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Submitted 4 years, 4 months ago by

Been feeling like arena is slowly dying all around with it being super unbalanced and totally forgotten not just in news but also lack of leaderboards and such. So seeing some love from anywhere right now just makes me really happy and i'm stoked to have a new column just for arena. 


  • Superpuff's Avatar
    385 72 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Been feeling like arena is slowly dying all around with it being super unbalanced and totally forgotten not just in news but also lack of leaderboards and such. So seeing some love from anywhere right now just makes me really happy and i'm stoked to have a new column just for arena. 


  • eazy's Avatar
    340 174 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Hi OP, 

    I am afraid you are right, Arena is dying and Blizz seems to not care about it too much. 

    Myself, I cant wait to play arena with new expansion cards, that always change the meta and it takes some time before it is worked out which new cards are actually good arena-wise. 

    I would play more of Arena if they made it 100% Wild, like it used to be in the old days. That way the decks would not feel that much similar. I know it will not be done, but one can dream I guess. 


  • Superpuff's Avatar
    385 72 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I think it will be a lot better with more cards. Will either way make for more variation. And the problem with bringing back old sets arethat the new ones are way overpowered so the old cards just become bad. And especially now that a new set is coming out they have to keep the other new ones otherwise it just becomes who can get the most new cards.

    But hopefully later on they can change it up again. Arena isnt dead. Probably...

  • eazy's Avatar
    340 174 Posts Joined 06/04/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    With more cards in the pool, the chances of getting many copies of specific OP cards is not that high. The variety of cards you see would be much wider if Arena was Wild, and for me it would be more interesting and less boring and stale.  And there are a lot of great arena cards in the wild only sets, with Year of The Mammoth still probably being the most OP year ever, so I don't think that whoever drafts the most new cards would win.

    The reason why they changed Arena from wild to standard back in the day was that it was too hard for new players to "learn" all the old cards. But now, for me at least, it is too boring, you see same cards all the time. The rotating Arena sets they did last year was interesting, they could go back to that. 

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