Feeling guilty for enjoying the game
Submitted 4 years, 1 month ago by
Hi all,
I was curious to know with all the hate directed at Blizzard right now if anyone else is feeling guilty for continuing to enjoy the game?
I'm in a constant state of 'oh god this game is too expensive' and 'I wish I could play x deck but can't due to not owning the right cards' while also really enjoying the decks I can craft.
Is it just me who constantly has this moral dilemma? Should I be this stressed about a game?
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Hi all,
I was curious to know with all the hate directed at Blizzard right now if anyone else is feeling guilty for continuing to enjoy the game?
I'm in a constant state of 'oh god this game is too expensive' and 'I wish I could play x deck but can't due to not owning the right cards' while also really enjoying the decks I can craft.
Is it just me who constantly has this moral dilemma? Should I be this stressed about a game?
uhh what? the outrage isn't because the game is unfun. It's also based on worry of the future of the game. The reward track hasn't lasted a month, so it didn't affect our ability to craft/and open a lot of packs yet. But it will next year with the mini sets and the new expansion.
If the people being angry didn't enjoy the game they wouldn't care enough to get outraged in the first place.
The game os great! Achievements are fun! Decisions of Blizzard management on monetization and lack of communication is the bad thing here.
If you enjoy playing the game (as I do), you have no cause for guilt. It's a great game! Have fun!
If you're concerned about how Blizzard is handling recent changes (as Alfi pointed out), maybe hold off on spending money on the game for awhile (if you do that).
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
Keep on enjoying it, then. So many things cause stress nowadays, there's no reason to add a game to them.
Hearthstone is expensive, true, but since you enjoy the decks you craft, thumbs up!
The harder the world, the fiercer the honour
Cause you are guilty of continuing to support them, vote with your time (not your wallet), they treat you like a money bag!
If you enjoy the game you need to condemn what they are doing which will make the game fail long term (cause old players will finally quit, and new players won't come)
Edit: fixed my grammar
I wouldn't feel guilty.
If you're having fun with Hearthstone, that's a good thing! While there are problems with Blizzard's communication on the new system, all we're really seeing is the vocal minority once again being out of control without using critical thinking skills.
I still put the blame on Blizzard, they are the ones that continue to refuse to communicate the full extent of the battle pass, but the way the community is handling the situation is a bit much. With the way the vocal minority has been going about it, you'd think we're all under Hitler's rule. I'm actually a bit curious if half the people complaining about stuff have even played the game in recent years.
Again, I'm not saying people are in the wrong for being angry, everyone is allowed to feel the way they feel, but the hatred that is ongoing is so misguided it's just sad. Stay constructive, hold others to a constructive attitude, and ultimately understand that the real issue is that Blizzard has bad communication.
Enjoy the game, spread your love for it, and if anyone on this site is harassing you because you said something positive about your experiences, I have no issues putting out warnings and potentially banning accounts of people who want to drive things off-topic.
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The game is fun, probably the only consensus you can get out of the community currently. If the monetization is shit, that's hardly news, we've pretty much been living in it for a good time now.
No doubt the community is justified in its outrage, but at present we can only hope that blizz sorts itself out so we can get on to discussing about the game rather than the bs surrounding it.
Game supposedly made to be fun. If you're having fun, go ahead and enjoy. I can't say that to everyone else who doesn't enjoy it in this state.
Knowledge is Power
nope not at all,
I can never feel guilty when I'm enjoying myself, because I know soon I'm going to run into a string of Face Hunters and Soul DHs, and all of that enjoyment is gonna go right out the window. All that over the top garbage, the harassment and insulting of developers, the spamming, the obnoxious assholery - I'd hate to be associated with anyone like that.
You sounds like the streamers that have come out and said they don't care that the battlepass gives no rewards because they pay real money for everything anyway.
And no you shouldn't feel bad for having fun with the new expansion. I am as well, Maxima Blastenheimer is a very fun card to play, when i shoot a Deathwing out of a cannon at my opponent on turn 6 and they concede after it is very fun, but the problem is i am getting nothing back for the time i am putting into the game. Think of the battlepass as the gold per 3 wins system we had before. Before you would get compensated if you didn't do that by doing quests, not the quests feed into the battlepass and the battlepass gives you rewards after you reach thresholds that constantly get higher and higher. reaching lvl 15 is easy but after that you'll be lucky to get a level a day. And that's with daily quests. And since leveling up is the only way you'll get gold that means the system forces you to grind hours every day instead of just doing the quests and leaving that people used to do. And that's even if you get gold and not a 40 dust pack from ashes out outland or the classic set.
Living like that.
HS is my main game and even I don´t like the new system, I still really like to play it. It´s sad that people are angry and quitting the game, tho I can´t blame them. But I still see the hard work and love designers and the developing team are putting into the game and it´s not their fault that some greedy managers or whoever they are put so high price tag on it.
♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022
I wouldn't feel guilty if i were you. Enjoy the game as much as you want! (I do as well!) Just have as much fun as you can! (Between the games against FACE hunter and Soul DH.) Heck I've been having FUN playing a PRIEST deck of all things lately! (Sure it's spell Yogg priest, but still it's PRIEST.) This meta, despite occasional FACE Hunter and Soul DHs has been the most fun one in a LONG time for me!
The negativity is because a lot of people are worried about Hearthstones future because of the VERY greedy management, the game getting more an more expansive, and the BAD communication from blizzard. Personally HS is the only card game i play, and i'm skeptical about the situation. The pass and achievements feel decent to me right now, but i hope they will fix the problems with the pass. (They should give more EXP for playing the game, reduce the exp scaling a bit, and Roping shouldn't be rewarded I.M.O. I Hate those ODD Warrior Bots in wild that rope every turn.)
RNG is only fun as long as there is a 50/50 chance of getting something really good or trash level of bad. If RNG always results in something good, then it's not fun.
Thanks to everyone who followed up here! I really enjoyed the variety of opinions. I REALLY hope the monetisation model is changed to appease the player base. It is a business but perhaps reviewing what the community is asking for might bring about some positive change!
Even though I don't like the reward system (don't have hard feelings against it either), I'm enjoining the game a lot. I started questing for achievements and duels gave me the perfect game mode for getting a lot done.
Definitely no reason to feel guilty about having fun. I'm still enjoying the game, despite my disappointment with the new system.
Now you kids are probably saying to yourselves, "Hey Matt, how can we get back on the right track?"