PSA: Scabs Cutterbutter BUG
Submitted 3 years, 8 months ago by
I have 3 mana, I play the Coin followed by Scabbs Cutterbutter and his combo is activated. I play Sparkjoy Cheat for free, which casts a secret from my hand, then all my other cards go back to their normal cost. The secret cast by the Sparkjoy counted as a discounted card from Scabbs and I was unable to play another card. That has to be a bug, right?
And fear not loyal readers, I still won the game!
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I have 3 mana, I play the Coin followed by Scabbs Cutterbutter and his combo is activated. I play Sparkjoy Cheat for free, which casts a secret from my hand, then all my other cards go back to their normal cost. The secret cast by the Sparkjoy counted as a discounted card from Scabbs and I was unable to play another card. That has to be a bug, right?
And fear not loyal readers, I still won the game!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
It's probably the logic coded in the game. Perhaps the Sparkjoy Cheat casting the secret still counts as the player casting it, instead of the minion. Trolden showcased a bunch of weird interactions in his latest video:
TREMBLE before.... the most legendary dragon that ever existed!
There's a lot of fucky stuff going on with Sparkjoy Cheat and I'M not entirely sure why.
It used to activate Counterspell (with Counterspell doing nothing because no actual spell was cast) and a bunch of other stuff they already fixed.
I tried having fun once.
It was awful.
Similar stuff happened to me.
Played Illidari Studies twice and got 2 Kurtrus Ashfallen, they stay in hand at a 2 mana discount. Opponent plays Dirty Rat, 1 gets pulled, the other remains in hand for 4 mana.
I was achievement hunting, so I don't really care, but still, it's a bugged interaction.
Papa Nurgle wants to share his gifts.
I dont think that one is a bug, rather unfortunate scenario. The battlecry makes the opponent summon the minion, so as if they played it.
~ Have an idea? Found a bug? Let us know! ~
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I respectfully disagree. If Dirty Rat summons a minion from your hand, it is not as if you played the minion yourself, so the discount (in this case from Illidari Studies) should remain for the other minion in hand. If you summon a minion using a spell (like Apexis Blast for example), it would not trigger a Mirror Entity or Snipe.
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted
The cards in your example activate only when a minion is played, not summoned. But how I see this problem is that the simplified wording on Illidari Studies should mean "The next one you play costs (1) less" - similar to Scabbs, so I would count this one as a bug. I sometimes really hate those "simplifications".
I think it's just due to the specific wording of Sparkjoy Cheat; the fact that it says "cast". This makes the game think that the player played the spell, and it wasn't put into play through a minion's battlecry. But this begs the question, does Counterspell counter Soul Fragments? If it does, then that means the wording is consistent and is completely intentional (albeit rather dumb).
it doesnt work it happened with me today souls shard goes off, then i played soul shear and it get counter-spelled. classic blizz consistency ,XD
Why does this thread keep getting bumped up?
Carrion, my wayward grub.
I was wondering that too!
"Be excellent to each other." -Bill and Ted