Got 2k gold. Just wondering how to spend it.

Submitted 3 years, 10 months ago by

Hi, all.

So, up until yesterday I had saved around 9.2k gold for SA packs. My only wish was to obtain Illucia and after opening 80 packs (including freebies), I finally got her. Right now I have 2k gold remaining and I don't feel like buying any more packs - my current legendaries are Infiltrator Lilian (freebie), Ace Hunter, Malicia, Ras and Illucia. Normally I would like to have Alabaster, Polkelt and Sphere as well, but I am not that likely to open another legendary, yet alone one of the desired three in the next 20 packs. So, I considered the following options: Buying two wings of an adventure or the BG-bundle. And right now I just can't decide what I should go after.

From the pve adventures I only want Naxx tbh, but since I missed the chance to buy the first wing, I can't use gold to purchase it, so that's out of the question. I considered whether I wanted to buy BrM and ONiK and I figured, it's not worth to do it for the sake of new cards, since most of them don't see any play and the ones, that do, are so derp cheap, that I can craft them easily with dust. This led me to the following options - GA or the dungeon-run adventures in RoS/SoU. Now, my goal is mainly to have fun. I have heard, that GA was a bit underwhelming and it didn't offer much replayability, so I am leaning towards the other picks, but I would like to hear your opinion on those three adventures. 

Regarding the BG-bundle: I play bgs casually. My rating is 6.3k, so you can see, that I am not that devoted to it. It was another thing I decided to buy due the fun factor.

So, those are my options. I would like to hear what you guys think and what you could recommend me. Btw, I am aware, that I could save my gold for the next expansion, but I think I will accumulate enough, when it hits. Not to mention, I am not in the mood for such long-term investments.

  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Hi, all.

    So, up until yesterday I had saved around 9.2k gold for SA packs. My only wish was to obtain Illucia and after opening 80 packs (including freebies), I finally got her. Right now I have 2k gold remaining and I don't feel like buying any more packs - my current legendaries are Infiltrator Lilian (freebie), Ace Hunter, Malicia, Ras and Illucia. Normally I would like to have Alabaster, Polkelt and Sphere as well, but I am not that likely to open another legendary, yet alone one of the desired three in the next 20 packs. So, I considered the following options: Buying two wings of an adventure or the BG-bundle. And right now I just can't decide what I should go after.

    From the pve adventures I only want Naxx tbh, but since I missed the chance to buy the first wing, I can't use gold to purchase it, so that's out of the question. I considered whether I wanted to buy BrM and ONiK and I figured, it's not worth to do it for the sake of new cards, since most of them don't see any play and the ones, that do, are so derp cheap, that I can craft them easily with dust. This led me to the following options - GA or the dungeon-run adventures in RoS/SoU. Now, my goal is mainly to have fun. I have heard, that GA was a bit underwhelming and it didn't offer much replayability, so I am leaning towards the other picks, but I would like to hear your opinion on those three adventures. 

    Regarding the BG-bundle: I play bgs casually. My rating is 6.3k, so you can see, that I am not that devoted to it. It was another thing I decided to buy due the fun factor.

    So, those are my options. I would like to hear what you guys think and what you could recommend me. Btw, I am aware, that I could save my gold for the next expansion, but I think I will accumulate enough, when it hits. Not to mention, I am not in the mood for such long-term investments.

  • JackJimson's Avatar
    670 673 Posts Joined 11/19/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    If you enjoy BGs, I'd say go for that. I think that mode will give you more replyability than the others you have mentioned. I enjoy the PvE adventures, but after the first run, they lose their shine for me.

    On the other hand, if you want to invest in future expansions, GA is the option. As that set contains some key cards.

  • Meteorite12's Avatar
    670 696 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    GA is probably the best because, while it’s not the most amazing, it does still give some cards that are worth it for competitive use and casual play.

    With 6.3k though in battlegrounds, I’m pretty sure you’re above average still. Altogether though, I can’t say how much enjoyment you’d actually get out of the pass, since it’s mostly for competitive use as far as I know

    Who needs consistency when you could have fun?

  • Caro's Avatar
    Draconic Rager 2225 2517 Posts Joined 03/12/2020
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    I will never waste gold or money on the BG pass ever again, considering it's only temporary and you have to keep buying it every time a new expansion comes out. I only realized this after I spent 1250 gold buying the pass, thinking it was a permanent perk. Still mad coz I could have used that gold for SA packs which i desperately need right now :( 

  • Kovachut's Avatar
    HearthStationeer 675 756 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Thanks for the tips, guys, but after reading Flux's recent article I decided to hoard the accumulated gold for the time being.

    Thanks again. I appreciated your feedback.

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