Neoguli's Custom Priest Core Set Changes

Submitted 3 years, 8 months ago by

Greetings there! I'm here to present you my version of how I would change Priest's Core Sets. I'm jumping the bandwagon a bit with the changes after seeing some other people trying their reworks and generally accepting classes may need some updates.

This time, I've put crossfire onto Priest. While it's very hard to actually do them, please don't think I'm going to make changes for literally every class, although if I get bored, I might do in near future. Also chose Priest this time, because some of their new cards they got aren't seeing any value, and they could use some nice tools. I also chose them as the last one for me to revise, as there were plenty of Priest Core Set changes beforehand.

Strengths and Weaknesses

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  • Strengths
    • Removal - Priests control every move you make.
    • Survivability - Priests have access to tons of healing, be it to themselves or their allies.
    • Card Generation - The Light shall bring you unexpected tools to help you win.
    • Minions - Priests are aided by their companions they ought to protect and resurrect in the time of need. Especially Dragons.
    • Healing - Priests are ready to heal your wounds.
  • Limitations
    • Disruption - Priests can enter your mind.
    • Buffs - Allies deserve some more power.
    • Combos - Priests usually cast slow, but powerful spells, but they also have some smaller ones to spare.
  • Weaknesses
    • Burst - Priests prefer to remain neutral or positive, they don't want to cause harm.
    • Card Draw - Priests need time to save you, you randomly engaging fool.

New Sets

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Basic Set

Classic Set


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Northshire Cleric - returning with a different effect. You no longer can go full Northshire, but you can still get a draw, and it now triggers off of healing on your hero.

Power Word: Feast - a nice buff for Priest to let your minions stay alive.

Sanctuary Angel - a minion for your Rez Priests. Helps you defend your face, albeit it deals mediocre damage.

Priest of the Feast - provides you with a payoff for playing multiple spells in a turn.

Divine Hymn - not the strongest card, but heals your board and your hero.

Apotheosis - another buff for the class that also heals you.

Shadowmelder - serves as a removal tool that also supports Deathrattle synergies.

Breath of the Infinite - allows for evergreen Dragon synergies and serves as removal.

Reviving Infusion - the core Rez card.

Shadowy Figure - the primary Deathrattle synergy card, giving you more of those effects.

Hall of Fame

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Some cards that were considered, but didn't make the cut

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Silhouettes - my custom card that was meant to replace Mindgames. It was supposed to generate value, but in the end, maybe it could generate too much of it.

Shadowboxer - If I remember, I wanted to add this card, but I guess it deals damage to the enemy hero when it can, so no.

Mana Geode - Same story, except this one looks so cool that had I not gone for more Deathrattle synergies, this would probably make the cut.

Lyra the Sunshard - was meant to replace Natalie Seline, but maybe the value potential could go out of control.

Initiation - dunno, but I think I wanted to add this card, but I guess it could be weird to have.

Power Word: Replicate - maybe too gimmicky and also conflicted with Silhouettes back when I wanted to add them.

Among many, many, MANY other cards…

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 597 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Greetings there! I'm here to present you my version of how I would change Priest's Core Sets. I'm jumping the bandwagon a bit with the changes after seeing some other people trying their reworks and generally accepting classes may need some updates.

    This time, I've put crossfire onto Priest. While it's very hard to actually do them, please don't think I'm going to make changes for literally every class, although if I get bored, I might do in near future. Also chose Priest this time, because some of their new cards they got aren't seeing any value, and they could use some nice tools. I also chose them as the last one for me to revise, as there were plenty of Priest Core Set changes beforehand.

    Strengths and Weaknesses

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    • Strengths
      • Removal - Priests control every move you make.
      • Survivability - Priests have access to tons of healing, be it to themselves or their allies.
      • Card Generation - The Light shall bring you unexpected tools to help you win.
      • Minions - Priests are aided by their companions they ought to protect and resurrect in the time of need. Especially Dragons.
      • Healing - Priests are ready to heal your wounds.
    • Limitations
      • Disruption - Priests can enter your mind.
      • Buffs - Allies deserve some more power.
      • Combos - Priests usually cast slow, but powerful spells, but they also have some smaller ones to spare.
    • Weaknesses
      • Burst - Priests prefer to remain neutral or positive, they don't want to cause harm.
      • Card Draw - Priests need time to save you, you randomly engaging fool.

    New Sets

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    Basic Set

    Classic Set


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    Northshire Cleric - returning with a different effect. You no longer can go full Northshire, but you can still get a draw, and it now triggers off of healing on your hero.

    Power Word: Feast - a nice buff for Priest to let your minions stay alive.

    Sanctuary Angel - a minion for your Rez Priests. Helps you defend your face, albeit it deals mediocre damage.

    Priest of the Feast - provides you with a payoff for playing multiple spells in a turn.

    Divine Hymn - not the strongest card, but heals your board and your hero.

    Apotheosis - another buff for the class that also heals you.

    Shadowmelder - serves as a removal tool that also supports Deathrattle synergies.

    Breath of the Infinite - allows for evergreen Dragon synergies and serves as removal.

    Reviving Infusion - the core Rez card.

    Shadowy Figure - the primary Deathrattle synergy card, giving you more of those effects.

    Hall of Fame

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    Some cards that were considered, but didn't make the cut

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    Silhouettes - my custom card that was meant to replace Mindgames. It was supposed to generate value, but in the end, maybe it could generate too much of it.

    Shadowboxer - If I remember, I wanted to add this card, but I guess it deals damage to the enemy hero when it can, so no.

    Mana Geode - Same story, except this one looks so cool that had I not gone for more Deathrattle synergies, this would probably make the cut.

    Lyra the Sunshard - was meant to replace Natalie Seline, but maybe the value potential could go out of control.

    Initiation - dunno, but I think I wanted to add this card, but I guess it could be weird to have.

    Power Word: Replicate - maybe too gimmicky and also conflicted with Silhouettes back when I wanted to add them.

    Among many, many, MANY other cards…

    "Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me

    "If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5561 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Well, a priest revamp is honestly the last thing I thought others would try, since it only got its revamp like early this year. I can see that you've already chosen to HoF some of the new cards introduced.

    So, some interesting observations;

    - Northshire cleric change is interesting, and honestly something team5 should have done. But I guess they either wanted to preserve its viability in wild (like good luck with that) or they simply didn't want priest to draw like ever. So congrats on making it playable, strong, but not overpowered

    - 9 mana mind control may seem innocuous, but when you consider that one of the best card for priest, renew. is still currently in standard and can discover and make playable that card immediately on 10, suddenly mind control at 9 seems like one of those cards that will make strong men cry. I think it being at 10 is not only completely justified, its a necessity

    - Reviving infusion is good, but in wild, where dealing face damage with spells is absolutely legit with priest, its potentially game ending with something like malygos.

    - Breathe of the infinity in, but no decent class dragon card. Seems like an oversight honestly. Unless every expansion comes out with a dragon for priest, then its just a deal 2 to all minions at the end.

  • Zyella's Avatar
    Valeera 590 586 Posts Joined 10/16/2020
    Posted 3 years, 8 months ago

    Power infusion should stay aswlel as the health bfuf cards of chaplaina and temple enforcer.

    Cabal shadowpriest shoudl stay tis part of shadowpriets design and sint an issue at all.

    Mass dispell should stay priest needs draw if anythign buff it to 3mana.

    Physic cojurer shoudl stay just be buffed in term of stats.

    Priest doesnt need breath of the infinite in classic at all it alreayd 2 good aoes.

    Circle of healing shoudl stay its not and fits priest priest cant cant use it without  DRAW.


    Mindgames should replaced with sahdowform thats buffed to 2mana so woul d eb on weak side sitll there btu atleats SERVE A PURPOSe and be NOT WORTHLESS.



    I dont think did good job with your priest set honestly

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