Hearthstone's Latest Bug is a Nerf to Magister's Apprentice
1 year, 11 months ago
Don't disenchant your copies - you won't get bonus dust.
Absent in today's patch notes was a note on the nerf of Magister's Apprentice. It isn't...
Souleater's Scythe, Demon Hunter's First Ever Legendary Weapon - Hearthstone Developer Insights on Card Mechanics, Decks, and Other Featured Notes
2 years ago
Once March of the Lich King fully launched on December 6th, all eager Demon Hunter players were finally able to get their hands on one of the most...
The Lich King Has Marched Into (Hearthstone) Duels - Best Early Starting Decks, Including the Two New Death Knight Heroes
2 years ago
March of the Lich King, Hearthstone's latest huge expansion, went live earlier in the week. And while many players are having fun with the new cards...
Sire Denathrius and Shockspitter Nerfed in a Surprise Hearthstone Patch 25.0.3 - Plus the Corresponding Achievement Fix, Patrons Shadow Banned & Unbanned
2 years ago
And so it came to pass, Sire Denathrius has just been murdered! This time for real. Only an expansion later - whether it actually proves to be enough...
Hearthstone Hotfix Patch 25.0.2 Incoming - Scythe Fix, Prince Renathal Banned From Duels Buckets & Other Cards Unbanned, Plus Battlegrounds Updates
2 years ago
It's time for the first post-launch hotfix patch, following the release of Hearthstone's biggest expansion to date. There are a few bug fixes related...
Updated Post-Launch Known Issues for March of the Lich King - Standard and Class Packs Fixed, Death Knight Prologue Errors, Duels & Other
2 years ago
The newest bigger-than-ever Hearthstone expansion went live earlier today, and it didn't take long for a stream of fresh reports and known issues to...
Hearthstone's Hotfix Patch 25.0.1 Rolls Out - Fireside Gatherings Restored, Bug Fixes and Updates for Duels, Battlegrounds, & Mercenaries
2 years ago
A special server-side hotfix patch has been pushed out to all Hearthstone regions in order to fix the urgent issue with inaccessible Pre-Release...
Updated Known Issues and Fixes for Hearthstone's Patch 25.0 - Duels & Mercenaries, Sire Denathrius Achievement, Rewards Track Hero Skins, & More
2 years ago
A pre-expansion patch setting the groundwork for the biggest Hearthstone set to date had every right to be somewhat messy. But so far, the 25.0 update...
Hearthstone's Battlegrounds Patch 25.0 Brings New Hero and Quest Reward - Mechanization Commences
2 years ago
The changes listed below will go live with the Patch 25.0 on November 29.
New Hero - Enhance-o-Mechano (Armor Tier 1)
Hero Power - Enhancification:...
Chromie To Become the Newest Recruit for Hearthstone Mercenaries With March of the Lich King - Bring On Time Tinkering!
2 years ago
Very little has been announced for Hearthstone Mercenaries with the upcoming patch, as we've just had the big Task System Rework and the addition of...