Possible Dire Frenzy Bug?

Submitted 5 years, 8 months ago by

Well, I just played a game against spell hunter. If I recall correctly, if you used Dire Frenzy twice on the same beast - e.g. on a Vicious Scalehide - It would give you a 7-9 Vicious Scalehide on board and six 4-6 Vicious Scalehide in your deck, right? That is, while you buff the card on board twice, copies are only shuffled into the deck with the buff applied once. This is due to the card text stating "Shuffle three copies into the deck ..." (which implies no buff) "... with +3/+3".

In that game, Zul'jin casted multiple frenzies on the same scalehide, and the hunter then played a 13-15 scalehide, meaning that all the buffs were applied to this copy in the deck. This interaction is new, right? At least, I do not remember it working that way. And it would break spell hunter completely if you ask me.


  • Xophy's Avatar
    30 3 Posts Joined 07/02/2019
    Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

    Well, I just played a game against spell hunter. If I recall correctly, if you used Dire Frenzy twice on the same beast - e.g. on a Vicious Scalehide - It would give you a 7-9 Vicious Scalehide on board and six 4-6 Vicious Scalehide in your deck, right? That is, while you buff the card on board twice, copies are only shuffled into the deck with the buff applied once. This is due to the card text stating "Shuffle three copies into the deck ..." (which implies no buff) "... with +3/+3".

    In that game, Zul'jin casted multiple frenzies on the same scalehide, and the hunter then played a 13-15 scalehide, meaning that all the buffs were applied to this copy in the deck. This interaction is new, right? At least, I do not remember it working that way. And it would break spell hunter completely if you ask me.


  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

    No, it works as intended. For example:

    The second Dire Frenzy gives Vicious Scalehide +3/+3 second time, so the Scalehide is 7/9. Then it shuffles an exact copy of the minion into your deck.

    Imagine like Dire Frenzying a Vicious Scalehide that was already frenzied once, you drew it and played as 4/6 beast.


  • Xophy's Avatar
    30 3 Posts Joined 07/02/2019
    Posted 5 years, 8 months ago
    Quote From Alfi

    No, it works as intended. For example:

    The second Dire Frenzy gives Vicious Scalehide +3/+3 second time, so the Scalehide is 7/9. Then it shuffles an exact copy of the minion into your deck.

    Imagine like Dire Frenzying a Vicious Scalehide that was already frenzied once, you drew it and played as 4/6 beast.

    Well, first of all, I do not think that this fits the card text. The card says: "Give a beast +3/+3." This refers to the beast on board. Then: "Shuffle 3 copies into your deck ...". Shuffling copies into your deck always removes all buffs if not explicitly stated otherwise (e.g. compare Baleful Banker to Kingsbane). After that: "... with +3/+3." This means that the copies shuffled into your deck (with all previous buffs removed) obtain a +3/+3 buff and thus should be 4/6 Scalehides, no matter if Dire Frenzy was casted once or twice onto the beast.

    Now, I tried to reproduce it against the innkeeper and was not able to do so. All copied beasts were drawn with a single +3/+3 buff applied to them (as it should be), no matter if Dire Frenzy was casted twice onto the same beast, Dire Frenzy being casted on a drawn beast with the buff already applied, or even Dire Frenzy being casted by Zul'jin on a previously buffed beast. So, against the innkeeper, everything is working as I would expect.

    However, in the game I played (of which I unfortunately do not have a replay), the other player definitely played a 13/15 Scalehide from hand, meaning that he would have to have drawn a multiple buffed Scalehide before. When I hovered above the Scalehide, it also showed 4 Dire Frenzy buffs.

    Is there any other thing apart from a buff that I have not considered? It certainly was not the case that he somehow casted Dire Frenzy 4 times on the same Scalehide already on board, since he definitely played a 13/15 from hand.

  • Esparanta's Avatar
    Supporter HearthStationeer 540 349 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
    Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

    If you played multiple Dire Frenzy on same Beast, only one buff should be remained. You definitely should report it to official Hearthstone forums or Reddit, in addition to a replay.

  • Xophy's Avatar
    30 3 Posts Joined 07/02/2019
    Posted 5 years, 8 months ago

    Ok, the problem is finally solved! I was not able to reproduce that against other players. The reason why is because it is not a bug only of Dire Frenzy, but a bug regarding the interaction of Dire Frenzy and Hunting Party. If you have a minion with the Dire Frenzy buff in hand and then play Hunting Party, the minion you will get will have the buff applied twice (and if you play Hunting Party again if you have the minion with the twice applied buff in hand, I assume from my own game that you will get a minion with the buff applied 4 times).

    You can see it in the replay provided in this thread (turn 19). Really weird bug, I have no idea how they coded it to behave that way.


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