Yoink Achievement

Submitted 3 years, 1 month ago by

Anybody complete the Yoink achievement?  How do you get the Rogue hero power?  I have never been offered that choice

  • RubinoCE's Avatar
    290 97 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Anybody complete the Yoink achievement?  How do you get the Rogue hero power?  I have never been offered that choice

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    You can be offered the rogue hp if you don't currently have it. The easiest route is to use Yoink! twice in the same turn, so the second has a 33% chance to offer the rogue hp.

  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    Does anyone knows how it works in Duels when you already have another default hero power?

    I've tried bringing Yoink! into Duels, but wasn't offered Wicked Blades on the few times I played it. But I think I've only tried 2-3 times so I could just be unlucky...

  • Alleria's Avatar
    Eevee 1275 863 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From allthehype

    Does anyone knows how it works in Duels when you already have another default hero power?

    I've tried bringing Yoink! into Duels, but wasn't offered Wicked Blades on the few times I played it. But I think I've only tried 2-3 times so I could just be unlucky...

    Sadly, it doesn´t work, at least from my experience. I have only one copy, so I´ve tried to play Yoink! as a Rogue class in Casual Duels, but I was never offered Rogue HP (gave up after 20 tries or so). I needed to discover the second Yoink! and play both of them on the same turn to get the Rogue HP.

    ♡ u 4ever 2008 - 2022

  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From Alleria
    Quote From allthehype

    Does anyone knows how it works in Duels when you already have another default hero power?

    I've tried bringing Yoink! into Duels, but wasn't offered Wicked Blades on the few times I played it. But I think I've only tried 2-3 times so I could just be unlucky...

    Sadly, it doesn´t work, at least from my experience. I have only one copy, so I´ve tried to play Yoink! as a Rogue class in Casual Duels, but I was never offered Rogue HP (gave up after 20 tries or so). I needed to discover the second Yoink! and play both of them on the same turn to get the Rogue HP.

    That's a bummer!

    What about Odd Rogue in wild? Anyone who tried that?

  • RubinoCE's Avatar
    290 97 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    That is what I thought as well.  I tried that but have not been offered the Rogue HP yet.  Thanks for the info, I appreciate it

  • picaso2552's Avatar
    Face Collector 295 4 Posts Joined 01/19/2020
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago

    I did it in wild with Sir Finley

  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years, 1 month ago
    Quote From allthehype
    Quote From Alleria
    Quote From allthehype

    Does anyone knows how it works in Duels when you already have another default hero power?

    I've tried bringing Yoink! into Duels, but wasn't offered Wicked Blades on the few times I played it. But I think I've only tried 2-3 times so I could just be unlucky...

    Sadly, it doesn´t work, at least from my experience. I have only one copy, so I´ve tried to play Yoink! as a Rogue class in Casual Duels, but I was never offered Rogue HP (gave up after 20 tries or so). I needed to discover the second Yoink! and play both of them on the same turn to get the Rogue HP.

    That's a bummer!

    What about Odd Rogue in wild? Anyone who tried that?

    I tried Odd Rogue myself but was only offered Wicked Blades when a Yoink:ed hero power was already active. Well, now I'm at 9/10 and have forgotten wich one I'm missing..

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