New Druid Spell - New Heights ( External Link )
Submitted 6 months, 3 weeks ago by

A new Epic Druid Spell, New Heights, has been revealed!
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Remember, Wild Growth still saw play during it's time as a 3 mana card. Now Warrior can access it too thanks to their Tourist.
Hey, you heard about that Mario guy?
Well, our fears have come true. Yet another Ramp card and warrior has access to it. It’s also a combo enabler in Standard where hero buff isn’t available anymore. Oh and that weird beetle card is functional again.
I notice I am confused. Something I believe isn't true. How do I know what I think I know?
Harry James Potter-Evans-Verres,
So this is a better Wild Growth that Warrior can also put in decks. Suffice it to say that this will see play, and a lot of it. Warrior and Druid are, for the most part, already the kings of late game (Warrior because of how much value they can get out of Brann, Druid because they can get to the late game faster) so this just adds to that dominance with extra Mana once you're in the late game (and a little boost in getting there). Seeing all these Druid Ramp cards, I have only one thing to say: They had better damn well nuke Doomkin from orbit in the next balance patch.
I don't want to cure cancer; I want to turn people into dinosaurs.
I guess it goes down to 11 if you play Audio Amplifier after this. But if you play that first, then this twice, your max is now 17. It's almost like Wildheart Guff is back in Standard.