Wild D5 to Legend

Submitted 3 years, 11 months ago by

Hi, so first of all just got back from 2 years break, account was hacked but restored, with my collection 80% gone...anyway had dust for rogue so went with Kingsbane and mecha'thun looked fun (which actually took me to diamond 10 then KB to 5)  but other than rank 3 I can't get farther.

Secret mages all over can't really work around them at all and priests....depends on drawing a sap or not......sad thing i created a mech sham for fun , took me to d4 , disco lock half complete d3 , but idk, it's been 3 days straight i got fed up now..


old time wild player, rank 2 in old system but gave up that time due to work and because it's killing the fun of the game so went with maly lock back then lol but still was more variety in meta than now.


  • justmeh's Avatar
    30 1 Posts Joined 01/21/2021
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    Hi, so first of all just got back from 2 years break, account was hacked but restored, with my collection 80% gone...anyway had dust for rogue so went with Kingsbane and mecha'thun looked fun (which actually took me to diamond 10 then KB to 5)  but other than rank 3 I can't get farther.

    Secret mages all over can't really work around them at all and priests....depends on drawing a sap or not......sad thing i created a mech sham for fun , took me to d4 , disco lock half complete d3 , but idk, it's been 3 days straight i got fed up now..


    old time wild player, rank 2 in old system but gave up that time due to work and because it's killing the fun of the game so went with maly lock back then lol but still was more variety in meta than now.


  • Swizard's Avatar
    1190 913 Posts Joined 04/30/2020
    Posted 3 years, 11 months ago

    I would recommend using a Renolock with tech for both reno priest and secret mage.  It worked very well for me this season against both of those decks for ranked in diamond.

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