Full Dust Refunds End Soon for 10 Hearthstone Cards From the Huge Lich King Balance Patch - Bonus Tips on What to Keep and What to Disenchant
1 year, 11 months ago
Happy New Year, aspiring dust hoarders! Hearthstone-wise we still technically find ourselves within the ongoing Year of the Hydra, but all our other...
Souleater's Scythe, Demon Hunter's First Ever Legendary Weapon - Hearthstone Developer Insights on Card Mechanics, Decks, and Other Featured Notes
2 years ago
Once March of the Lich King fully launched on December 6th, all eager Demon Hunter players were finally able to get their hands on one of the most...
Sire Denathrius and Shockspitter Nerfed in a Surprise Hearthstone Patch 25.0.3 - Plus the Corresponding Achievement Fix, Patrons Shadow Banned & Unbanned
2 years ago
And so it came to pass, Sire Denathrius has just been murdered! This time for real. Only an expansion later - whether it actually proves to be enough...
Hearthstone Hotfix Patch 25.0.2 Incoming - Scythe Fix, Prince Renathal Banned From Duels Buckets & Other Cards Unbanned, Plus Battlegrounds Updates
2 years ago
It's time for the first post-launch hotfix patch, following the release of Hearthstone's biggest expansion to date. There are a few bug fixes related...
Updated Post-Launch Known Issues for March of the Lich King - Standard and Class Packs Fixed, Death Knight Prologue Errors, Duels & Other
2 years ago
The newest bigger-than-ever Hearthstone expansion went live earlier today, and it didn't take long for a stream of fresh reports and known issues to...
A Second Farewell to Knights of the Frozen Throne - The Memories of Hearthstone Past, the Lich King Inspirations, and Its Impact on the Standard Meta
2 years ago
Two full expansions for the price of one? Who would've ever seen that coming a good while ago! Okay, so perhaps we kind of did. Hearthstone really...
Priest in March of the Lich King - Top New Cards and Best Day 1 Decks
2 years ago
The full set of cards for March of the Lich King has been revealed a little while ago, and we're nearing the time when they can finally become a part...
Warlock in March of the Lich King - Top New Cards and Best Day 1 Decks
2 years ago
The full set of cards for March of the Lich King has been revealed a little while ago, and we're nearing the time when they can finally become a part...
Rogue in March of the Lich King - Top New Cards and Best Day 1 Decks
2 years ago
The full set of cards for March of the Lich King has been revealed a little while ago, and we're nearing the time when they can finally become a part...
Shaman in March of the Lich King - Top New Cards and Best Day 1 Decks
2 years ago
The full set of cards for March of the Lich King has been revealed a little while ago, and we're nearing the time when they can finally become a part...
The Lich King Is Almost Done Marching - Get Ahead on the New Hearthstone Rewards Track
2 years ago
It's almost time for the Lich King's very long March to come to an end at the gates of distinguished Silvermoon City, where High/Blood Elves await....