Shudderwock game breaking bug
Aight so I don't know why this is happening, but I was playing against my friend just to test the new cards before probably leaving the game forever and as a last desert, this happens. . . I was trying a crazy double yogg, cthun shudderwock deck with grumble and all that other stuff that's needed. My friend is on mobile and I'm in pc. When I played shudder after I've played all the key cards, the game stopped and my friend disconnected. He is now telling me his game is in an endless loop that it tries to reconnect, fails and over and over. I thought it's funny until I tried to close the game myself. And I close the game, battlenet and that stuff even with task manager, but when I open the game again it goes straight to that match and it waits for my friend to reconnect.
It's an endless loop and a new bug record for blizz. Anyways, I should not have posted this but thought it is something important. I can update you all with new screenshots later if you want. Now its 12 min waiting lol
Edit, dont know how to upload image
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Aight so I don't know why this is happening, but I was playing against my friend just to test the new cards before probably leaving the game forever and as a last desert, this happens. . . I was trying a crazy double yogg, cthun shudderwock deck with grumble and all that other stuff that's needed. My friend is on mobile and I'm in pc. When I played shudder after I've played all the key cards, the game stopped and my friend disconnected. He is now telling me his game is in an endless loop that it tries to reconnect, fails and over and over. I thought it's funny until I tried to close the game myself. And I close the game, battlenet and that stuff even with task manager, but when I open the game again it goes straight to that match and it waits for my friend to reconnect.
It's an endless loop and a new bug record for blizz. Anyways, I should not have posted this but thought it is something important. I can update you all with new screenshots later if you want. Now its 12 min waiting lol
Edit, dont know how to upload image