New Hearthstone Arena Rotation - Secure Your Tavern Ticket Refunds Before Festival of Legends Begins!
1 year, 8 months ago
Festival of Legends is just a few days away with its global launch arriving on April 11, which means there are free rewards on the table for...
Full Dust Refunds End Soon for 10 Hearthstone Cards From the Huge Lich King Balance Patch - Bonus Tips on What to Keep and What to Disenchant
1 year, 11 months ago
Happy New Year, aspiring dust hoarders! Hearthstone-wise we still technically find ourselves within the ongoing Year of the Hydra, but all our other...
Reminder: Full Dust Refunds for Hearthstone's Lich King Mini-Balance Patch End Soon (Golden-Only Sire Denathrius & Shockspitter)
1 year, 11 months ago
The final month of the year moves along with another diligent dust refund reminder following only a week and a half after the previous one took place....
Reminder: Full Dust Refunds for Hearthstone's Patch 25.0 Card Changes Should End Soon - Grab Yours Before the Time Is Up!
2 years ago
It's been a while since we've had a special occasion to get up one of our last minute dust refund reminders - in fact, the previous time was marked by...
Our Thoughts on the First Balance Patch in March of the Lich King - Denathrius Finally Bit the Dust
2 years ago
In the recent Patch 25.0.3 that came just a few days after the new expansion launch, Blizzard decided to bless the Hearthstone community with a little...
Sire Denathrius and Shockspitter Nerfed in a Surprise Hearthstone Patch 25.0.3 - Plus the Corresponding Achievement Fix, Patrons Shadow Banned & Unbanned
2 years ago
And so it came to pass, Sire Denathrius has just been murdered! This time for real. Only an expansion later - whether it actually proves to be enough...
A Second Farewell to Knights of the Frozen Throne - The Memories of Hearthstone Past, the Lich King Inspirations, and Its Impact on the Standard Meta
2 years ago
Two full expansions for the price of one? Who would've ever seen that coming a good while ago! Okay, so perhaps we kind of did. Hearthstone really...
The Lich King Is Almost Done Marching - Get Ahead on the New Hearthstone Rewards Track
2 years ago
It's almost time for the Lich King's very long March to come to an end at the gates of distinguished Silvermoon City, where High/Blood Elves await....
Augmented Deathrattles Hunter - Full Deck and Guide on the Wildest of Days
2 years ago
This is a Wild Deathrattle Hunter deck making use of the fact that Augmented Porcupine received the double tribe treatment. That way, we can abuse the...
[Updated] Special Rattlegore Event Returns to Hearthstone Mercenaries for a Month - All Tasks, Bounties, and Coins
2 years ago
We've already mentioned the grand return of Rattlegore as part of the special Hearthstone hotfix patch, but it also definitely deserves its own place...
Updated Known Issues and Fixes for Hearthstone's Patch 25.0 - Duels & Mercenaries, Sire Denathrius Achievement, Rewards Track Hero Skins, & More
2 years ago
A pre-expansion patch setting the groundwork for the biggest Hearthstone set to date had every right to be somewhat messy. But so far, the 25.0 update...