Blizzard support

Submitted 4 years ago by

If they dont want to help you on some matter they will just ignore you few times with some autoreplies that are not even related to your problem and after that youll get warning that you will be perma banned for trying to ask something!!!

As you can see:

How can you be banned from playing game because you asked something throught ticket?

I was already banned for trying to find out why my pitty times was not working and now im trying to find out what i logic behind that.

  • Aleksandar777's Avatar
    210 12 Posts Joined 09/04/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    If they dont want to help you on some matter they will just ignore you few times with some autoreplies that are not even related to your problem and after that youll get warning that you will be perma banned for trying to ask something!!!

    As you can see:

    How can you be banned from playing game because you asked something throught ticket?

    I was already banned for trying to find out why my pitty times was not working and now im trying to find out what i logic behind that.

  • AngryShuckie's Avatar
    1705 1735 Posts Joined 06/03/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I had a quick look at Blizzard's 'customer support interaction policy' and it all looks quite sensible. As with all of these things it is in place to protect their staff from misuse of the support system.

    It looks most likely that your efforts to send the ticket multiple times made you violate the 'Harassing the GM staff' part. Since I don't know the full context I won't take sides, but hopefully you understand why they would deter people from sending the same ticket over and over again, and that the only deterrent they can actually use is to ban you from playing the game(s) for a while.

    Regarding pity timers, I have seen plenty of claims over the years  that they are not working but never any actual evidence for it. Usually the answer is a simple over-counting of packs or counting packs of different expansions together when it applies to each pack type separately. Hence you could open up to 2*(40-1)=78 packs before seeing a legendary if you were opening both Classic and Scholomance packs, for example.

  • Aleksandar777's Avatar
    210 12 Posts Joined 09/04/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    I know that. And i know they can ban anyone for any reason or no reason.

    I know how pitty timer works and there was bug, also there was other bugs where i lost arena cause game freezes, i got duplicate epic after this protection patch etc. They just didnt want to talk to me. When i ask anything i just get copy paste some rule you can read on site.

    Im just wandering where is logic there? If you are bothered by my question and you dont want to answer it cause you cant without lying, why dont you ban me from asking? How can you ban me from playing game? How is that related?

  • dapperdog's Avatar
    Dragon Scholar 1890 5585 Posts Joined 07/29/2019
    Posted 4 years ago

    You need a fairly robust set of evidence to get noticed by the crowd, never mind blizz itself. Just be mindful that a typical day for customer support involves plenty of duds, and they don't need people screaming in their ear about any form of perceived injustices.

    Get a ticket off customer support. If they're not helping then place down all your evidence on reddit and wait for the fireworks. Rest assured there's plenty of people out there who would gladly take blizz up to task on anything even remotely unfair.

    Provided you've a good deal (and I do mean really really good) of evidence in your hands. I think you can tell what would happen if you display a round of toss in reddit and scream for justice.

  • Aleksandar777's Avatar
    210 12 Posts Joined 09/04/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    After they threaten me with ban from playing hearthstone i had to ask for help on forum. Now i got banned from their forum because i presented my issue and their desire to help me...

  • h0lysatan's Avatar
    Zombie 1065 790 Posts Joined 12/03/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    No one can help you if you yourself can't even come up with the proof.
    I only read what you're doing, but I haven't see you come up with any proof (about your pity timer problems).

    Maybe I was just like you in the past. Keep asking this questions without trying to find out the truth.
    So. I made myself a little excel, keep writing in every pack I've opened so far, although it's a pain in the a**, but at least now I have the proof that pity timer works. In my whole time playing Hearthstone, there was only 1 time I opened a legendary in my 40th packs. It was Uldum, but the timer never passes that mark.

    In conclusion, I'm pretty sure your theory is not true (hence the ban), or you may have miscount the packs. So stop doing something to 'annoy' people with it, and start getting yourself pack counter somewhere.

    Knowledge is Power

  • Alfi's Avatar
    Devoted Academic 1790 1375 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago
    Quote From h0lysatan

    Maybe I was just like you in the past. Keep asking this questions without trying to find out the truth.
    So. I made myself a little excel, keep writing in every pack I've opened so far, although it's a pain in the a**, but at least now I have the proof that pity timer works. In my whole time playing Hearthstone, there was only 1 time I opened a legendary in my 40th packs. It was Uldum, but the timer never passes that mark.

    Same here, I tracked the packs in a small spreadsheet for four years, 1900 packs in total and I got a legendary in every 19.37 packs on average with 98 dust per pack on average. 

    In 1898 packs I got 81 golden commons, 1071 rares, 62 golden rares, 208 epics, 8 golden epics, 91 legendaries and 7 golden legendaries.

    Than I stopped tracking. 


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