A bit Early Highlander Paladin
Title says everything, I know this is a bit early for this but I'm always a fan of Sir Finley Mrrgglton and always hated dudes on Paladin. Getting Heal, Tank Up! or Soul Tap is a dream for me for a long time and it is now possible, so I'm hyped a bit and my hype gave born of this deck. Dire Shapeshift, Poisoned Daggers or Fireblast Rank 2 could be also good for this deck in my opinion.
Anyways, it is still in progress because I'm waiting for newer reveals, let's see my deck;
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I will appreciate all of the replacements and suggestions because I really want to play Highlander Paladin with beginning of new expansion until someone new hypes me enough. :)
By the way; Thought about adding Hakkar, the Soulflayer + Prince Liam combo to this deck but couldn't be sure enough. What do you think of that ?
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Title says everything, I know this is a bit early for this but I'm always a fan of Sir Finley Mrrgglton and always hated dudes on Paladin. Getting Heal, Tank Up! or Soul Tap is a dream for me for a long time and it is now possible, so I'm hyped a bit and my hype gave born of this deck. Dire Shapeshift, Poisoned Daggers or Fireblast Rank 2 could be also good for this deck in my opinion.
Anyways, it is still in progress because I'm waiting for newer reveals, let's see my deck;
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I will appreciate all of the replacements and suggestions because I really want to play Highlander Paladin with beginning of new expansion until someone new hypes me enough. :)
By the way; Thought about adding Hakkar, the Soulflayer + Prince Liam combo to this deck but couldn't be sure enough. What do you think of that ?
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
How does this beat Dr. Boom, Mad Genius and Hagatha the Witch?
It doesn't meant to beat tbh. I always theorycraft for my fun, not for ladder.
also, I'm open to all suggestions and it is in progress right now, I've just threw cards in the deck to remember to make one highlander when expansion released. There are so much cards about to reveal, All of neutral cards weren't revealed yet. It is like a reserving for me. :)
I didn't think any of the existing decks while I'm building this because sometimes The existing decks just disappears because of other decks and you really don't need to add some package for them.
It doesn't mean that I will not try to win against Control Warriors or Control shamans if they will exist - Control Shaman will probably exist- but it isn't the time to consider them because I'm sure there will be more cards that fits this deck to fight against other control decks. There is already one more upcoming highlander card for example and I will add it probably to this deck.
So it is just a thread for Highlander Paladin like "How will Highlander Paladin look like". This is why I have opened this thread. Comments can show me what I didn't consider to build a deck so I can consider them and try to add packages for making it better.
Thanks for reminder of Dr. Boom, Mad Genius and Hagatha the Witch.
I can add Archivist Elysiana to hope she gave me some value against control decks by replacing her with Tirion Fordring. Also I'm hoping Mech package + Kangor's Endless Army will help against Dr. Boom, Mad Genius.
Also the aim of Sir Finley of the Sands will be getting Tank Up! mostly but you re right about their value generation. I might only hope Ysera, Kangor's Endless Army, Sir Finley of the Sands and Archivist Elysiana will bring me for bigger value while Brightwing and Bronze Herald bringing me lesser value.
Cards like Shirvallah, the Tiger, Tirion Fordring, Nozari and [Hearthstone Card (A New Challenger…) Not Found] are fillers mostly. I just want to see what reveal season will bring and i will evaluate and evolve the deck around new cards. :)
Unpopular Opinion Incarnate
Looks intresting.
Always loved Finley so here is my shot on it. New cards might cause modifications :-).
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