Red Pack 10 pack pickup - Worth or Nah?

Submitted 3 years ago by

I'm talking about the standard/wild packs that are red in color. Is it worth picking up 10 packs of them since they will guarantee a legendary or is that not true for them?

  • fancypants's Avatar
    190 19 Posts Joined 02/14/2020
    Posted 3 years ago

    I'm talking about the standard/wild packs that are red in color. Is it worth picking up 10 packs of them since they will guarantee a legendary or is that not true for them?

    D-d-don't touch that!

  • Ardin's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 605 45 Posts Joined 04/04/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Worked for me, i would buy them one by one as i got a standard legendary in a third one. Wild one was in tenth. So it should work.

    But if I am not mistaken the standard packs could have been bought in a shop for real money before, so beware if you bought that.

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Yep. the pity timer works.
    Buying them is the only way atm, so it's best to grab it now. Unless there's some other way.

    I may also think that some time later, they gonna change Tavern Brawl reward into Standard/Wild packs, but I think Wild pack reward makes more sense, since they need us to spend something to get newest expansion packs, and not getting them for free.

    Knowledge is Power

  • fancypants's Avatar
    190 19 Posts Joined 02/14/2020
    Posted 3 years ago

    Thanks for the help guys! I managed to pick up Chameleos in my second wild pack and Plaguemaw the Rotting in my fifth standard pack. Pretty cool stuff!

    D-d-don't touch that!

  • allthehype's Avatar
    Crossroads Historian 630 739 Posts Joined 07/26/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    I bought 10 wild packs on release just for fun, and got Kazakus. Inspired by this thread I tried buying standard packs, and got Magtheridon in my 4th. Also got my second Rancor.

  • Cg8889's Avatar
    Design Finalist 315 72 Posts Joined 07/19/2019
    Posted 3 years ago

    Thank you OP as I wasn't even thinking about the pity timers for these new packs. Opened 3 Standard and got Kiri, Chosen of Elune and then opened one Wild pack and got Anomalus. May not be the greatest legendary cards to pull but for only 400 gold, getting two was a sweet payoff. 

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