Darkmoon Faire has unleashed the four Old Gods to the game once more (although in Wild they never left). Let's take a look at what kind of lists our community members have created in their efforts to praise the Lord of RNG himself.

Looking for more Wild Yogg decks? Check out our deck listing!

Spell Hunter

A deck full of spells is what Yogg likes, and Hunter is a natural fit to that strategy. Kamouh's list packs a lot of Secretive fodder for the hungering mouths.

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Yogg Druid

What could be better than a Yogg as a finisher? Well two Yoggs, of course. YunoGasaiNTF aims to cycle through the deck with Gadgetzan Auctioneer to get to that explosive top end.

Yogg Burgle Rogue

Did someone say two Yoggs? Seems like dogScraw had the same idea, but prefers to steal a card or two on the way to the Old Gods.

Highlander Priest

You might have to generate a spell or two to trigger Yogg's ability, but he's more of a backup plan anyway in this list. I'm not convinced about including Devoted Maniac and Shield of Galakrond without running Galakrond himself; maybe Loknax forgot to make some further changes.

Big Spell Mage

There's a Casino feeling in the air with kyori's list, and it's not solely due to Deck of Lunacy. Double Pyroblast should show Yogg the direction where to aim with that Rod of Roasting.

Eager to succumb to the Wild madness? Check out some more Wild decks here.

Came up with something yourself? Create a Wild deck and share it in the comments below. Don't forget to include a guide!