Heroic Brawliseum

Make a Standard deck to compete with the best! Stakes are high, the competition intense. More wins means more rewards. Can you make it to 12 wins, or will 3 losses end your run?

This Week's format, starting August 21st, is the Wild format.


  • The third, sixth, ninth, and twelfth Heroic Brawliseums were held in Wild format.
  • Starting from the sixth Brawliseum, entry can be bought with 1000 gold or 1000 Runestones.

Heroic Brawliseum Rewards

Here is the rewards breakdown based on your wins. Your break-even at 5 wins, with roughly 1000 gold worth of value out of the rewards. (1 Dust is roughly 1 Gold, a pack is 100 Gold)

Hot Decks for Heroic Brawliseum

When We've Seen Heroic Brawliseum

Week Started Ended Reward
Week #75 Tuesday, November 15, 2016 Saturday, November 19, 2016 1x Rewards Depend on Success
Week #91 Tuesday, March 07, 2017 Saturday, March 11, 2017 1x Rewards Depend on Success
Week #99 Tuesday, May 02, 2017 Saturday, May 06, 2017 1x Rewards Depend on Success
Week #276 Wednesday, September 23, 2020 Wednesday, September 30, 2020 1x Rewards Depend on Success
Week #399 Wednesday, February 01, 2023 Wednesday, February 08, 2023 1x Rewards Depend on Success
Week #363 Wednesday, May 25, 2022 Wednesday, June 01, 2022 1x Rewards Depend on Success
Week #379 Wednesday, September 14, 2022 Wednesday, September 21, 2022 1x Rewards Depend on Success
Week #430 Wednesday, September 06, 2023 Wednesday, September 13, 2023 1x Rewards Depend on Success
Week #415 Wednesday, May 24, 2023 Wednesday, May 31, 2023 1x Rewards Depend on Success
Week #447 Wednesday, January 03, 2024 Wednesday, January 10, 2024 1x Rewards Depend on Success
Week #464 Wednesday, May 01, 2024 Wednesday, May 08, 2024 1x Rewards Depend on Success
Week #480 Wednesday, August 21, 2024 Wednesday, August 28, 2024 1x Rewards Depend on Success


  • Bullard's Avatar
    120 10 Posts Joined 04/01/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Disappointing that there was no free run and I can't imagine there'd be that many 'ordinary' players willing to stump up 1000g to be farmed by high legend streamers. I certainly won't be bothering. Heroic Failiseum .

  • ElSabidon's Avatar
    Salty Dog 1030 685 Posts Joined 06/07/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    So, let's recap this 3 week special event:

    Week 1 - Card back you can buy with gold + Pack Bundle

    Week 2 - Linear Solo Adventure (with one class pack reward) + Pack (with Skin) Bundle

    Week 3 - Card back you can buy with gold + Tavern Brawl you have to spend money on and be incredibly lucky to get a profit

    Quote From Ben Lee
    ….held multiple events with hefty reward packages….

    Quite hefty indeed, mr. Ben Lee. 

    PS: I'm going to bookmark the post discussing the Battle Pass for every time we get great revelations and events like this one. If you want to do it too, here's the link: https://outof.cards/hearthstone/1727-blizzard-responds-to-the-hearthstone-battle-pass-survey-current-reward-values-to-be-preserved-play-hearthstone-your-way-to-progress


  • lMarcusl's Avatar
    390 389 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    So let me get this straight. People who pay for the game on the regular buying packs each expansion (be it with gold or money) had the opportunity to play a decently fun new game mode called Battlegrounds for free. Now, aside from having to buy your packs to play your format of choice, you also have to spit out more for a Tavern Pass to play the same mode you could play before for free, or else you're saddled with a 50 % cut in your options (and as it happens, hero choice is more than half the game at this point).

    Then, they bring back the Brawliseum to replace the standard Tavern Brawl and they don't even have the decency to give you the usual free entry anymore. You have to pay for the privilege of playing standard and unless you do astonishingly well (66% winrate) you are guaranteed to lose money. Which is attractive...how, exactly? Meanwhile free-to-play players are twiddling their thumbs waiting for the Tavern Brawl button to be usable again cause they just got robbed of their regular free pack. Everybody is worse off. Literally everybody, including the people not interested in the Brawliseum.

    I'm sorry is this supposed to be the way companies provide their services to customers? Gradually, over time, make everything both cost more and be worse? Keep pushing Bliz, please, by all means. Keep grubbing up all the short-term cash at the cost of long-term customer loyalty. Keep looking for people experienced with "executing on monetisation" for your games before they're even a game. Keep cutting down on people's options for game modes you're selling while they're still officially in Beta. I'm absolutely positive it won't bite you in the anal cavity down the road.

    • davidwizard's Avatar
      330 280 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
      Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

      Hold on... "free-to-play players ... got robbed of their regular free pack"? How can someone who put absolutely NOTHING into the game get "robbed"?

      Nobody. Owes. You. Free. Shit.


      An actual customer subsidizing the FTP experience

      • lMarcusl's Avatar
        390 389 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
        Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

        Before you start swinging your wallet around (oops, too late!), you should probably know that I haven't been free to play since Whispers of the Old Gods. So so much for you being the "actual customer" in this conversation. Unlike you I just happen to be looking out for other people, not just the ones who play the way I do.

        Secondly, um...yes, the game does actually, quite literally, owe people free shit. It's called a free to play game for a reason. Free to play games exist on the foundation that with enough time investment, people can play them for free. That's like the basis of their marketing strategy, that's how they get people involved. It's free so why not try it. In order for this system to function the game has to hand out free shit to its players or it ceases to be f2p, and that goes especially for games that have a collectible aspect to them. If you're playing something like World of Tanks you don't have to constantly keep expanding your collection to stay in the game, you can play the tanks you have and nobody is going to take them away, they won't rotate or become completely irrelevant in power....well, ok you could argue the last part. In collectible card games, you HAVE to have the ability to collect more and more packs for "free" (it ain't even remotely free, it costs you a ton of time).

        When a company establishes a certain expectation of exactly how frequently and in what amounts these "free" unlocks get delivered, it is then only logical that customers, yes, even the "free" customers, voice their disappointment when those free handouts get scaled back. Because this is an expectation that the company itself established for its players, this is the in-game pattern which the f2p aspect is built on, and when that goes, so goes every right the game has to call itself f2p and implement f2p business models.

        I don't know where you're from but let me conclude my point this way. Many countries offer free education, from primary all the way to university. "Free shit" if you will. Would you honestly, for real, expect people to just shrug their shoulders and move on if that were to be taken away? Sure, there are countries that monetise their education system. But those that don't have established an expectation for "free shit". And that expectation cannot be violated without backlash.


        Someone who actually thought about the issue for more than 2 seconds

        • davidwizard's Avatar
          330 280 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
          Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

          It's a game, darling. Pretend to be as faux outraged as you like, but comparing it to socialized education is beyond idiotic. If you were advocating that all players of Hearthstone should pay a means-tested, progressive tax in order to play, I'm with you! Great idea! But that's clearly not what you're espousing - you're disingenuously acting like the benefits of social democracy are comparable in any way to videogames.

          People who are free-to-play don't need "looking out for," Mr. Self-Appointed Hero. They're free-loading in a children's card game. Missing out on a single free pack for a single week which they KNEW ABOUT IN ADVANCE will not hurt them in the slightest.

          Your rhetoric is truly an indictment of whatever educational system trained you. Best of luck , Robin Hood. I'm sure you'll take down mean old Blizzard any day now!

      • clawz161's Avatar
        The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
        Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

        Your soul cost tencent

  • EndlessTides's Avatar
    Funnel Cakes 365 232 Posts Joined 03/25/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    As an aside RegisKillbin has posted a video saying that this Tavern Brawl is not worth it. At all.


    • Marega's Avatar
      620 872 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
      Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

      When Regis, the guy that can get shafted by rng in matches and just laughs about it like a good blizzard customer without the slight complain ACTUALLY complains about this Brawl you know its a bad Brawl

  • Mepemotrarial's Avatar
    Rexxar 210 8 Posts Joined 05/31/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    i r disappoint

  • Brandon's Avatar
    Old God Fanatic 1350 2486 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I rather spend 1000 gold on packs, or saving it for next expansion, than gambling it on this thing. (or spend it on... the arena *shudders*) The average player gets around 3 wins in this, so it's a HUGE waste of gold. The only players that can truly benefit from this are either: 1: EXTREMELY lucky/RNGesus himself, or 2: HIGH Legend players, like top 100, or 3: Professional HS players that go to tournaments like Firebat, Thijs & Hunterace. I'm not "angry" because there is no free ticket, as that only happened once before. But i still feel a bit... disappointed as this was the only real way to earn some kind of reward this event. And because this is the tavern brawl, were losing out on one of the weekly free packs.

    When are we getting a REAL event? Like "get gold & dust as quest rewards" (60 gold quest gives 60 gold & 60 Dust), increased amount of gold from quests, that new gamemode that was teased in the 2020 road map (i really hope that wasn't just Book of Heroes), specials tavern brawls + lot's of rewards (Doom in the Tomb, Etc.), or something else that's big like buffs to some bad cards/archetypes? The only thing we got without having to pay lots of money, or gold is 40 dust 1 free mage pack... Heck, even the new battlegrounds heroes were locked behind the battlegrounds perks 2000 gold paywall. 

    Now that i think about it, it almost feels like the mage pack from book of heroes was rather some kind of compensation for the loss of a classic pack because of the heroic brawliseum...

    • Sakyo's Avatar
      The Cake Is A Lie 230 26 Posts Joined 03/26/2019
      Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
      Quote From Brandon

      Now that i think about it, it almost feels like the mage pack from book of heroes was rather some kind of compensation for the loss of a classic pack because of the heroic brawliseum...



      Forbidden Library  was only the "free" boring book of heroes  plus give us money for a wild bundle plus give us money for a scholar bundle plus give us money for brawliseum entrance  and some extra money for an old card back.  

      • og0's Avatar
        Red Riding Hood 1570 1062 Posts Joined 03/31/2019
        Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

        I suppose there was also Battlegrounds changes, but they happen all the time anyway and I don't even play Battlegrounds (though I know lots of people like it).

        Surely this is the least generous event ever.

        Blizzard you want my gold?  Enable wild adventures to be able to be purchased with gold not only $$$ then at least I can do them on my NA and Asia accounts.  Then we can talk - otherwise I'll just hang on to it until next expansion particularly considering the uncertainty surrounding the upcoming battle pass (yes I read your assurances but I'll wait to see the specifics of what's implemented and decide for myself from there).

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I love how most of us (if not all) expecting a freebie from tavern brawl this week. ~(˘▾˘~).

    Clearly, Hearthstone doesn't know how to satisfy our need as gamer.

    They could've easily turn Arena Mode itself to be a Heroic mode (or create a new heroic mode) and still doesn't dissapoint most player who doesn't play it.

    This is too much. This is truly the definition of lazy.

  • KillaFIsh's Avatar
    375 250 Posts Joined 07/10/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    Impulse Bought


    3 packs

    I coulda got more rewards out of two arena runs with the same win rate


    Thanks Blizz very cool

    • JackJimson's Avatar
      670 673 Posts Joined 11/19/2019
      Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

      Going to be honest, I don't think this is Blizzard's fault.

      Posts of the rewards structure are everywhere, and you are warned with the cost of entry before starting.

      • davidwizard's Avatar
        330 280 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
        Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

        Amen, man. It's like... if you don't want to buy it, then vote with your money and don't buy it!

      • Helios's Avatar
        The Cake Is A Lie 625 319 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
        Posted 4 years, 2 months ago
        Quote From JackJimson

        Going to be honest, I don't think this is Blizzard's fault.

        Posts of the rewards structure are everywhere, and you are warned with the cost of entry before starting.

        that's not the mentality someone should have in a videogame lad. "you are warned" .... are we playing a videogame or betting pants in a casino? I don't want to play a game who warns me I will lose money, no thanks -.-

        • JackJimson's Avatar
          670 673 Posts Joined 11/19/2019
          Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

          I know I have the unpopular opinion here.

          That's my point it's an optional event we are not forced to partake in. I certainly have not and have no intention to.

          If we want to spend 1000 gold on arena runs or to buy packs we are free to do so. If we chose to partake in the event, we are free to do so as well. However, we should also accept both the rewards and consequences of doing so.

  • OmarComing's Avatar
    790 530 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 4 years, 2 months ago

    I like to imagine that this brawl is being run by the Bilgewater Cartel, and that helps me stomach the idea of it a little better.

    Granted, I’m still not going to enter, but if goblins were in charge of this scheme, then at least it has some flavor.

    ”Time is money, friend!” 


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