Scaleborn [Custom Class]

Submitted 3 years, 3 months ago by
Party Up!","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":13,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"60at6","text":"It's In My Nature - Dragons breathe fire right? Well, since we are born of dragons lets do that too! The friendly minion shoots a stream of fire to a random enemy minion. This has special synergy with Red and Green Dragon Bloods, and helps you maintain control of the board.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":17,"style":"BOLD"},{"offset":201,"length":3,"style":"BOLD"},{"offset":209,"length":20,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"ednfr","text":"Ruby Next Guardian - One of the components of a Big Hand archetype in the class. Draconic Heritage can easily be spammed to have many cards in hand, so synergy with that is only natural. This big daddy dragon will smash something in the face right when he enters the field, and combined with the different Heritages he can have it can prove an amazing stabilizing tool.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":20,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"4m1qh","text":"Chromatic Breath - Another versatile card that encourages planning ahead and using the right Heritages at the right moments. Sapphire is an Kill Command for straight damage, Onyx helps you survive longer, Ruby either damages an enemy or makes one of your minions super sticky, Emerald straight up destroys something making it the best removal version and Bronze protects you from burst against OTKs or classes with no poke.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":18,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"eq2bp","text":"Rares","type":"unstyled","inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":5,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"1l560","text":"","type":"unstyled","inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"a96e","text":"Egg Clutch - One of the main synergy cards of the \"attack\" deck. This basically allows you to poke anything you want, and the Whelps are considered separate attacks too for cards like Heat of Battle.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":12,"style":"BOLD"},{"offset":184,"length":15,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"aj9nm","text":"Family Squabble -Super versatile card that can let you make a ton of plays. It can force 2 enemy minions to smash, like The Collider and makes the opponent consider the order of attacks. It can act as a pseudo-windfury for one of your minions, if you attack once then play this (it makes your minion to smash into the last enemy minion that attacked).","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":15,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"1r77t","text":"Protective Mother -Don't try to get close to the family while mom is around. She will maul anything that even gets close, even stuff that was summoned, not played (die stupid murlocs!)","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":17,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"bd70f","text":"Unbreakable bond - If a minion killed one of them and survived, the other will attack it. If the opponent killed one of them with a spell, then the other brother will smack the opponent in the face.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":18,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"606vf","text":"Jealous Little Sister - Like any person with sibling knows, the youngest always get preferential treatment from the parents. This dragon lets you get the Heritage effects on the field right away, instead of on a sleeping minion.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":23,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"4cck7","text":"Hybrid Dragon - This acts as a value card, doubling Heritages created, increasing the odds of finding the specific one you're looking for.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":15,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"fs7ot","text":"Commons","type":"unstyled","inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":7,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"3abvt","text":"","type":"unstyled","inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"brqjp","text":"Family Fortune - Flavorful idea, the chest is bigger the larger your family is, the more Heritages it has. Give it Taunt with Black Dragon Blood for a guaranteed deathrattle!","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":16,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"c64e9","text":"Enchanted Dragonfruit - This is a small idea that can develop into its own archetype in further expansions but for how, it guarantees a target for each Heritage you have gathered in your hand. Play a Blood, summon a minion, go wide. More minions for the aggro attack deck!","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":23,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"b8aaa","text":"Damsel In Distress - Well, all these humans with dragon blood must be coming from somewhere right...? This lovely lady got many a knight confused about who needs saving from what dragon. Simple value card for late game minion chains, but as a lady she does not attack.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":20,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"b51pj","text":"Ancestry Researcher - Simple tool that provides a sticky body later in the game. If you're hoarding Heritages for Chromatus this guy will help you along.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":21,"style":"BOLD"},{"offset":114,"length":9,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"4vhlj","text":"Dragon Claws - Some Heritage generation besides the hero power, with a bit of removal on top.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":14,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"56tic","text":"Aerial Advantage - Scout the field and your deck. Single use Sphere of Sapience.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":18,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"cdu50","text":"Unleash the Whelps! - Parallel to the hunter's Unleash the Hounds, this one is less aggressive (Rush instead of Charge) so it can summon better minions to benefit from other swarm and attack cards.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":21,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"c1625","text":"Accept Your Past - Late game value and also something to help you right now. Most legendary dragons cost 9 so you have to play this in advance, no top deck saves.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":18,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"7a4e1","text":"This is all i have for now, feedback is again welcomed!","type":"unstyled","inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}}]}">
The Scaleborn

The theme of the Scaleborn is draconic ancestry and power. They are people of dragon descent and they have a special affinity with these majestic creatures. The class focuses a lot on proactive plays, delayed effects, tempo and board control. A special theme is attack synergy, many cards force and benefit from attacks. The Hero power also easily increases the number in hand fast and there is some synergy with that too.

Scion Set

Chromatus the Perfect - Biggest payoff to the hero power and Heritage mechanic. If you manage to grant them all 5, then he nukes the enemy board. The Lifesteal from the Red Dragon blood will heal you to full, the Poisonous will make sure everything dies, the Taunt and Divine Shield will give you a strong defender and the Spell Damage is a cherry on top. A lot of setup, for a great payoff, fitting for the only successful chromatic dragon.

Yara and Balgruf - Although from vastly different worlds, the two have formed a love unlike any other. The card splits into 2 smaller versions which lets you play them earlier if in dire need, as they both have rush. However if you wait to play them together you can recombine the couple into the original big minion, which due to Rush can attack right away as well.

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Rival Sibling - This is meant to be the strongest way for the Scaleborn to fill the board. The initial Sibling will not get any heritage. If you played Black Dragon Blood before, he would summon a 2/3 with taunt besides him while he remains a vanilla 2/3. Strongest scenario is when you have all 5 Heritages active and you summon a six 2/3s with keywords. Similar to Party Up!

It's In My Nature - Dragons breathe fire right? Well, since we are born of dragons lets do that too! The friendly minion shoots a stream of fire to a random enemy minion. This has special synergy with Red and Green Dragon Bloods, and helps you maintain control of the board.

Ruby Next Guardian - One of the components of a Big Hand archetype in the class. Draconic Heritage can easily be spammed to have many cards in hand, so synergy with that is only natural. This big daddy dragon will smash something in the face right when he enters the field, and combined with the different Heritages he can have it can prove an amazing stabilizing tool.

Chromatic Breath - Another versatile card that encourages planning ahead and using the right Heritages at the right moments. Sapphire is an Kill Command for straight damage, Onyx helps you survive longer, Ruby either damages an enemy or makes one of your minions super sticky, Emerald straight up destroys something making it the best removal version and Bronze protects you from burst against OTKs or classes with no poke.


Egg Clutch - One of the main synergy cards of the "attack" deck. This basically allows you to poke anything you want, and the Whelps are considered separate attacks too for cards like Heat of Battle.

Family Squabble -Super versatile card that can let you make a ton of plays. It can force 2 enemy minions to smash, like The Collider and makes the opponent consider the order of attacks. It can act as a pseudo-windfury for one of your minions, if you attack once then play this (it makes your minion to smash into the last enemy minion that attacked).

Protective Mother -Don't try to get close to the family while mom is around. She will maul anything that even gets close, even stuff that was summoned, not played (die stupid murlocs!)

Unbreakable bond - If a minion killed one of them and survived, the other will attack it. If the opponent killed one of them with a spell, then the other brother will smack the opponent in the face.

Jealous Little Sister - Like any person with sibling knows, the youngest always get preferential treatment from the parents. This dragon lets you get the Heritage effects on the field right away, instead of on a sleeping minion.

Hybrid Dragon - This acts as a value card, doubling Heritages created, increasing the odds of finding the specific one you're looking for.



Family Fortune - Flavorful idea, the chest is bigger the larger your family is, the more Heritages it has. Give it Taunt with Black Dragon Blood for a guaranteed deathrattle!

Enchanted Dragonfruit - This is a small idea that can develop into its own archetype in further expansions but for how, it guarantees a target for each Heritage you have gathered in your hand. Play a Blood, summon a minion, go wide. More minions for the aggro attack deck!

Damsel In Distress - Well, all these humans with dragon blood must be coming from somewhere right...? This lovely lady got many a knight confused about who needs saving from what dragon. Simple value card for late game minion chains, but as a lady she does not attack.

Ancestry Researcher - Simple tool that provides a sticky body later in the game. If you're hoarding Heritages for Chromatus this guy will help you along.

Dragon Claws - Some Heritage generation besides the hero power, with a bit of removal on top.

Aerial Advantage - Scout the field and your deck. Single use Sphere of Sapience.

Unleash the Whelps! - Parallel to the hunter's Unleash the Hounds, this one is less aggressive (Rush instead of Charge) so it can summon better minions to benefit from other swarm and attack cards.

Accept Your Past - Late game value and also something to help you right now. Most legendary dragons cost 9 so you have to play this in advance, no top deck saves.


This is all i have for now, feedback is again welcomed!

Older Versions:

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The Scaleborn

Heritage cards:

Basic Set


Dragon Scion Set




Show Spoiler

  • Chromatus the Perfect - Biggest payoff to the hero power and Heritage mechanic. If you manage to grant them all 5, then he nukes the enemy board. The Lifesteal from the Red Dragon blood will heal you to full, the Poisonous will make sure everything dies, the Taunt and Divine Shield will give you a strong defender and the Spell Damage is a cherry on top. A lot of setup, for a great payoff, fitting for the only successful chromatic dragon.
  • Yara and Balgruf - Although from vastly different worlds, the two have formed a love unlike any other. The card splits into 2 smaller versions which lets you play them earlier if in dire need, as they both have rush. However if you wait to play them together you're rewarded with a powerful late game card. Not only it refills your board, but the 3 dragons summoned will all gained any Heritage effects you may have active at the time. You need to balance when to play Dragon Bloods but no minions in hopes to draw the clutch, or miss out on the shared buffs. Scaleborn has plenty of card draw so the effect is not as slow as you might imagine.



  • Rival Sibling - This is meant to be the strongest way for the Scaleborn to fill the board. The initial Sibling will not get any heritage. If you played Black Dragon Blood before, he would summon a 2/3 with taunt besides him while he remains a vanilla 2/3. Strongest scenario is when you have all 5 Heritages active and you summon a six 2/3s with keywords. Similar to Party Up!
  • It's In My Nature - Dragons breathe fire right? Well, since we are born of dragons lets do that too! Each friendly minion shoots a stream of fire to a random enemy minion. This has special synergy with Red and Green Dragon Bloods. It rewards a wide board and helps pushing through the enemy line.
  • Ruby Next Guardian - One of the components of a Big Hand archetype in the class. Draconic Heritage can easily be spammed to have many cards in hand, so synergy with that is only natural. This big daddy dragon will smash something in the face right when he enters the field, and combined with the different Heritages he can have it can prove an amazing stabilizing tool.
  • Chromatic Breath - Another versatile card that encourages planning ahead and using the right Heritages at the right moments. Here are the 5 different options:

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  • Backspitter - One of the main synergy cards of the "attack" deck. This basically allows you to poke anything you want. It can be particularly dangerous if it gains poisonous or Lifesteal from Heritages.
  • Family Squabble -Super versatile card that can let you make a ton of plays. It can force 2 enemy minions to smash, like The Collider and makes the opponent consider the order of attacks. It can act as a pseudo-windfury for one of your minions, if you attack once then play this (it makes your minion to smash into the last enemy minion that attacked).
  • Protective Mother -Don't try to get close to the family while mom is around. She will maul anything that even gets close, even stuff that was summoned, not played (die stupid murlocs!)
  • Unbreakable bond - If a minion killed one of them and survived, the other will attack it. If the opponent killed one of them with a spell, then the other brother will smack the opponent in the face.
  • Jealous Little Sister - Like any person with sibling knows, the youngest always get preferential treatment from the parents. This dragon lets you get the Heritage effects on the field right away, instead of on a sleeping minion.
  • Hybrid Dragon - This acts as a value card, doubling Heritages created, increasing the odds of finding the specific one you're looking for.



  • Family Fortune - Flavorful idea, the chest is bigger the larger your family is, the more Heritages it has. Give it Taunt with Black Dragon Blood for a guaranteed deathrattle!
  • Enchanted Dragonfruit - This is a small idea that can develop into its own archetype in further expansions but for how, it guarantees a target for each Heritage you have gathered in your hand. Play a Blood, summon a minion and it gains the Blood Heritage right away. More minions for the aggro attack deck!
  • Damsel In Distress - Well, all these humans with dragon blood must be coming from somewhere right…? This lovely lady got many a knight confused about who needs saving from what dragon. Simple value card for late game minion chains.
  • Ancestry Researcher - Simple tool that benefits from other Heritage cards like Rival Sibling or That Weird Uncle
  • Dragon Claws - Some Heritage generation besides the hero power, with a bit of removal on top.
  • Aerial Advantage - Scout the field and your deck. Single use Sphere of Sapience.
  • Unleash the Whelps! - Parallel to the hunter's Unleash the Hounds, this one is less aggressive (Rush instead of Charge) so it can summon better minions to benefit from other swarm and attack cards.
  • Accept Your Past - Late game value and also something to help you right now. Most legendary dragons cost 9 so you have to play this in advance, no top deck saves.

  • BasilAnguis's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 835 425 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
    Party Up!","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":13,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"60at6","text":"It's In My Nature - Dragons breathe fire right? Well, since we are born of dragons lets do that too! The friendly minion shoots a stream of fire to a random enemy minion. This has special synergy with Red and Green Dragon Bloods, and helps you maintain control of the board.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":17,"style":"BOLD"},{"offset":201,"length":3,"style":"BOLD"},{"offset":209,"length":20,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"ednfr","text":"Ruby Next Guardian - One of the components of a Big Hand archetype in the class. Draconic Heritage can easily be spammed to have many cards in hand, so synergy with that is only natural. This big daddy dragon will smash something in the face right when he enters the field, and combined with the different Heritages he can have it can prove an amazing stabilizing tool.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":20,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"4m1qh","text":"Chromatic Breath - Another versatile card that encourages planning ahead and using the right Heritages at the right moments. Sapphire is an Kill Command for straight damage, Onyx helps you survive longer, Ruby either damages an enemy or makes one of your minions super sticky, Emerald straight up destroys something making it the best removal version and Bronze protects you from burst against OTKs or classes with no poke.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":18,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"eq2bp","text":"Rares","type":"unstyled","inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":5,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"1l560","text":"","type":"unstyled","inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"a96e","text":"Egg Clutch - One of the main synergy cards of the \"attack\" deck. This basically allows you to poke anything you want, and the Whelps are considered separate attacks too for cards like Heat of Battle.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":12,"style":"BOLD"},{"offset":184,"length":15,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"aj9nm","text":"Family Squabble -Super versatile card that can let you make a ton of plays. It can force 2 enemy minions to smash, like The Collider and makes the opponent consider the order of attacks. It can act as a pseudo-windfury for one of your minions, if you attack once then play this (it makes your minion to smash into the last enemy minion that attacked).","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":15,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"1r77t","text":"Protective Mother -Don't try to get close to the family while mom is around. She will maul anything that even gets close, even stuff that was summoned, not played (die stupid murlocs!)","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":17,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"bd70f","text":"Unbreakable bond - If a minion killed one of them and survived, the other will attack it. If the opponent killed one of them with a spell, then the other brother will smack the opponent in the face.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":18,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"606vf","text":"Jealous Little Sister - Like any person with sibling knows, the youngest always get preferential treatment from the parents. This dragon lets you get the Heritage effects on the field right away, instead of on a sleeping minion.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":23,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"4cck7","text":"Hybrid Dragon - This acts as a value card, doubling Heritages created, increasing the odds of finding the specific one you're looking for.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":15,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"fs7ot","text":"Commons","type":"unstyled","inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":7,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"3abvt","text":"","type":"unstyled","inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"brqjp","text":"Family Fortune - Flavorful idea, the chest is bigger the larger your family is, the more Heritages it has. Give it Taunt with Black Dragon Blood for a guaranteed deathrattle!","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":16,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"c64e9","text":"Enchanted Dragonfruit - This is a small idea that can develop into its own archetype in further expansions but for how, it guarantees a target for each Heritage you have gathered in your hand. Play a Blood, summon a minion, go wide. More minions for the aggro attack deck!","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":23,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"b8aaa","text":"Damsel In Distress - Well, all these humans with dragon blood must be coming from somewhere right...? This lovely lady got many a knight confused about who needs saving from what dragon. Simple value card for late game minion chains, but as a lady she does not attack.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":20,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"b51pj","text":"Ancestry Researcher - Simple tool that provides a sticky body later in the game. If you're hoarding Heritages for Chromatus this guy will help you along.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":21,"style":"BOLD"},{"offset":114,"length":9,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"4vhlj","text":"Dragon Claws - Some Heritage generation besides the hero power, with a bit of removal on top.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":14,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"56tic","text":"Aerial Advantage - Scout the field and your deck. Single use Sphere of Sapience.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":18,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"cdu50","text":"Unleash the Whelps! - Parallel to the hunter's Unleash the Hounds, this one is less aggressive (Rush instead of Charge) so it can summon better minions to benefit from other swarm and attack cards.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":21,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"c1625","text":"Accept Your Past - Late game value and also something to help you right now. Most legendary dragons cost 9 so you have to play this in advance, no top deck saves.","type":"unordered-list-item","depth":0,"inlineStyleRanges":[{"offset":0,"length":18,"style":"BOLD"}],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}},{"key":"7a4e1","text":"This is all i have for now, feedback is again welcomed!","type":"unstyled","inlineStyleRanges":[],"entityRanges":[],"data":{}}]}">
    The Scaleborn

    The theme of the Scaleborn is draconic ancestry and power. They are people of dragon descent and they have a special affinity with these majestic creatures. The class focuses a lot on proactive plays, delayed effects, tempo and board control. A special theme is attack synergy, many cards force and benefit from attacks. The Hero power also easily increases the number in hand fast and there is some synergy with that too.

    Scion Set

    Chromatus the Perfect - Biggest payoff to the hero power and Heritage mechanic. If you manage to grant them all 5, then he nukes the enemy board. The Lifesteal from the Red Dragon blood will heal you to full, the Poisonous will make sure everything dies, the Taunt and Divine Shield will give you a strong defender and the Spell Damage is a cherry on top. A lot of setup, for a great payoff, fitting for the only successful chromatic dragon.

    Yara and Balgruf - Although from vastly different worlds, the two have formed a love unlike any other. The card splits into 2 smaller versions which lets you play them earlier if in dire need, as they both have rush. However if you wait to play them together you can recombine the couple into the original big minion, which due to Rush can attack right away as well.

    Show Spoiler

    Rival Sibling - This is meant to be the strongest way for the Scaleborn to fill the board. The initial Sibling will not get any heritage. If you played Black Dragon Blood before, he would summon a 2/3 with taunt besides him while he remains a vanilla 2/3. Strongest scenario is when you have all 5 Heritages active and you summon a six 2/3s with keywords. Similar to Party Up!

    It's In My Nature - Dragons breathe fire right? Well, since we are born of dragons lets do that too! The friendly minion shoots a stream of fire to a random enemy minion. This has special synergy with Red and Green Dragon Bloods, and helps you maintain control of the board.

    Ruby Next Guardian - One of the components of a Big Hand archetype in the class. Draconic Heritage can easily be spammed to have many cards in hand, so synergy with that is only natural. This big daddy dragon will smash something in the face right when he enters the field, and combined with the different Heritages he can have it can prove an amazing stabilizing tool.

    Chromatic Breath - Another versatile card that encourages planning ahead and using the right Heritages at the right moments. Sapphire is an Kill Command for straight damage, Onyx helps you survive longer, Ruby either damages an enemy or makes one of your minions super sticky, Emerald straight up destroys something making it the best removal version and Bronze protects you from burst against OTKs or classes with no poke.


    Egg Clutch - One of the main synergy cards of the "attack" deck. This basically allows you to poke anything you want, and the Whelps are considered separate attacks too for cards like Heat of Battle.

    Family Squabble -Super versatile card that can let you make a ton of plays. It can force 2 enemy minions to smash, like The Collider and makes the opponent consider the order of attacks. It can act as a pseudo-windfury for one of your minions, if you attack once then play this (it makes your minion to smash into the last enemy minion that attacked).

    Protective Mother -Don't try to get close to the family while mom is around. She will maul anything that even gets close, even stuff that was summoned, not played (die stupid murlocs!)

    Unbreakable bond - If a minion killed one of them and survived, the other will attack it. If the opponent killed one of them with a spell, then the other brother will smack the opponent in the face.

    Jealous Little Sister - Like any person with sibling knows, the youngest always get preferential treatment from the parents. This dragon lets you get the Heritage effects on the field right away, instead of on a sleeping minion.

    Hybrid Dragon - This acts as a value card, doubling Heritages created, increasing the odds of finding the specific one you're looking for.



    Family Fortune - Flavorful idea, the chest is bigger the larger your family is, the more Heritages it has. Give it Taunt with Black Dragon Blood for a guaranteed deathrattle!

    Enchanted Dragonfruit - This is a small idea that can develop into its own archetype in further expansions but for how, it guarantees a target for each Heritage you have gathered in your hand. Play a Blood, summon a minion, go wide. More minions for the aggro attack deck!

    Damsel In Distress - Well, all these humans with dragon blood must be coming from somewhere right...? This lovely lady got many a knight confused about who needs saving from what dragon. Simple value card for late game minion chains, but as a lady she does not attack.

    Ancestry Researcher - Simple tool that provides a sticky body later in the game. If you're hoarding Heritages for Chromatus this guy will help you along.

    Dragon Claws - Some Heritage generation besides the hero power, with a bit of removal on top.

    Aerial Advantage - Scout the field and your deck. Single use Sphere of Sapience.

    Unleash the Whelps! - Parallel to the hunter's Unleash the Hounds, this one is less aggressive (Rush instead of Charge) so it can summon better minions to benefit from other swarm and attack cards.

    Accept Your Past - Late game value and also something to help you right now. Most legendary dragons cost 9 so you have to play this in advance, no top deck saves.


    This is all i have for now, feedback is again welcomed!

    Older Versions:

    Show Spoiler

    The Scaleborn

    Heritage cards:

    Basic Set


    Dragon Scion Set




    Show Spoiler

    • Chromatus the Perfect - Biggest payoff to the hero power and Heritage mechanic. If you manage to grant them all 5, then he nukes the enemy board. The Lifesteal from the Red Dragon blood will heal you to full, the Poisonous will make sure everything dies, the Taunt and Divine Shield will give you a strong defender and the Spell Damage is a cherry on top. A lot of setup, for a great payoff, fitting for the only successful chromatic dragon.
    • Yara and Balgruf - Although from vastly different worlds, the two have formed a love unlike any other. The card splits into 2 smaller versions which lets you play them earlier if in dire need, as they both have rush. However if you wait to play them together you're rewarded with a powerful late game card. Not only it refills your board, but the 3 dragons summoned will all gained any Heritage effects you may have active at the time. You need to balance when to play Dragon Bloods but no minions in hopes to draw the clutch, or miss out on the shared buffs. Scaleborn has plenty of card draw so the effect is not as slow as you might imagine.



    • Rival Sibling - This is meant to be the strongest way for the Scaleborn to fill the board. The initial Sibling will not get any heritage. If you played Black Dragon Blood before, he would summon a 2/3 with taunt besides him while he remains a vanilla 2/3. Strongest scenario is when you have all 5 Heritages active and you summon a six 2/3s with keywords. Similar to Party Up!
    • It's In My Nature - Dragons breathe fire right? Well, since we are born of dragons lets do that too! Each friendly minion shoots a stream of fire to a random enemy minion. This has special synergy with Red and Green Dragon Bloods. It rewards a wide board and helps pushing through the enemy line.
    • Ruby Next Guardian - One of the components of a Big Hand archetype in the class. Draconic Heritage can easily be spammed to have many cards in hand, so synergy with that is only natural. This big daddy dragon will smash something in the face right when he enters the field, and combined with the different Heritages he can have it can prove an amazing stabilizing tool.
    • Chromatic Breath - Another versatile card that encourages planning ahead and using the right Heritages at the right moments. Here are the 5 different options:

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    • Backspitter - One of the main synergy cards of the "attack" deck. This basically allows you to poke anything you want. It can be particularly dangerous if it gains poisonous or Lifesteal from Heritages.
    • Family Squabble -Super versatile card that can let you make a ton of plays. It can force 2 enemy minions to smash, like The Collider and makes the opponent consider the order of attacks. It can act as a pseudo-windfury for one of your minions, if you attack once then play this (it makes your minion to smash into the last enemy minion that attacked).
    • Protective Mother -Don't try to get close to the family while mom is around. She will maul anything that even gets close, even stuff that was summoned, not played (die stupid murlocs!)
    • Unbreakable bond - If a minion killed one of them and survived, the other will attack it. If the opponent killed one of them with a spell, then the other brother will smack the opponent in the face.
    • Jealous Little Sister - Like any person with sibling knows, the youngest always get preferential treatment from the parents. This dragon lets you get the Heritage effects on the field right away, instead of on a sleeping minion.
    • Hybrid Dragon - This acts as a value card, doubling Heritages created, increasing the odds of finding the specific one you're looking for.



    • Family Fortune - Flavorful idea, the chest is bigger the larger your family is, the more Heritages it has. Give it Taunt with Black Dragon Blood for a guaranteed deathrattle!
    • Enchanted Dragonfruit - This is a small idea that can develop into its own archetype in further expansions but for how, it guarantees a target for each Heritage you have gathered in your hand. Play a Blood, summon a minion and it gains the Blood Heritage right away. More minions for the aggro attack deck!
    • Damsel In Distress - Well, all these humans with dragon blood must be coming from somewhere right…? This lovely lady got many a knight confused about who needs saving from what dragon. Simple value card for late game minion chains.
    • Ancestry Researcher - Simple tool that benefits from other Heritage cards like Rival Sibling or That Weird Uncle
    • Dragon Claws - Some Heritage generation besides the hero power, with a bit of removal on top.
    • Aerial Advantage - Scout the field and your deck. Single use Sphere of Sapience.
    • Unleash the Whelps! - Parallel to the hunter's Unleash the Hounds, this one is less aggressive (Rush instead of Charge) so it can summon better minions to benefit from other swarm and attack cards.
    • Accept Your Past - Late game value and also something to help you right now. Most legendary dragons cost 9 so you have to play this in advance, no top deck saves.

    I'll boop you 

  • GroovyChicken's Avatar
    405 136 Posts Joined 06/18/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Nice, I like this class. I'm not sure if Black Dragon Blood isn't a bit weak in comparison to others, maybe it could also give +1 Health. Other than that, I realy like balancing of the Hero Power. Other than that, I'm also not sure about balancing of Commune with Dragons and Sky Duel. Commune with Dragons is pretty much Resizing Pouch, but limited to dragons. The effect is probably more consistent and better, but I'd still say it would be good at 1 Mana. Sky Duel on the other hand feels like much worse Windfury or Animated Broomstick. Technically, this may avoid Taunt, but still I wouldn't make it cost more than 1.



  • BasilAnguis's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 835 425 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago
    Quote From ChickyChick

    Nice, I like this class. I'm not sure if Black Dragon Blood isn't a bit weak in comparison to others, maybe it could also give +1 Health. Other than that, I realy like balancing of the Hero Power. Other than that, I'm also not sure about balancing of Commune with Dragons and Sky Duel. Commune with Dragons is pretty much Resizing Pouch, but limited to dragons. The effect is probably more consistent and better, but I'd still say it would be good at 1 Mana. Sky Duel on the other hand feels like much worse Windfury or Animated Broomstick. Technically, this may avoid Taunt, but still I wouldn't make it cost more than 1.


    Thank you for the feedback! I removed the cards you pointed out and i'm thinking of better effects for them.

    I'll boop you 

  • BasilAnguis's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 835 425 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago


    Finished the Basic and Dragon Scion set. Guess i should start expansion now, but which one first?

    Any feedback is welcomed and encouraged!

    I'll boop you 

  • Neoguli's Avatar
    Duskrider 880 599 Posts Joined 06/25/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Honestly? It's easily restraining to make cards for a custom class for existing expansions, because  you rely on finding good art to just fill in the blank spaces of your cards. You can instead create thematic blocks or start from Forged in the Barrens.

    "Truth is in the shadows, waiting to be revealed by the light. But light only disperses the shadow." - Me

    "If other people shared traits of those considered naive, the world would've become a better place." - Also me

  • BasilAnguis's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 835 425 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Update 2!

    Reworked some cards, put in giant collage images instead of each card 1 by 1 (cause i'm lazy) and also managed to break the site!


    I'll boop you 

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