Cards based on adages and idioms

Submitted 3 years, 5 months ago by

This is a bit of a lame topic, but I made a bunch of cards based around adages from where I live. Appart from commenting my cards, I would really love it if you shared cards based around adages from your home country/region, so that we can learn a bit from each other's cultures and expand our worldview a little bit :)

I picked three adages in Spanish and two in Catalan, since both of this languages are spoken in my home region.

Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda.

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Language: Spanish

Literal translation: Even if the monkey dresses with silk, she stays a monkey.

Meaning: Your looks don't define who you are deep down.

Effect: Since the adage has a meaning of staying true to yourself even if external factors change, I thought this effect was quite appropriate for it.


A qui es burla, el dimoni li furga.

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Language: Catalan

Literal translation: Those who mock will be nipped by the devil.

Meaning: Mocking someone calls bad, ironic fortune. For instance: Person A falls down. Person B laughs of them. Person B falls down too.

Effect: Since there's a keyword which is a synomym of mocking, I made the card a tech against them revolving around dealing small amounts of damage (nipping). Because the card needed to be a Demon and DH already has anti-Taunt cards (like Kayn Sunfury), I thought this was the best class.

Al que madruga, Dios le ayuda.

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Language: Spanish

Literal translation: Those who get up early will be helped by God.

Meaning: Being an early bird is good. Or something like that lol

Effect: The adage has a religious theme, so I thought Paladin was the best class for it. The first minion thing is supposed to represent getting up early.

Li diu el mort al degollat: qui t'ha fer eixe forat?

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Language: Catalan

Literal translation: The dead one tells the beheaded one: who made that hole into you? (referring to the hole where the head used to be lol)

Meaning: Someone makes a (usually negative) comment about someone else, but said comment also applies to them. 

Effect: The adage has a very strong death theme, so I figured out Deathrattle and destroy were good fits for it. The dead one is supposed to be the minion that kills Forat, so it dies as well.

En abril, aguas mil.

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Language: Spanish

Literal translation: In April, there are a thousand waters.

Meaning: It rains a lot in the month April. This one isn't very deep.

Effect: This is probably the most loosely related to the adage, but split damage screams rain to me. Since the adage is about storms and natural elements, Shaman was the most appropriate class.

I hope you enjoyed this small selection of cards and the explanations of their flavor. As I said early, I'm looking forward to see similar cards from adages in other languages :)

  • Wailor's Avatar
    Design Champion 640 708 Posts Joined 05/28/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    This is a bit of a lame topic, but I made a bunch of cards based around adages from where I live. Appart from commenting my cards, I would really love it if you shared cards based around adages from your home country/region, so that we can learn a bit from each other's cultures and expand our worldview a little bit :)

    I picked three adages in Spanish and two in Catalan, since both of this languages are spoken in my home region.

    Aunque la mona se vista de seda, mona se queda.

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    Language: Spanish

    Literal translation: Even if the monkey dresses with silk, she stays a monkey.

    Meaning: Your looks don't define who you are deep down.

    Effect: Since the adage has a meaning of staying true to yourself even if external factors change, I thought this effect was quite appropriate for it.


    A qui es burla, el dimoni li furga.

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    Language: Catalan

    Literal translation: Those who mock will be nipped by the devil.

    Meaning: Mocking someone calls bad, ironic fortune. For instance: Person A falls down. Person B laughs of them. Person B falls down too.

    Effect: Since there's a keyword which is a synomym of mocking, I made the card a tech against them revolving around dealing small amounts of damage (nipping). Because the card needed to be a Demon and DH already has anti-Taunt cards (like Kayn Sunfury), I thought this was the best class.

    Al que madruga, Dios le ayuda.

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    Language: Spanish

    Literal translation: Those who get up early will be helped by God.

    Meaning: Being an early bird is good. Or something like that lol

    Effect: The adage has a religious theme, so I thought Paladin was the best class for it. The first minion thing is supposed to represent getting up early.

    Li diu el mort al degollat: qui t'ha fer eixe forat?

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    Language: Catalan

    Literal translation: The dead one tells the beheaded one: who made that hole into you? (referring to the hole where the head used to be lol)

    Meaning: Someone makes a (usually negative) comment about someone else, but said comment also applies to them. 

    Effect: The adage has a very strong death theme, so I figured out Deathrattle and destroy were good fits for it. The dead one is supposed to be the minion that kills Forat, so it dies as well.

    En abril, aguas mil.

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    Language: Spanish

    Literal translation: In April, there are a thousand waters.

    Meaning: It rains a lot in the month April. This one isn't very deep.

    Effect: This is probably the most loosely related to the adage, but split damage screams rain to me. Since the adage is about storms and natural elements, Shaman was the most appropriate class.

    I hope you enjoyed this small selection of cards and the explanations of their flavor. As I said early, I'm looking forward to see similar cards from adages in other languages :)

  • GroovyChicken's Avatar
    405 136 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 5 months ago

    Sounds like fun! I tried one myself:

    Gdzie kucharek sześć, tam nie ma co jeść.

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    Language: Polish

    Literal Translation: Where there are six cooks (female), there's nothing to eat.

    Meaning: When there are many specialists in one matter in one place, there will surely be conflicts in their methods, so if you're not sure about something, it may sometimes be better to ask only one person for help, and trust them.

    Effect: It was kinda hard to put it in card, but the idea is that while each of Draconic Cooks is definetely more valuable than 1/6 of a 5 Mana card, they have anti-synergy, because they take up almost whole board, so there's only one minion you can summon at the same time. While I'm not sure if the wording implies this, the Cooks are not meant to buff each next Cook summoned. Also, I feel that the card is a bit busted.


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