Rathorian - Mercenary

Rathorian is a Fighter Mercenary. They were added in the 21.4.0 Mercenaries 1st Public patch which was released on Sept. 16, 2021.

Rathorian - Mercenary Skins

Alternate skins for Rathorian can be unlocked in Mercenary card packs.

Rathorian Card Image Rathorian Card Image Rathorian Card Image

Where Can I Earn Bounty Loot for Rathorian?

Bounties, the primary PVE component of Mercenaries, allow you to earn loot for your Mercenaries.

These Bounties can contain loot for Rathorian.

Rathorian - Mercenary Abilities

These are the abilities Rathorian unlocks through leveling. Abilities have additional ranks that can be earned through Mercenary card packs or by purchasing with Rathorian Coins.

Blitzing Legion 1 Card Image Hulking Overfiend 1 Card Image Fel Command 1 Card Image

Below you can see all the different tiers of Rathorian's abilities alongside their costs.

Blitzing Legion Tiers
Blitzing Legion 1
Attack an enemy. If you control another Legion character, deal @ damage to a random enemy.
Level 1
Speed 4
Blitzing Legion 2
Attack an enemy. If you control another Legion character, deal @ damage to a random enemy.
Level 1
Craft for 50 Coins
Speed 4
Blitzing Legion 3
Attack an enemy. If you control another Legion character, deal @ damage to a random enemy.
Level 1
Craft for 125 Coins
Speed 4
Blitzing Legion 4
Attack an enemy. If you control another Legion character, deal @ damage to a random enemy.
Level 1
Craft for 150 Coins
Speed 4
Blitzing Legion {0}
Attack an enemy. If you control another Legion character, deal @ damage to a random enemy.
Level 1
Craft for 150 Coins
Speed 4

Hulking Overfiend Tiers
Hulking Overfiend 1
Battlecry: Attack the lowest Health enemy. Deathblow: Attack the lowest Health enemy.
Level 5
Cooldown 1
Speed 6
Hulking Overfiend 2
Battlecry: Attack the lowest Health enemy. Deathblow: Attack the lowest Health enemy.
Level 5
Craft for 50 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 6
Hulking Overfiend 3
Battlecry: Attack the lowest Health enemy. Deathblow: Attack the lowest Health enemy.
Level 5
Craft for 125 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 6
Hulking Overfiend 4
Battlecry: Attack the lowest Health enemy. Deathblow: Attack the lowest Health enemy.
Level 5
Craft for 150 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 6
Hulking Overfiend {0}
Battlecry: Attack the lowest Health enemy. Deathblow: Attack the lowest Health enemy.
Level 5
Craft for 150 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 6

Fel Command Tiers
Fel Command 1
Gain +{0} Attack. Deal this Merc's Attack damage to an enemy
Level 15
Cooldown 1
Speed 5
Fel Command 2
Gain +{0} Attack. Deal this Merc's Attack damage to an enemy
Level 15
Craft for 50 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 5
Fel Command 3
Gain +{0} Attack. Deal this Merc's Attack damage to an enemy
Level 15
Craft for 125 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 5
Fel Command 4
Gain +{0} Attack. Deal this Merc's Attack damage to an enemy
Level 15
Craft for 150 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 5
Fel Command {0}
Gain +{0} Attack. Deal this Merc's Attack damage to an enemy
Level 15
Craft for 150 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 5

Rathorian - Mercenary Equipment

This is the equipment you can wear on Rathorian. Only one piece of equipment can be worn at a time. The first tier of each piece of equipment is obtained by completing achivements and tasks with additional tiers coming from Mercenary Packs or Rathorian Coins.

Demonic Ashes 1 Card Image Demon's Mark 1 Card Image Soul Gem 1 Card Image
Demonic Ashes Tiers
Demonic Ashes 1
Hulking Overfiend has +@ Attack.
Demonic Ashes 2
Hulking Overfiend has +@ Attack.
Craft for 100 Coins
Demonic Ashes 3
Hulking Overfiend has +@ Attack.
Craft for 150 Coins
Demonic Ashes {0}
Hulking Overfiend has +@ Attack.
Craft for 175 Coins

Demon's Mark Tiers
Demon's Mark 1
Passive: Whenever a friendly Demon Attacks, give it +@ Attack.
Demon's Mark 2
Passive: Whenever a friendly Demon Attacks, give it +@ Attack.
Craft for 100 Coins
Demon's Mark 3
Passive: Whenever a friendly Demon Attacks, give it +@ Attack.
Craft for 150 Coins
Demon's Mark {0}
Passive: Whenever a friendly Demon Attacks, give it +@ Attack.
Craft for 175 Coins

Soul Gem Tiers
Soul Gem 1
Fel Command also gives +@ Health.
Soul Gem 2
Fel Command also gives +@ Health.
Craft for 100 Coins
Soul Gem 3
Fel Command also gives +@ Health.
Craft for 150 Coins
Soul Gem {0}
Fel Command also gives +@ Health.
Craft for 175 Coins

Rathorian - Mercenary Level Stats

Click to Expand
Level Attack Health
1 1 12
2 1 14
3 1 16
4 2 18
5 2 20
6 2 23
7 3 25
8 3 27
9 3 29
10 4 31
11 4 34
12 4 36
13 5 38
14 5 40
15 5 42
16 6 45
17 6 47
18 6 49
19 7 51
20 7 53
21 7 56
22 8 58
23 8 60
24 8 62
25 9 64
26 9 67
27 9 69
28 10 71
29 10 73
30 11 76


  • Poghy's Avatar
    70 56 Posts Joined 10/06/2021
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    He is a good summoner with some fel synergy and a lot of demon synergy. Must-have in a demon comp, but I wouldnt use him anywhere else.

  • FortyDust's Avatar
    Pumpkin 1205 1912 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Jaraxxus + Rathorian + Tamsin seems very strong to me. Rath makes rushers while Tamsin makes taunts. Meanwhile, Jaraxxus throws fists all over the place.

  • StormKnightSera's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1720 2916 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Rathorian is an odd duck. Blitzing Legion's random damage starts out higher than his Attack, but eventually they switch places. He can ramp via the weirdly-phrased Fel Command, but the Cooldown means he can't improve as quickly as other Fighters like Illidan or Samuro. And his summon is arguably better than he is when he gets it at level 5 lol. I can see a home for him in Fel or Demon packages, but he might be replaced when something better comes along. Rathorian is a Rare, though, so I guess that's to be expected.

    All-in-all, Rathorian could be okay, but his kit is a bit all over the place.


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