Neoguli's Custom Demon Hunter Core Set Changes

Submitted 3 years, 10 months ago by

Greetings there! I'm here to present you my version of how I would change Mage's Core Sets. I'm jumping the bandwagon a bit with the changes after seeing some other people trying their reworks and generally accepting classes may need some updates.

This time, I've put crossfire onto Demon Hunter. This one is different, becuase DH doesn't have a Classic Set yet, but this will be a fun opportunity to theorycraft a potential one for the new class. Keep in mind that this change also includes an overhaul to their Hero Power, making it costing (2), but giving +1 more Attack on each version. It's more to streamline the class, to not confuse new players and to get a new perspective on the balance.

Strengths and Weaknesses

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  • Strengths
    • Weapons - Demon Hunters have a plethora of weapons to attack you with.
    • Card Draw - Demon Hunters track you fast.
    • Aggression - Your health is in danger.
    • Hand Manipulation - Insight helps you control the resources you use.
    • Demons - These hunted monsters are also your allies.
  • Limitations
    • Minion Swarms - Demon Hunters usually prefer larger minions and not mere pawns.
    • Survivability - Demon Hunters can sustain during a fight.
  • Weaknesses
    • Card Generation - Demon Hunters rely on their instinct instead of outside help.
    • Non-Attack Burst - Demon Hunters beat you consistently instead of in a one fell swoop, and they prefer slashing through everyone.

New Sets

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Basic Set

Classic Set


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Battle Felguard - an aggressive minion to complement Demon Hunter's fast and furious, slash and hack playstyle.

Aeladori Prophet - gives the class an access to manipulate their hand to benefit the most from Outcast effects.

Warglaives of Azzinoth - changed from the unbalanced state to a more soft board control tool.

Demonic Sigil - adds an evergreen Demon buff to Demon Hunter. Aside from giving a buff, it can also let the target attack twice.

Skull of Gul'dan - changed from reducing the cost of cards drawn to reducing the cost of itself.

Dark Portal - while it is card generation, it is more akin to Warlock by giving you Demons and not other cards. It's also not really a card generator, because you replace cards in your deck instead of shuffling some into it.

Illidari Dancer - the ultimate attack buffer.

Cordana Felsong - she's a warden in WoW lore, and so she provides some defensive capabilities to the class.

Hall of Fame

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Well, just one card, but that is because Glaivebound Adept is already in the basic set, so it can be HoF'd.

Some cards that were considered, but didn't make the cut

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Felosophy - well, card generation, but it would've probably been a fair one.

Demon Companion - this was meant to be a Basic card due to simplicity and similarity to Animal Companion, but I forgot it was a dual class card.

Cycle of Hatred - big AoE and summons, but maybe it was a little too good.

Double Jump - was meant to give Demon Hunter an evergreen way to trigger Outcast more consistently, but tutors are dangerous in general, and Prophet probably does the job better.

Blur - wouldn't mind seeing in the set.

Ancient Void Hound - was thinking of trying to change it to be a defensive feaster, but maybe it was not worth the effort.

Vilefiend Trainer - lacked room

Priestess of Fury - also lacked room.

Among many, many, MANY other cards…

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 596 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Greetings there! I'm here to present you my version of how I would change Mage's Core Sets. I'm jumping the bandwagon a bit with the changes after seeing some other people trying their reworks and generally accepting classes may need some updates.

    This time, I've put crossfire onto Demon Hunter. This one is different, becuase DH doesn't have a Classic Set yet, but this will be a fun opportunity to theorycraft a potential one for the new class. Keep in mind that this change also includes an overhaul to their Hero Power, making it costing (2), but giving +1 more Attack on each version. It's more to streamline the class, to not confuse new players and to get a new perspective on the balance.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

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    • Strengths
      • Weapons - Demon Hunters have a plethora of weapons to attack you with.
      • Card Draw - Demon Hunters track you fast.
      • Aggression - Your health is in danger.
      • Hand Manipulation - Insight helps you control the resources you use.
      • Demons - These hunted monsters are also your allies.
    • Limitations
      • Minion Swarms - Demon Hunters usually prefer larger minions and not mere pawns.
      • Survivability - Demon Hunters can sustain during a fight.
    • Weaknesses
      • Card Generation - Demon Hunters rely on their instinct instead of outside help.
      • Non-Attack Burst - Demon Hunters beat you consistently instead of in a one fell swoop, and they prefer slashing through everyone.

    New Sets

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    Basic Set

    Classic Set


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    Battle Felguard - an aggressive minion to complement Demon Hunter's fast and furious, slash and hack playstyle.

    Aeladori Prophet - gives the class an access to manipulate their hand to benefit the most from Outcast effects.

    Warglaives of Azzinoth - changed from the unbalanced state to a more soft board control tool.

    Demonic Sigil - adds an evergreen Demon buff to Demon Hunter. Aside from giving a buff, it can also let the target attack twice.

    Skull of Gul'dan - changed from reducing the cost of cards drawn to reducing the cost of itself.

    Dark Portal - while it is card generation, it is more akin to Warlock by giving you Demons and not other cards. It's also not really a card generator, because you replace cards in your deck instead of shuffling some into it.

    Illidari Dancer - the ultimate attack buffer.

    Cordana Felsong - she's a warden in WoW lore, and so she provides some defensive capabilities to the class.

    Hall of Fame

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    Well, just one card, but that is because Glaivebound Adept is already in the basic set, so it can be HoF'd.

    Some cards that were considered, but didn't make the cut

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    Felosophy - well, card generation, but it would've probably been a fair one.

    Demon Companion - this was meant to be a Basic card due to simplicity and similarity to Animal Companion, but I forgot it was a dual class card.

    Cycle of Hatred - big AoE and summons, but maybe it was a little too good.

    Double Jump - was meant to give Demon Hunter an evergreen way to trigger Outcast more consistently, but tutors are dangerous in general, and Prophet probably does the job better.

    Blur - wouldn't mind seeing in the set.

    Ancient Void Hound - was thinking of trying to change it to be a defensive feaster, but maybe it was not worth the effort.

    Vilefiend Trainer - lacked room

    Priestess of Fury - also lacked room.

    Among many, many, MANY other cards…

    "Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me

    "If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Surely the reworked Warglaives of Azzinoth should cost more than 4 mana? At worst it is 4 mana for 5 burst damage, but it will often completely nullify your opponent's efforts to build any sort of board presence for, frankly, the rest of the game unless they run weapon removal or try to go wide (which is easy to punish because you have good AoE). Also, its rarity seems off given how iconic the weapons are and it's comparison to Gorehowl, which by the way it is just a way better version of. If you are reworking a card that much, shouldn't you just make it a completely new one?

    I don't see why Cordana Felsong has a Sap effect, which has only ever existed outside rogue in Freezing Trap, which is a severely restricted version of it. There are enough complaints about DH being able to do everything without giving them a mechanic that has always been specific to a single class. It also serves as strong single target (pseudo-)removal, which is one of the few things the class doesn't have without face tanking a ton of damage.

    Finally, Dark Portal is just asking for confusion with The Dark Portal and needs a name change.

  • Elfensilver's Avatar
    595 663 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 3 years, 10 months ago

    Interesting. You streamlined the class, leaving most of the small minion synergies out. While the basic set represents attack synergies and bigger demons well enough, there isn't a single outcast card among them, even though outcast is the core mechanic! 

    I'll now give criticism, hopefully constructive. If I do not criticize something, I think it's good. 

    I also have problems with Battle Felguard. It's quite similar to Leeroy Jenkins, but you also introduce buffs for demons. While big surprising swings from the hand are somewhat common in DH, Battle Felguard is a basic card. Copy it with Felosophy, and you have 12 face damage from hand, which is more than Pyroblast. And DH should be different from Hunter because it does not have buffs. What would a buff even represent lore wise? "I meddle with demonic powers better left alone, which I manipulate for revenge and my own gain, but I also support and treasure them. "  ? 

    Iliidari Dancer is probably spelled wrong, should be Illidari Dancer. It also has a confusing text, which you can't have in the classic set. I still don't know what it does.

    Cordana Felsong is an odd one out, basically the only defensive card, while also stealing rogue's Sap. The design would be better suited for a warrior/rogue dual class card. While disruption is a theme for DH, DH has only a limited set of battlecries: gain attack, cheapen DH, draw card, conditional damage dealt. If you want to keep the sap effect, maybe make it trigger after Cordana attacked a minion.

    And, lastly: you should either cut the small minions entirely, or keep all their cards. Keeping 3 in basic&classic is not useful. 

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