Zephrys makes mistakes again

Submitted 4 years, 4 months ago by

Zephrys the Great has been so incompetent to me lately. I'm trying to get to 1k wins with priest so ofc I'm playing raza priest in wild. Now this little wanker didn't give me any form secret removal of any sort when i had about 22 damage on board and lethal but opponent has iceblock. Instead he offers me high mana minions that deal only one damage and things like that. Can't he fucking see I've got so much damage, why do I need more?? I've lost exactly 4 games so far against quest mage because of this bs.  

In 2 other cases he offers me 5 mana Brawl, a 2 mana Shadow Word: Death and a 7 mana minion when I got only 3 mana left and opponent has 7 minions on board. Logically he should offer me Frost Nova because I'm dead next turn lad, there is over 30 damage on opponent's side of the board. But nope, i'm forced to take the Death and lose another 2 games.

More like Zephrys the bugged...

  • Helios's Avatar
    The Cake Is A Lie 625 319 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Zephrys the Great has been so incompetent to me lately. I'm trying to get to 1k wins with priest so ofc I'm playing raza priest in wild. Now this little wanker didn't give me any form secret removal of any sort when i had about 22 damage on board and lethal but opponent has iceblock. Instead he offers me high mana minions that deal only one damage and things like that. Can't he fucking see I've got so much damage, why do I need more?? I've lost exactly 4 games so far against quest mage because of this bs.  

    In 2 other cases he offers me 5 mana Brawl, a 2 mana Shadow Word: Death and a 7 mana minion when I got only 3 mana left and opponent has 7 minions on board. Logically he should offer me Frost Nova because I'm dead next turn lad, there is over 30 damage on opponent's side of the board. But nope, i'm forced to take the Death and lose another 2 games.

    More like Zephrys the bugged...


  • SLima's Avatar
    The Undying 560 415 Posts Joined 08/17/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    The way Zephrys' AI interprets the game is different from ours. I believe he doesn't know what secrets the opponent has. And he most likely doesn't believe that a single secret is enough of a threat or enough of a defense mechanism for the opponent that he has to give you a way to remove it. He will prioritize pretty anything else. This behavior is very common when it comes to secrets. The times that he let me down were mostly caused by he not really caring about enemy secrets as much as the other stuff that's on the board. He almost always won't offer Flare unless your opponent has 3 or more secrets and the board is pretty much empty because in this scenario he doesn't really have any better immediate options. He is that stingy when it comes to secrets. He likes to offer SI:7 Infiltrator way more because it's also a decent tempo minion.

    "True mastery takes dedication."

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5610 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 4 months ago

    Zephrys cant see what secrets your opponent's got, and will only offer flare if there are multiple secrets up. Otherwise he will just offer you SI:7 Infiltrator.

    It might be that:

    - Your board is full so offering infiltrator isn't an option. The way the code prioritizes secrets is a bit weird since it will not offer up flare if there aren't multiple secrets on board.

    - Your opponent is threatening lethal, so he gives you a board clear

    - Your board is not frozen, so the AI thinks you can win with your board, not understanding that an ice block is in the way. So it offers you something like bloodlust

    - There is a taunt in the way so it offers you removal

    - And lastly, you didn't narrow your mana to at least 4, so indirectly you allowed the AI to offer you more options. Zep will always try to offer you something to do the same turn he's played.

    Zephrys is not perfect, I think its safe to say that the number of follies from this card is enough to spawn several meme videos on its own. Funnily enough I seem to remember something similar happening on grandmasters when the player was obviously fishing for frost nova but didn't get it. Best thing you can do now is to screenshot it, post it up reddit and hope some dev sees it.

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Maybe Zephrys just despise Raza priests, man. 


  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 3 months ago

    Long story short, most if Zeph's errors arise from not knowing card text beyond keywords, so I doubt he even knows Ice Block exists. He only knows what to offer because the devs have given him end points for his decision tree.

    Not that I'm rushing to defend a quest mage player, but if I was one of them I'd also be calling bs that there's a card out there that is not only anti-secret tech, but also anti-anything tech for the frankly tiny deck-building restriction of making a singleton deck in Wild, which already has multiple other massive payoff cards.

    In Standard he is like giving a crutch to someone with a twisted ankle; in Wild the person is already top level athlete in perfect condition. I have to think maybe the athlete was doing just fine without the crutch, and isn't giving it enough credit when it helps him win a race he had not prepared for...

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