Priest in Saviors of Uldum
Submitted 5 years, 5 months ago by
Only 2 priest cards revealed so far... Are they leaving the best for later, or are priest cards so bad they don't dare showing them?
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Only 2 priest cards revealed so far... Are they leaving the best for later, or are priest cards so bad they don't dare showing them?
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
I think that priest will be decent in SoU, Resurrect Priest mainly... I don't really see any other archetypes being played although quest priest would be good, soon to be confirmed...
Also how can i create a thread on mobile because i've been looking for the same question but for warlock?
Well this time we are getting a quest that might serve as a win condition, which is the main problem of priest currently, they are probably saving priest to showcase an entire new Archetype in the big reveal stream.
a powerful three mana deathrattle would be very cool :-). So lets see. More reborn is also likely.
Wel I have no idea but if priest is still dumpster tier I would be pretty annoyed. Have been playing dragon priest in wild. But that only has a good winrate because of mind blast reach and the op dragon synergy cards we got there.
Not sure what they'll but I feel priest won't have a win condition if they don't print some op stuff ;-)
Mostly this. My guess is the long awaited shadow priest support, and they will save that and a legendary minion for the final stream. I think the quest will be silence related though.
I was really hoping for some Shadowform support after Death Knights rotated out of standart but I'm not keeping my hopes up, considering we are getting Hero-power-based quests.
Well, 2 new Priest cards have been revealed:
High priest enables a few OTK combos, so we may have a win condition here.
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
So, what do you think about Priest's quest? Is it going to save the class from oblivion?
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
other classes quests seem to have more lategame value. It feels slow. If it can buff without healing a minion (heal for 0) then maybe playable.
Healing is no pre-condition, the text is pretty clear and it will always buff
I'm still tweaking the deck; but my Wild Reno Quest Priest deck is now 10-10. It loses most of the time to really fast decks and of course, Big Priest. However, if you somehow stabilize the board you win more often than not. The new hero power really is good. If you target an injured minion it can deliver up to +3/6.
Meanwhile, my favorite card of the expansion is turning out to be Zephrys the Great. He really does a good job of offering you a helpful card. I've won multiple games thanks to him. Even in a losing effort he's bought me time to try and fight back.
And on more than one occasion I'm glad to have included a Plague of Death. Nothing like a really thorough board clear. It recently wiped away a Rin, the First Disciple.
I'm saving up to craft High Priest Amet. I don't believe he fits this deck though. A card I have experimented with and have had some success with is Lady in White. If you're playing with minions that have a battlecry that hurt themselves she can really take advantage of the original health. A 12/6 Damaged Stegotron did win me one game.
I also experimented quite a bit with Lady in White, I got her at Whichwood's launch, she's great with the high-health mechs (Framebot, Gatekeeper...), but now I'm experimenting with midrange quest instead.
The pleasure is mine.
My last standard decks: nothing special right now.
Priest is my favourite class so i always try lots of different Builds and lots of people say that in this Expansion Priest is very bad and not realy viable , but i think it is not as bad as many people think.
Right now i'm trying a Quest/Wall Priest and it´s going decent. Sure the Combo Priest is faster and has a decent winrate (55/56 % according to HS Replay).
I also tried messing around with Aggro and Highlander Builds but so far the Quest/Wall and Combo Priest are the best ones.
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Priest has one of the strongest decks right now with the combo priest. Amet, Psychopomp and Injured Tol'Vir are all crazy strong cards. It just seems to be another expansion of Divine Spirit Inner Fire being the only viable win condition.
Sure it is strong and a good win condition, but i also tried a Quest / Wall Priest without the Divine/Inner Fire Combo and it was decent - sure not the best and if you play against Murloc with the Nuts opening you will almost loose everytime (if the opponent is always going face) but i also managed to win games vs AggroMurloc, AggroRogue where i was down to 5 health and stabilized.
With the new cards like Sandhoof Waterbearer you can heal up pretty good and building a wall and resurrecting your Walls will crush Aggro decks.
Also not bad against warriors, because his Mass removal (in standard at least) is limited to Brawl because Warpath does not help against High Health Minions :)
I will upload the Quest/Wall Priest Decklist later and put it in here so you can see which deck i mean
- But if you wanna win fast or at least play fast games with Priest the Combo Priest you mentioned is the easier/better way to go !
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