if you're running a Hela deck, you can play MODOK there and know that your hand is safe until after the game ends.

However you choose to plan for the Hot Location, you'd better get used to it; being a Hot Location means that Dark Dimension will have a 50% chance to appear for 24 hours, from 8 PM PT Saturday night to 8 PM PT Sunday night (2 AM UTC Sunday to 2 AM UTC Monday).

Hot Decks for Dark Dimension

If you're looking for ideas of what decks you can play to the Hot Location, we've got you covered: with recommended decks for players just starting out in Series 1, players still moving up through Series 2, and players who are starting to fill their collections with cards from Series 3, 4, and 5.

Series 1 Discard Zoo

This Series 1 deck uses Dark Dimension to hide Blade so the card he discards at game's end can only be upside, making sure Strong Guy is active. It's also not a bad idea to hide a buff from your opponent, and keep them in the dark about how much Power is in play.

Strong Guy Zoo (Pool 1)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 5 months ago

Series 2 Mawngoing

Ebony Maw is the perfect card for Dark Dimension, giving his controller 7 Power without having to worry about his downside. This Ongoing deck will play to other locations, then use an end of game Spectrum for a final Power push.

Vibranium Ongoing (Pool 2)
A Deck created by . Last updated 2 years, 4 months ago

Series 3 Cerebro

Invisible Woman fits nicely into Cerebro decks, so those strategies will be right at home with a Dark Dimension hot location. Cerebro 3 is pretty fun, if you're looking for an excuse to try it out now could be the right time.

Cerebro 3 (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago

Series 3 Hela

Hela decks are the ones that will most benefit from Dark Dimension, letting them hide turbo Discard effects that could lose them their star player before they're ready to play her. Instead, MODOK can feed your Hela, then Hela can summon all those big bodies back to the board.

Big Hela (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago

Series 3 Hazmat Control

Hazmat revealing after the final turn gets the most value, and this Hazmat deck also runs Absorbing Man for an extra On Reveal to cut down your opponent's Power even more.

Sera Hazmat (Pool 3)
A Deck created by . Last updated 1 year, 10 months ago

What are Hot Locations in MARVEL SNAP?

There are two different types of location events in MARVEL SNAP, both of which have a 50% chance of appearing for the next 24 hours.

  • Sunday's Hot Location that always pulls from existing locations.
  • Wednesday's Featured Location that usually shows off new locations, but will pull from the pool of existing locations from time to time.

The increased appearance rate for the Hot Location will shake up the meta for a day - for example, Odin was the finisher of choice for many players when Kamar-Taj was the Hot Location.

Have your own strategy for capitalizing on the Dark Dimension Hot Location? Make your deck using our MARVEL SNAP deckbuilder, then share it in the comments!