Expansion --------- Festival of Legends Voyage to the Sunken City Year of the Pegasus Core Set Murder at Castle Nathria Birthday Event Demon Hunter Initiate Path of Arthas Core 2021 Caverns of Time Showdown in the Badlands Fractured in Alterac Valley Curse of Naxxramas Perils in Paradise Galakrond's Awakening Forged in the Barrens United in Stormwind The Great Dark Beyond TITANS Classic March of the Lich King Whizbang's Workshop Goblins vs Gnomes Blackrock Mountain The Grand Tournament League of Explorers Whispers of the Old Gods One Night in Karazhan Mean Streets of Gadgetzan Journey to Un'Goro Knights of the Frozen Throne Kobolds and Catacombs The Witchwood The Boomsday Project Rastakhan's Rumble Rise of Shadows Saviors of Uldum Descent of Dragons Ashes of Outland Scholomance Academy Madness at the Darkmoon Faire Basic Legacy Hall of Fame
Game Mode ------ Standard Wild Classic Duels Twist
Rarity --------- Free Common Rare Epic Legendary
Type --------- Hero Minion Spell Weapon UNK_23 UNK_24 UNK_40 Location UNK_43 UNK_42
Tribe --------- Murloc Demon Mechanical Elemental Beast Totem Pirate Dragon All Quilboar UNK_88 UNK_80 UNK_81 UNK_84 Blood Elf Draenei Dwarf Gnome Goblin Human Night Elf Orc UNK_83 Tauren Troll Undead Worgen UNK_89 UNK_93 Naga UNK_94 UNK_95 UNK_97 UNK_100 UNK_98 UNK_96
Spell School --------- Arcane Fel Fire Frost Holy Nature Shadow UNK_10 UNK_8 UNK_9
Mechanic --------- Adapt Battlecry Charge Choose One Colossal Combo Corpse Corrupt Counter Deathrattle Discover Divine Shield Dormant Dredge Echo Elusive Enrage Excavate Finale Forge Freeze Frenzy Honorable Kill Immune Infuse Inspire Invoke Lackey Lifesteal Magnetic Manathirst (X) Mega-Windfury Mini Miniaturize Outcast Overheal Overkill Overload Overload: X Poisonous Quest Questline Quickdraw Reborn Recruit Rush Secret Sidequest Silence Spellburst Spell Damage Starship Starship Piece Start of Game Stealth Taunt Temporary Titan Tourist Tradeable Twinspell Windfury
Cost ------ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11+
Attack ------ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11+
Health ------ 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11+
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