Custom classic and basic overhaul v2

Submitted 4 years, 4 months ago by

not like that

  • R's Avatar
    Design Champion 1000 743 Posts Joined 04/23/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    not like that

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Very lazy (you should at least do a card images) and uncreative. For example:

    Gruul - gained charge and battlecry can’t attack heroes this turn

    Do you know this is called Rush?

    Many unneeded buffs, clearly you do not understand the role of Basic and Classic set. It should NOT be strong, because then everyone will play only these cards, the powerlevel should be a bit less than the expansions.

    And no clear reason for buffs. 

    Why should be the Auctioneer 6/4? Why is Violet Teacher neutral 4 mana 3/6 with big upside? Why Brightwing is a 3 mana 3/2 heal 5 to hero add a legendary to your hand?

    And what the pile of crap is this??

    Nat pagle - now a 3 mana 0/3 and now reads reads at the end of your turn draw a card or summon a 1/3 fish2 fishnow a 0/6 and reads at the start of your turn draw an extra card or summon a 2/2 fishd 2/31/3

    Goldshire footman - now reads taunt, battlecry give your otherother taunt minions +1/+1lththds taunt your other taunt min

    Dragonling mechanic - now reads battlecry summon a 2 a 2/1 mechanical dragonling and deal 2 damage to a miniondamgives your and add one to your handadd on

    I could continue on and on card by card but I will not waste my time.

    Just awful presentation of misunderstanding the game mechanics. 


  • PopeNeia's Avatar
    Darkmaster 640 841 Posts Joined 07/06/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I understand english may not be your native language, so thats fine. But if it is, please at least try to correct some typos or make it a bit more... legible. It looks very lazy as of now because of that.

    Many of the effects are just blatantly overpowered now, and maybe you could have given that a bit more thought. I would suggest zooming in on some problem cards (maybe Millhouse or Silverback) and slowly break down the set and offer improvments along the way.

    I also have a nagging suspicion this might just be the biggest bait/satire post on Blizzard’s constant powercreep and if so, good job.


    This ain't no place for a hero

  • Elfensilver's Avatar
    595 663 Posts Joined 03/14/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    What you did is impressive by its scale, but it's also terrible presentation. Who is interested enough in another classic/basic overhaul to scroll through a hundred pieces of text? And most of them are the same- "unchanged". You should start small, by changing one class, or the neutral cards. And you can use hearthcards to change existing cards: which will  make this so much more appealing.  And please add some thoughts, like a general design philosophy- a sentence per class would show where you focus lies.

  • LazyKid's Avatar
    465 82 Posts Joined 01/18/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Well this went as well as I thought it would and regarding the typos, I really don't know how they got there also card images is a planned thing, regarding the power level of certain cards, I might not be the most insightful person regarding that hence the post, to gather an outside opinion.

    I probably should put more details regarding the changes but here are some now to start.

    Regarding not using rush, well there is no such thing in the classic set same thing with discover, lifesteal is also the case but I chose to overlook that partially cause it'd be really difficult to do some of these cards without it and realistically it would just get keyworded

    Auctioneer - I considered leaving this one alone but I did buff the attack so it is a better minion overall and the health was something I wanted to leave alone due to the power level of the effect, he could probably be left alone but he hasn't seen play for awhile

     Violet teacher - I didn't think the upside was too much but comparing it to other cards of the same cost in this I should probably just make it like a 3 mana 2/4 so it's effect is more useful when the card can be played

    Brightwing - was one that I thought about a lot and though I considered just making it 2 mana I chose giving it an additional effect that seemed to fit

  • clawz161's Avatar
    The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Rockbiter weapon - now reads give a minion and your hero +3 attack this turn

    Flametongue totem - now has 5 health

    Fiery war axe - now 4 mana and now reads whenever your hero deals damage gain that much armor Should be it's own weapon and doesn't make sense for it to be changed to this when the weapon is fine. I argue putting it back at 2 mana is okay now, with as much early game aggro we have now it's literally irrelevant.



    It's clear to me you're more interested in making a new expansion with cards that RESEMBLE basic cards. You change cards like fiery war axe to where they're just a flat out new weapon concept and you make razorfen hunter into something that's even better than it ever should be. I don't know why you don't just make new cards instead of trying to turn cards that are in the classic set, which are below-standard power level ON PURPOSE into these weird powercreeped versions of cards that are better in everyway and have no similarity to everything. Other than that some are outright ridiculous. 5 health flametongue? Rockbiter that's literally twice as good. If it wasn't such drawn out list that i don't want to continue reading i'd have thought it was a joke.

    Living like that.

  • LazyKid's Avatar
    465 82 Posts Joined 01/18/2020
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    I will admit there are some places where I either overdid it or probably just need to be left alone

    Fiery war axe -  maybe it can be unnerfed but I thought it would be better to try something else entirely just in case I might ultimately choose to not change it when I'm done

    Rock biter - I already changed and might continue to do so

    Flame tongue - might be overdone I am not sure will reduce the health to 4 or come up with something else or just leave it alone

    I will admit basic cards are supposed to be weaker and to a lesser extent classic cards but I think that some cards might be falling off too much, or were too bad to begin with, I do plan to keep try to get this to work and will be trying to leave the stuff that sets their baselines and will probably remove the changes to fiery war axe, felstalker, remove taunt from war golem and various others in attempt to preserve some of the baseline I overlooked 

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