The favorite child of hearthstone.

Submitted 3 years, 3 months ago by

So maybe it's because it's 5 AM, but i'm going to go on a rant for a bit.


Four mana. Deal 2 damage. 


With the release of the long awaited forged in the barrens warrior got a new AOE. It is essentially, in a vacuum, the same old same old, been in the game forever, hasn't changed since classic hearthstone with CONSECRATION, 4 mana deal 2 damage AOE. 

And it got my noggin joggin, you could say. It makes you think doesn't it. In the same expansion we see cards like Paralytic Poison, Silverleaf Poison, cards that would NEVER have been made and have completely showed the hypocrisy of the leeching poison nerfs YET AGAIN. Warrior gets 4 mana deal 2 damage AOE. 


I don't know if you've played hearthstone lately, but no one plays Bloodfen Raptor anymore. On turn 4, deal 2 to everything will not just not do anything, but it will make the situation seem more hopeless for you, the next few turns when you proceed to lose. 


I was hearing they would remove brawl from warrior's classic set. And i had hoped to god they didn't. Because it's literally the only thing they have. 


they print voracious reader for aggro, they print ticketus for aggro. And they give you 4 mana deal 2 damage AOE. Why?


The expansion is here guys look what the other kids got.


And here's what you get timmy. Try not being you, maybe if you only played the game on an Iphone like the aggro players you'd get nice things too.


Here's what you get. 

  • clawz161's Avatar
    The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    So maybe it's because it's 5 AM, but i'm going to go on a rant for a bit.


    Four mana. Deal 2 damage. 


    With the release of the long awaited forged in the barrens warrior got a new AOE. It is essentially, in a vacuum, the same old same old, been in the game forever, hasn't changed since classic hearthstone with CONSECRATION, 4 mana deal 2 damage AOE. 

    And it got my noggin joggin, you could say. It makes you think doesn't it. In the same expansion we see cards like Paralytic Poison, Silverleaf Poison, cards that would NEVER have been made and have completely showed the hypocrisy of the leeching poison nerfs YET AGAIN. Warrior gets 4 mana deal 2 damage AOE. 


    I don't know if you've played hearthstone lately, but no one plays Bloodfen Raptor anymore. On turn 4, deal 2 to everything will not just not do anything, but it will make the situation seem more hopeless for you, the next few turns when you proceed to lose. 


    I was hearing they would remove brawl from warrior's classic set. And i had hoped to god they didn't. Because it's literally the only thing they have. 


    they print voracious reader for aggro, they print ticketus for aggro. And they give you 4 mana deal 2 damage AOE. Why?


    The expansion is here guys look what the other kids got.


    And here's what you get timmy. Try not being you, maybe if you only played the game on an Iphone like the aggro players you'd get nice things too.


    Here's what you get. 

    Living like that.

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I appreciate the need to vent when you perceive an injustice, but I think this particular rant is built on a very shaky foundation. You are making comparisons across classes and not even using similar cards as examples.

    Where you point out Rancor is no more effective at clearing boards than Consecration, I could respond by pointing out rogue hasn't seen a single bit of AoE since Blackrock Mountain and has been stripped of all that it used to have. That argument has its own flaws, of course, but it highlights the importance of recognising class identity, even when ranting.

    In this case, because there are 10 different class identities to keep track of, and each of those is complex, you really have to be precise. For instance, warrior has always been just OK at AoEs (never one of the top classes, but better than some), but that hasn't stopped warrior from being a successful class. Likewise, rogue has always been good at drawing cards and doing lots of things in 1 turn, but it hasn't always been the top class because of it (although I willingly admit it has been consistently good).

    If you are going to use those aspects of the classes as the basis of your argument, you must first work out how to compare them in a fair way. It might be possible, but as it stands you're comparing apples and oranges and complaining that an apple isn't a citrus fruit. Perhaps in the morning you'll find a good way to put it all together :)


    Btw, I'm not sure there is any hypocrisy with the new poisons and the Leeching Poison (LP) nerf. LP was nerfed because it became impossible to finish off the opponent without an OTK because they would heal up any damage you dealt to them. Sure Paralytic Poison helps with survivability, but it doesn't undo any damage dealt by the opponent.

  • Bluelights's Avatar
    425 397 Posts Joined 04/02/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Stopped reading after you wrote they print Tickatus for aggro. It is literally only used in Control Warlock.

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5561 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I'm actually more surprised that you implied, through that 1 mana 5/4 card, that dhunters got the lion's share of good cards this time round, cause aside from Fury (Rank 1), this is perhaps the weakest set of cards I've ever seen them have, and considering that the core set rotation will take away so much from them I had expected team5 to gut them less painfully.

    In any case, you are right to point out that Rancor is a weak board clear option, or what I would call 'fair'. But if AoE is what youre looking for Brawl is still here and isn't really going to be topped anytime soon (if ever). Aside from brawl there's also Lord Barov, which incidentally pairs well with this card the same way equality+consecration does. Looking at it from another perspective, perhaps rancor is simply designed for another purpose. You can't skipper+armorsmith anymore, and Shield Block's gone, so this card might actually fill that niche better than any of us can imagine.

    Besides, save your rancor for later. When Barrens is released, I'd be expecting full on hate for mage and murloc shaman everywhere.

  • Marega's Avatar
    620 872 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    and this kids is why you should stay in school

  • meisterz39's Avatar
    925 1200 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    The funniest thing to me about the comparison to Consecration here is the total lack of recognition about how strong Pure Paladin is right now, particularly because they play for the board in the early game and then pair Consecration with Libram of Justice in the mid to late game to wipe out the enemy board and push damage to face.

    Warrior has Lord Barov to pair with Rancor to make it a "kill all minions, gain tons of armor," and they also have tons of ways to add on little chunks of damage to power up this AOE (Whirlwind, Bladestorm and Whirling Combatant - maybe even Minefield). These combos aren't as powerful as older Warrior AOE effects like any Armor Gain spell + Reckless Flurry or Whirlwind + Sleep with the Fishes, but that doesn't make them bad.

  • FortyDust's Avatar
    Pumpkin 1205 1912 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Nothing tastes more delicious than the salty tears of a Warrior player -- no matter how misguided they may be.

    Warrior is in an extremely good place now, and Rancor is a very good card if you know what you're doing. That's the main (and best) difference in the new Warrior cards. They don't just mindlessly play themselves the way old Control Warrior decks did.

  • clawz161's Avatar
    The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago



    "You are wrong because 4 mana deal 2 damage to all minions is good because you can pair it with another card to make it work"


    Even pointing out that paladin has libram of justice+consecration which most of the time is 1 or zero mana. Imagine if flamestrike made you discard a card to deal 4 damage aoe instead of 2. 

    Living like that.

  • meisterz39's Avatar
    925 1200 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From clawz161


    "You are wrong because 4 mana deal 2 damage to all minions is good because you can pair it with another card to make it work"

    Even pointing out that paladin has libram of justice+consecration which most of the time is 1 or zero mana. Imagine if flamestrike made you discard a card to deal 4 damage aoe instead of 2. 

    I think the right way to say this is more like "Imagine Flamestrike made you discard a card to simply destroy all enemy minions" and frankly, that's a deal I'd absolutely make, particularly if you toss in something like 10 or so armor.

  • clawz161's Avatar
    The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From meisterz39
    Quote From clawz161


    "You are wrong because 4 mana deal 2 damage to all minions is good because you can pair it with another card to make it work"

    Even pointing out that paladin has libram of justice+consecration which most of the time is 1 or zero mana. Imagine if flamestrike made you discard a card to deal 4 damage aoe instead of 2. 

    I think the right way to say this is more like "Imagine Flamestrike made you discard a card to simply destroy all enemy minions" and frankly, that's a deal I'd absolutely make, particularly if you toss in something like 10 or so armor.

    Because you're always going to have barov. Because you will always have this combo exactly when you need it every game. That's what makes me wrong.

    Living like that.

  • meisterz39's Avatar
    925 1200 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    I don't mean to suggest that you'll always have the perfect combo, but rather to point out that Rancor has a lot of synergy with Warrior. If you're just using it as a basic Consecration effect, you're probably using it wrong. It has self-harm synergies, it synergizes with a lot of other AOE type effects that a Frenzy Warrior is likely to play, and it gains you armor (which in turn has other synergies like Shield Slam. You're ignoring all of that.

  • clawz161's Avatar
    The Undying 825 827 Posts Joined 07/16/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From meisterz39

    I don't mean to suggest that you'll always have the perfect combo, but rather to point out that Rancor has a lot of synergy with Warrior. If you're just using it as a basic Consecration effect, you're probably using it wrong. It has self-harm synergies, it synergizes with a lot of other AOE type effects that a Frenzy Warrior is likely to play, and it gains you armor (which in turn has other synergies like Shield Slam. You're ignoring all of that.

    It gains you armor if it kills a minion which it wont, it synergies with frenzy but wont see play for that when whirlwind exists and we all know how well enrage warrior was already. And if you dont just use it as consecration you set up a 2 turn board clear there are so many ways for the enemy to buff their board so it's useless lol

    Living like that.

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