Kurtrus Ashfallen - Mercenary

Kurtrus Ashfallen is a Protector Mercenary. They were added in the 21.4.0 Mercenaries 1st Public patch which was released on Sept. 16, 2021.

Kurtrus Ashfallen - Mercenary Skins

Alternate skins for Kurtrus Ashfallen can be unlocked in Mercenary card packs.

Kurtrus Ashfallen Card Image Kurtrus Ashfallen Card Image Kurtrus Ashfallen Card Image

Where Can I Earn Bounty Loot for Kurtrus Ashfallen?

Bounties, the primary PVE component of Mercenaries, allow you to earn loot for your Mercenaries.

These Bounties can contain loot for Kurtrus Ashfallen.

Kurtrus Ashfallen - Mercenary Abilities

These are the abilities Kurtrus Ashfallen unlocks through leveling. Abilities have additional ranks that can be earned through Mercenary card packs or by purchasing with Kurtrus Ashfallen Coins.

Demon Slayer 1 Card Image Aimless Assault 1 Card Image Eye Beam 1 Card Image

Below you can see all the different tiers of Kurtrus Ashfallen's abilities alongside their costs.

Demon Slayer Tiers
Demon Slayer 1
Attack an enemy. If it's a Demon, gain +@ Attack first.
Level 1
Speed 5
Demon Slayer 2
Attack an enemy. If it's a Demon, gain +@ Attack first.
Level 1
Craft for 50 Coins
Speed 5
Demon Slayer 3
Attack an enemy. If it's a Demon, gain +@ Attack first.
Level 1
Craft for 125 Coins
Speed 5
Demon Slayer 4
Attack an enemy. If it's a Demon, gain +@ Attack first.
Level 1
Craft for 150 Coins
Speed 4
Demon Slayer {0}
Attack an enemy. If it's a Demon, gain +@ Attack first.
Level 1
Craft for 150 Coins
Speed 3

Aimless Assault Tiers
Aimless Assault 1
Attack a random enemy. If it's the left or right-most enemy, gain Immune this turn.
Level 5
Cooldown 1
Speed 9
Aimless Assault 2
Attack a random enemy. If it's the left or right-most enemy, gain Immune this turn.
Level 5
Craft for 50 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 8
Aimless Assault 3
Attack a random enemy. If it's the left or right-most enemy, gain Immune this turn.
Level 5
Craft for 125 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 7
Aimless Assault 4
Attack a random enemy. If it's the left or right-most enemy, gain Immune this turn.
Level 5
Craft for 150 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 6
Aimless Assault {0}
Attack a random enemy. If it's the left or right-most enemy, gain Immune this turn.
Level 5
Craft for 150 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 5

Eye Beam Tiers
Eye Beam 1
Deal {0} damage. Restore that much Health to this Merc
Level 15
Cooldown 1
Speed 6
Eye Beam 2
Deal {0} damage. Restore that much Health to this Merc
Level 15
Craft for 50 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 6
Eye Beam 3
Deal {0} damage. Restore that much Health to this Merc
Level 15
Craft for 125 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 6
Eye Beam 4
Deal {0} damage. Restore that much Health to this Merc
Level 15
Craft for 150 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 6
Eye Beam {0}
Deal {0} damage. Restore that much Health to this Merc
Level 15
Craft for 150 Coins
Cooldown 1
Speed 6

Kurtrus Ashfallen - Mercenary Equipment

This is the equipment you can wear on Kurtrus Ashfallen. Only one piece of equipment can be worn at a time. The first tier of each piece of equipment is obtained by completing achivements and tasks with additional tiers coming from Mercenary Packs or Kurtrus Ashfallen Coins.

Chaos Amulet 1 Card Image Fel Blade 3 Card Image Demon Guard 1 Card Image
Chaos Amulet I Tiers
Chaos Amulet 1
Eye Beam deals @ more damage.
Chaos Amulet 2
Eye Beam deals @ more damage.
Craft for 100 Coins
Chaos Amulet 3
Eye Beam deals @ more damage.
Craft for 150 Coins
Chaos Amulet {0}
Eye Beam deals @ more damage.
Craft for 175 Coins

Fel Blade 3 Tiers
Fel Blade 3
Eye Beam also gives +@ Fel Damage.
Fel Blade {0}
Eye Beam also gives +@ Fel Damage.
Craft for 175 Coins

Demon Guard I Tiers
Demon Guard 1
Passive: +@ Attack. This Merc always deals Critical Damage to Demons.
Demon Guard 2
Passive: +@ Attack. This Merc always deals Critical Damage to Demons.
Craft for 100 Coins
Demon Guard 3
Passive: +@ Attack. This Merc always deals Critical Damage to Demons.
Craft for 150 Coins
Demon Guard {0}
Passive: +@ Attack. This Merc always deals Critical Damage to Demons.
Craft for 175 Coins

Kurtrus Ashfallen - Mercenary Level Stats

Click to Expand
Level Attack Health
1 1 12
2 1 14
3 1 16
4 2 18
5 2 20
6 3 22
7 3 24
8 3 26
9 4 28
10 4 30
11 5 32
12 5 34
13 5 36
14 6 38
15 6 40
16 7 43
17 7 45
18 8 47
19 8 49
20 8 51
21 9 53
22 9 55
23 10 57
24 10 59
25 10 61
26 11 63
27 11 65
28 12 67
29 12 69
30 13 72


  • Poghy's Avatar
    70 56 Posts Joined 10/06/2021
    Posted 3 years, 2 months ago

    Right now, Kurtrus sucks. If they introduce more fel casters or a bounty region like Outland where most opponents are demons, he could shine.

    On the other hand, if the demon comp will be popular in PVP (I think its solid but maybe not tier 1), then Kurtrus could became a good "tech card".

  • FortyDust's Avatar
    Pumpkin 1205 1912 Posts Joined 05/29/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Demon Slayer really sucks, but the other two abilities are really good. Too bad both the good ones have the cooldown.

    However, I think Demons will be a hugely powerful and popular tribe, so Kurtus may actually turn out to have some job security.

  • StormKnightSera's Avatar
    Senior Writer Serra Angel 1720 2915 Posts Joined 02/09/2019
    Posted 3 years, 3 months ago

    Kurtrus seems like a Fighter-turned-Protector, much like Grom. He needs enemy Demons to be at his most effective, though, with a pretty powerful ramp up in Demon Slayer. Aimless Assault is random, which sucks, but the Immunity could be amazing; it shouldn't be too hard to hit the left- or right-most enemy, either, as you've got a 66% chance in normal 3v3 situations. And lastly Eye Beam is targetable Lifesteal damage without retaliation, which is pretty nice. His equipment could make him an even more powerful defeater of Demons, with Demon Guard for guaranteed Critical Damage. In PvE situations where you know there will be Demons, Kurtrus looks to be a no-brainer.

    All-in-all, Krurtrus may only be at his best against Demons, but damn if he ain't really good at it.


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