Deck Building - Infinite Undatakah Priest
Hey everyone! A few days ago I had a neat idea that I haven't seen yet, and after getting back from vacation finally had an opportunity to give it a go. I give you, Infinite Undatakah Priest.
As you can see in the guide, at its core, it's a Control Priest deck, but with a neat ending. The set up for the combo is to play (and have die) Test Subject (or two) and Recurring Villain. Then, once you play Da Undatakah and cast Seance, you go infinite when Da Undatakah dies, and depending on what is in the Deathrattle pool, you either get two Seances or resummon Da Undatakah twice (if you've cast at least one Arms on Recurring Villain).
If you end up with multiple copies of Seance in your loop, you can then also go infinite with Grave Horrors.
Elysianna is there to not die in fatigue.
Flex spots are definitely Elysianna and Madame Lazul, and probably others.
As the guide says, this deck is mostly garbage but it's fun nonetheless. Play it, test it, have fun with it, let me know what you'd change...Enjoy!
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Hey everyone! A few days ago I had a neat idea that I haven't seen yet, and after getting back from vacation finally had an opportunity to give it a go. I give you, Infinite Undatakah Priest.
As you can see in the guide, at its core, it's a Control Priest deck, but with a neat ending. The set up for the combo is to play (and have die) Test Subject (or two) and Recurring Villain. Then, once you play Da Undatakah and cast Seance, you go infinite when Da Undatakah dies, and depending on what is in the Deathrattle pool, you either get two Seances or resummon Da Undatakah twice (if you've cast at least one Arms on Recurring Villain).
If you end up with multiple copies of Seance in your loop, you can then also go infinite with Grave Horrors.
Elysianna is there to not die in fatigue.
Flex spots are definitely Elysianna and Madame Lazul, and probably others.
As the guide says, this deck is mostly garbage but it's fun nonetheless. Play it, test it, have fun with it, let me know what you'd change...Enjoy!
worst community ever
I thought about the Villain+ Undatakah combo, but since I don't have the latter and it strikes me as a meme deck I haven't experimented with it.
That said, my hunch is that you'd be better off with a different secondary deathrattle than Test Subject since very few decks are running more than one silence, so you really don't need infinite Undatakahs in hand alongside your immortal ones on board. Also, you can't play more than one Undatakah per turn, so you'd rather get maximum tempo out of the ones you have, EG Mechanical Whelp or the like.
From my experience, Undatakah is really underwhelming, especially in Priest sadly. Tried to make Control Priest work so many times, but warrior will always steamroll you, even with double Eleysiana. The mechs are too stronk.
This ain't no place for a hero
A fun point to remember- doesn't matter if the Villain dies solo or with a friend.. the moment it dies, even if it was silenced, the deathrattle gets added to the pool. Off course as mentioned above you get more leftover Undatakah if the Villain deathrattle procs.
You might want to replace a card with the Rotten Applebaum this way each time Undatakah is played you could get a tiny bit of heals.
Last up.. someone please try Undatakah with Zerek, Master Cloner .. I don't have much priest cards but wanna know if it summons a Zerek or an Undatakah. This deck seems to fit since you're already running seance and multiple arms.
ARES summons Erymanthian Huffer.
ARES declares attack with Huffer .
Adonis' hp reached 0. ARES wins!